The Crawling Eye Snoops and Having Snooped, Snoops On. Now, I don’t get to Virginia much……..

Somebody’s getting nosey. In Virginia of all places.

Spontaneous Human Combustion…..Snooping…..and other mysteries. Where’s Fox Mulder when you need him?

First: It’s good to be back. Nothing like some distance to sharpen one’s eyes.

Let’s put Spontaneous Human Combustion on hold for the moment.

The “Comet” Channel still airs “The X Files” every night. During dinner I sometimes watch the Cigarette Smoking Man and Fox Mulder do battle over UFO disclosure, alien-human hybridization and the morality of it all. It’s good fun. Deep State Bad. Valiant FBI Agent good. A comfortable, straightforward Manichean duality that appeals to most people – me included. But alas, things are never that simple.

I wonder how many X-Files episodes are archived in Langley, Virginia.

Why do I care?

Because I’ve been enjoying some time off to (among other things) take stock of my writing “Adventure” and make sense out of my blogsite metrics. Conclusions?

The Internet is amazing. And – everybody needs a guru tech guy. Fox Mulder had “The Three Horsemen” as his back-channel source of Internet goodies and inside skinny. It took me a while, but now I got a “Guy”………..this is Jersey, after all. What did he find?

Turns out, there’s a boatload of people in Virginia – of all places – who faithfully and regularly read my stuff. How nice. Gee, Thanks! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, right?

Scratch a little deeper and we learn that it’s – for the most part – people in three “Alphabet” Agencies of the US Government. I won’t get into specifics. Use your imagination.

Well, well, well. When I was a Prosecutor I didn’t bitch about the possibility of random urine tests (it rarely happened) or the-powers-that-be having access to my official and private email accounts. Facebook and “X” weren’t a thing then – but I wouldn’t have objected to my breathren checking those portals either. We were all devoted to “The Mission”. We were the Good Guys. Still are.

Bottom line? I’m gonna’ keep writing.

If anybody wants my opinion, analysis or perspective – official, unofficial or sub rosa – I’m glad to help. Hell, give me a job, for Christsakes. Isn’t that how the French decided who was to lead their Surete’ – by hiring the greatest criminal mind of their time as it’s Director? Jersey Boys can come in handy. Especially when we’re paid.

Sometimes thinking outside the box gets your job done. Fresh eyes. Different mind-set and toolbox.

Hopefully, now that everybody has crawled up my ass to see what I’ve been eating for lunch, they’ve visualized my heart and know it’s in the right place.

Just one request going forward: let’s all play nice in the sandbox, shall we?

See ya’ round the Interwebs, boys. I’ll be right here. Contact c/o Agent:

And hang in there, Jacob. Someday your ship will come in.