A Race in decline infects a country blinded by its own hubris.
CIA MEETING…..continued
Cardinal Jacques St. Germain, SJ:
Gentlemen……before we, perhaps, get ahead of ourselves with questions that take us far afield from the purpose of this meeting, let me say a few words.
The most Holy Father asked that we – the Order of Jesuits – make contact with you, the premier international Intelligence service in the world today, to propose an Accord, of sorts, between the Vampire Race and yourselves regarding a mutual exchange of services in return for payment in kind or in specie……..
PLEASE UNDERSTAND: This is an oral understanding only.
PLEASE FURTHER UNDERSTAND: This is strictly business proposition.
Monsignor McCauley and I are authorized to present the general parameters of this proposal, provided certain boundries and proprieties are acceptable to you.
We cannot discuss the origins of the Vampire race, nor how the Vatican came to send Jesuit Priests to suggest this arrangement to you. We can provide some general background information – but little else. Please understand that we – in many ways – are equally in the dark when it comes to understanding the Vampire phenomena and their presence in our world. We are resolved to believe that it is yet another “mystery of God”.
We accept this explanation a matter of Faith.
All the Vatican’s terms are non-negotiable and will not be reduced to writing or record, permanent, virtual or otherwise.
At all times, the Vatican will be the sole conduit for the CIA making contact with Vampires – and Vampires making contact with you. We will evaluate all requests for whatever “assistance” is requested by either party. I repeat: the Vatican is to be sole liaison. Any application for assistance from either party will trigger a series of thoroughly encrypted communications between the three of us – CIA, Vampires and Vatican State Security, Jesuit Section – as to the general “Mission” or “Task” guidelines and charges involved. The Vatican will provide its own IT, server and proprietary encryption platforms for any and all communications. Data bases and appropriate software will also be provided, as needed. Vatican’s IT, server and proprietary encryption platforms must be used at all times by all parties. Anonymity will be absolutely required in all communications.
The Vatican will retain “Veto” power over any request it finds imprudent for reasons of its own political or economic well-being. Of course, the CIA and the Vampire Council can refuse any request for any reason or for no reason. Any and all remuneration must be processed through The Vatican Bank. The Vatican will, of course, charge “per mission” rates for services as well as fees and costs for money transfers and money handling. The Vatican Bank’s fee schedule is non-negotiable. A good-faith, non-refundable retainer of ten million Euros from each party will be expected to cover start-up costs and expenses, payable to a Cypriot corporation we will identify at a later date. The Vatican will manage this preliminary investment, exclusively.
Of course HOW the CIA proceeds – its methods and operations – and HOW Vampires proceed in any given circumstance or “Mission” is not our concern. The Holy Father wishes to avoid unnecessary involvement with – shall we say – details? The Vatican is only here to facilitate contact between parties and act as a clearing house for any and all communication, financial interactions and payment exchanges.
Finally, the parties will remain segregated and anonymous at all times. No identities will be revealed to any parties by any parties. There will be no “joint” operations, conferences or meetings between the CIA and Vampires. Again, any and all contact between you must be hosted and monitored by Vatican State Security, Jesuit Section. The Vatican can at any time cancel all or part of this “cooperative arrangement” for any reason or for no reason. Lawyers are not to be involved.
Gentlemen, those are our terms. Any breach of any condition herein will result in a termination of the Accord with no further contact being made and forfeiture of all funds tendered. We believe these terms are quite reasonable and manageable given our unique circumstances.
What say you? Please consider your position…….
We will now agree to entertain your questions to the extent that we can.
QUESTION: “Do Vampires turn into bats or puffs of smoke and fly away?”
(snickers and laughter fill the room)
“Perhaps we can focus on serious questions? I know it’s all very tempting to descend into levity………
No. They don’t turn into bats or puffs of smoke and fly away. They don’t hiss at a crucifix. They don’t die from silver – or from that element only, at least. They will die if staked through the heart – but, then again, humans will too. They don’t wear capes and talk in Transylvanian accents. Yes, they drink human blood. Their bodies require it. They don’t “hate” humans. They just don’t consider them to be anything but “food”. Let us try not be judgmental……. ”
QUESTION: “What is it they want from us? Access to Intelligence, I presume – BUT What else?”
“Vampires have a rather unique physical makeup……Throughout the years they have had limited reproductive partners – a restricted gene pool, They suffer from many recessive gene characteristics and afflictions that have stunted their ability to have children. Their “experiments” to solve this problem have been failures.
Vampires require that its scientists have access to the Secure, Restricted medical research Bio-Labs, databases and Virology protocols that the CIA control. They need the CIA’s best minds to help them solve their reproduction problem. The Vatican can provide all tissue and bio-samples, DNA and physiological items required. Vatican medical researchers and scientists are prepared to render whatever assistance they can. Of course, whatever the CIA discovers is your proprietary data to use as you see fit.”
“So we’re going to help cure their medical problems so that they can……….procreate and raise up more hungry mouths to feed on………us? On the one hand – Cui Bono?
But on the other hand……..if we learn what makes them tick biologically, that gives us leverage to survive and, perhaps, dominate the relationship. Knowing their biological Achilles Heels can come in handy……
SO………We use our Security Clearance-Restricted CIA Bio-Research Labs to work on their problem………study their chemical makeup and help them churn out babies. Then we turn around and use what we discover to design new classes of bio-weapons and defenses against them………Interesting deal. Mutuality of Interests.
Alright. If that’s what they want. Now what can Vampires give us?”
“Short answer? Chaos. Unimaginable Chaos.
The United States is a global hegemon. It is a giant astride the globe.
Of course, “The Sun Never Set” on the British Empire – until it did. America’s tired strategy of launching “Color Revolutions” and beating the drum for “Democracy” and “Free Elections” in countries it finds “uncooperative” to mask it’s real desire for regime change is wearing thin. Your “Destabilization” success rate these days is abysmal. The CIA is getting itself mired in lengthy, expensive and – increasingly – ineffective campaigns to install proxy governments in numerous places………..and coming up very short. Your Ukrainian debacle is a transparent sewer of corruption, repulsive political actors (literally), wasted military assets and failing meat-grinder skirmishes.
Russia is eating your lunch.
Unfortunately, for the USA this is deja vu all over again……..you guys need a new stick to beat your opponents into submission. You’re losing your edge. Is Victoria Nuland the best you guys can come up with? Really?
Appealing to another country with high-minded paeans to “Democracy” and “Freedom” – then undermining their social and economic foundations with proxy military conflicts to spread regime-changing “Destabilization” is a worn-out playbook. If you want “regime change” – change the damn regime!
How? By making the polulation to beg you to do it! Lofty slogans and banal fairy-tales about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson – and your much-vaunted Bill of Rights” and “Constitution” – won’t get people down on their knees!
What will get them on their knees? Get them to beg America to save them?
Fear. That’s what……….
Visceral Fear. Paralyzing Fear. Fear that makes them question their very faith in God!
Fear for themselves, their chldren……….fear of the night. Fear of the shadows. Fear brought forth from DNA-borne race memories. An ancient dread that reaches out from the terror of our nightmares and grabs us by the throat……draining our very rationality. People become quivering, trembling children in the face of it. Where is God? Where are his Angels to protect us?
Get a man to question his faith and you’ve destroyed the very anchor that keeps him tethered to reality.
“OH ALMIGHTY GOD, SEND ANGELS TO SAVE US…..” Mankind will wail. Who will respond?
The Stars and Stripes – that’s who. The narrative then becomes: “When terror stalked the Earth – American Warriors came to our rescue!”
Unreasoning, incomprehensible fear. That’s what paves the way for Regime Change………..not political and military chess matches.
Vampires can deliver that fear. Their methods are tried and true. They wrote the book………..”
“So you’re saying we get Vampires unleashed into a country’s population to destabilize them with paralyzing fear……then the USA swoops in to the rescue, CNN cameras rolling. Of course, we call off the big dogs first. It’s all a dance, a fake karaoke performance………and we just tell the people that they’re the victims of terrorists. I like it.
We “clean out” the bad guys – with hyped live news coverage – and look like heros. Maybe we seed the place with dead terrorist bodies from somewhere else. We don’t even have to mention the Vampire word………in fact, we invent some nebulous new Terrorist Organization – like we did with Al Queda – and blame it all on them!”
“I seem to recall something about a Treaty, of sorts, that the Breakaways and Vampires signed decades ago………..the CIA was a enabler of it in the ’50’s……..our legendary, 1950’s nut-case spy James Jesus Angleton “handled” it at Langley but, like everything else he “handled” records are sparse and unreliable……..what is the status of this Treaty?”
“Yes…..The Kronengarde Codex of 1933……..the so-called Breakaways and Vampires signed a Charter that limited each organization to its own lane of traffic……….everybody agreed to stay out of each other’s way, believing there was sufficient wealth and humans to go around. They agreed not to attack one another – unless they were attacked first. A mechanism was set up for dialogue and Arbitration of Disputes. But the Codex – more often than not – was ignored.
By its terms, however, if Vampires today enter into a separate understanding with the CIA, The Kronengarde Codex is breached and Vampires are “fair game” – enemies to be hunted down and killed at will. Any CIA – Vampire alliance carries with it significant danger to Vampires.
“Is there anything else they can offer aside from their unique ability to unleash Hell on Earth? And do you really believe the Breakaways are going to sit idly by and allow the CIA and Vampire Race to plunder the landscape by “destabilizing” terror campaigns in countries where we seek to foment regime change?”
“Is anyone here aquainted with the historical person, Nicolas Flamel?”
“Yes – I am. Nicolas Flamel was a French Alcehmist in Paris, France in the Thirteen hundreds, was he not? He’s a somewhat enigmatic character – supposedly living for centuries and actually meeting Victor Hugo – of Les Miserables fame – in the mid-Eighteen hundreds……….”
“Excellent, Dr. Stemmer! You are indeed a worthy successor to Dr. Sarkisian!
Yes…..Dr. Stemmer is correct. Dr. Flamel was actually a scribe and manuscript seller in Paris, in 1350. He had a brilliant mind and engaged in research of numerous arcane texts – forbidden knowledge, actually. It is said in the book Livre des figures hieroglyphiques (allegedly written by Flamel in 1640!) that the author, Flamel, succeeded in achieving the two goals of alchemy: he reconstituted The Philosophers Stone, a preparation that turned base metals into gold AND re-discovered The Elixer of Life, a potion that enabled he and his wife, Perenelle, to become immortal.
The constituent ingredients of The Philosophers Stone and The Elixer of Life were allegedly inscribed on the celebrated Lapis Lazuli tablets of the Eqyptian God, Thoth. All written transcriptions of Thoth’s arcana was lost when the Great Library of Alexandria caught fire in 48 BCE when Julius Caesar’s troops set Egyptian ships in the Port of Alexandria aflame during his Egyptian campaign.
Whether or not the Egyptian God Thoth actually inscribed on Lapis Lazuli tablets a secret alchemical catalyst to turn base metals into gold – the fact is, Nicolas Flamel hit upon some variation of this “Philosophers Stone” that actually worked. Flamel – and Alchemists before and after him – have been suppplying Vampires with a copious amounts of Gold for centuries. We can debate whether Flamel and his wife actually achieved immortality……..
In the 1920s a German – Doctor Professor Gerlach – received the Nobel Prize for demonstrating how he, utilizing focused “Spin Torsion Fields” that created atomic and subatomic stresses, caused the element Mercury – #80 on the Periodic Table of Elements – to shed or “give up” one Proton, thereby transmutating that Mercury element #80 into element #79 element on the Periodic Table of Elements. And what is element #79?
It’s Gold.
The CIA knows Dr. Gerlach well……he was one of the Operation Paperclip Third Reich Nazi scientists America accepted after World War II. Perhaps somewhere – in your Area 51 – Gerlach’s infamous “Die Glocke” (the “Bell”) is still undergoing tests involving its pulsed, counter-rotating cylinders containing Red Mercury adjunct Xerum 525……….
Nicolas Flamel apparently had access to a non-radioactive “catalyst” – possibly a “Cold Fusion” process – that precipitated the shedding of one Elemental Mercury (# 80 Table of Elements) Proton, transmutating it into Elemental Gold (#79 Table of Elements). What is this “Cold Fusion” methodology? What is this mystical “Catalyst” that makes the magic happen? The Vatican doesn’t know.
But Vampires do. They’ve been using select Alchemists for years to transmutate Mercury into Gold for them. Back when there was no “periodic Table of Elements”……back when nobody knew what “Protons” were and if “shedding” them made any difference………..somehow – some way – Vampires knew this secret. Did they have access to the Egyptian God Thoths’ legendary “Lapis Lazuli Tablets?” Who knows…….
We know Vampires have mastered this “Cold Fusion” process to Transmutate Elements. We have seen it demonstrated by an Alchemist alive today in France. Perhaps Vampires will share it with you – if you give them something as valuable in kind. Researchers at CERN – The Large Hadron Collider in Zurich, Switzerland – are making progress in their efforts to find the so-called “God Particle” and, hence, open the door to transformation of Elements inside an Atomic Reactor Field…….but “Cold Fusion” is still beyond their reach.”
As to your second question, I doubt the Break Aways will take any of this lying down…….that, however, is your problem. If you unleash the whirlwind, expect repercussions. Deal with it.
It’s a lot for you to think about, Gentlemen.
Well, Monsignor McCauley and I have a flight to catch back to Rome. We thank you for your kind hospitality……and must now take our leave. Contact my offices should you decide to move forward with our proposal.
Good day to you all.”
Once the Jesuits leave, the Central Intelligence Agency “Brass Hats” immediately start brainstorming the Vatican “Proposal”. Once again, Dr. Jack Stemmer acts as moderator and Master of Ceremonies – given his familiarity with the relatively sparse known information about Vampires.
“Before we get into this Vampire Offer We Can’t Refuse – tell me: Why was a Fairbairn-Sykes British SAS dagger used to torture the Beirut Head of Section?”
“It was slap in the CIA’s face……….Wild Bill Donovan, who started the Office of Strategic Services during World War II – you know, the predecessor of the CIA – was a fan of the British SAS Commando Units and their methods of unconventional warfare. The Fairbairn-Sykes dagger is still used today as part of British MI6 Kit.
It’s a great blade – perfectly balanced, razor sharp and an excellent stabbing knife. The CIA still uses it for certain “Wet” assignments. The Varang soldato that used it to so painfully dispatch our Beirut Chief of Section was sending Langley a message: Screw with us and we’ll kill you with your own weapons….”
QUESTION: “Once we get involved with Vampires, how do we cut ’em loose?”
“Short answer? We don’t……….. Once you get in bed with these Freaks, you’re toast. I’m glad the Operation Paperclip topic came up. Remember all those German Nazis we embraced with open arms after World War II? The douche bags wound up running NASA and calling all the shots in our space program. Von Braun recruited his Nazi confidentes and they infected every technological facility we relied on for heavy-lift rockets and satellite launching. Ultimately, our entire ICBM Nuclear Missle program was highjacked by ’em……….Vampires are like Nazis: a Virus that spreads throughout the body. It’s best not to expose yourself to it………It’ll eat you alive.
And don’t believe for a minute that Vampires will ever share any formula they may have to cook up a Cold Fusion Catalyst that transmutates Mercury into Gold……The Cardinal is blowing smoke up our collective asses. But then, I’m not an advocate of trusting anything the Vatican says about anything. Even religion.
Eqyptian God Thoth……..Lapis Lazuli Tablets……….Nicolas Flamel………Alchemy…….. my Ass! It’s blatant perfidy from The Whore of Babylon. You know the Cardinal Rule? Never believe a Cardinal!”
“WELL, Stemmer! Tell us what you really think!!! Did Priests in some Catholic High School abuse you? Come on…..show us on the whittle dolly where the bad Priest touched you!!!”
(Stemmer holds up his middle finger to the questioner)
“Seriously, Gentlemen. This is a unique opportunity. I say we do a couple of test runs – Unleash the Kraken in a small shithole country and then go in to the rescue……….evaluate how thoroughly Vampires destabilize the landscape. If it works, we can finally launch a serious operation in Ukraine. We need a Ukie off-ramp. Vampires may be the quickest way for us to get our cake and eat it, too…………
Destabilizing Russia – and regime change in Russia – may finally be within our grasp.”
Alright………I’m the Director. I guess it’s my Call. LET’S DO IT.
We do a “Test Run”. On the same continent we tested the AIDs virus: Africa.
There’s one country we’re very interested in turning around quickly: Niger.
Run every detail up the chain to me. Anything else?
“Gentlemen, I remind you……….Vampire services aren’t free. The butcher’s bill may be higher than we ever imagined. Throw in with Vampires and you might as well declare War against NordTur Verein – and the Varang.
There’s no way The Fourth Reich Nazi Aryans are going to back your play on this. You’re taking a wrecking ball to the established order of things. These guys don’t like change. If anybody’s interests suffer, even the mighty CIA is gonna’ feel heat.
We’re looking at serious Blowback here.
Do this deal with Vampires and the CIA will make powerful enemies. And the worse case scenario? If Russia sides with NorTur Verein………..then……..God help us all.”