White Rural Rage, The Jersey Devil and Jackalopes

Would you wear a white button?

Hey Karen……..hold my beer. This “Domestic Threat” has somethin’ to say!

When was the last time you attended a good ‘ole lynching in rural America? You know…..a real corker of a necktie party that you bring little Johnny and Betsy to, eat a box lunch and watch some miserable parasite evacuate his bowels while dancin’ and twitchin’ at the end of a rope? Good times….. Now that’s Justice! “Remember this moment, little caucasian kiddies! It’s your birthright!”

Ah…..the good ‘ole days! When men were men and women were the better for it……

(That’s sarcasm. A literary device. Don’t get your panties in a knot.)

Tom Schaller, a University of Maryland Professor (of course he is!) has just published a book called White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy wherein he argues that rural white populations are: bigoted, dirty, ignorant and inclined to reject mainstream wisdom. He further asserts that rural whites are, for the most part, racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, prone to conspiracy theories, anti democratic, anti independent press, anti free speech and predisposed to accept and/or excuse violence. Schaller contends that rural whites challenge everything good in our society and are responsible for waging an insurrection against our institutions, law and national identity. In short, rural whites are a threat to Democracy itself. Hmmmm……

Read Matt Taibbi’s excellent article about it all in Racket News.

Perhaps you recently saw Mika Brzezinski almost soiling her drawers on MSNBC while interviewing Schaller and embracing his thesis of evil white populism with a fervor reminiscent of Cotton Mather. Mika actually worked up some facial color during this segment. Her usual lard-white pallor pinked-up a bit as if Joe was secretly pleasuring her under the table.

So now white people are a “Domestic Threat”. Diaper Joe Biden says that the biggest threat to our Democracy is “White Supremacy”. Whites are bad. People of color are good. More contemporary craziness to pile on the DEI hit parade. Men can have babies. Men can breast feed babies. Admiral Rachel Levine says gender-affirming drugs are good for kids. Gender dysphoria among children in elementary schools must be cured by surgical intervention. Parents can’t get involved. The Jersey Devil exists. So do Jackalopes – watch out!

The Obamas recently produced a NetFlix movie about an end-times scenario where a black family seeks shelter with a white family. The white wife is reluctant to take them in. The black mother whispers to her child not to trust white people, even during Armageddon. Tucker Carlson posits that ever since Travon Martin, Barrack and Michelle have been hammering at the race card non-stop. And after George Floyd overdosed on Fentanyl, everybody has just lost their minds. Race is now the gift that keeps giving. A self-licking ice cream cone. Tucker’s recent “TCN” squib about “What the Obamas are up to these days” fleshes it all out beautifully. Check it out.

There’s a radio station in Philadelphia that hawks “Black News” and black topics 24/7. I’ve often wondered – what if – a group of white people started their own “White Good Ole’ Boy News” radio station? Would it be lavished with as much public money and indulgence that the Feds shower on this black news station? What about a white-only fraternal organization? Let’s call it the “Redneck Barn Social Club”. You know the answer. It would be branded “Racist” out of the gate and shuddered by the US Department of Justice. It’s organizers would be criminally prosecuted. Is what I’m writing now hate speech? I qualify as a journalist, so I certainly hope not. God Bless the First Amendment.

Are caucasians becoming second-class citizens in the USA? Why are we always walking about on eggs when the subject of race comes up? I never owned any slaves. Race ain’t my problem. Over 650,000 Americans died fighting a bloody Civil War that ended in 1865 and pretty much resolved the matter once and for all. Then there’s the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution outlawing slavery. That, as they say, is that. End of story. And I won’t be paying any Reparations, thank you very much. Nothing to see here; move along.

Why is the race issue rearing its ugly head again? Why now? What can be done? Answer: White people must declare en masse – “Don’t blame or attack me. I reject collective guilt” . Announce it courteously, quietly and with conviction. Without rancor or violence.

A FRIEND SUGGESTED THIS IDEA: Instead of that dopey Ukrainian flag lapel pin – or Rotary pin or Masonic Square – what if caucasians wear a little white button. No writing on it. No catchy words, snarky comments or cartoons. Just a plain white button. We don’t have to employ any “White Lives Matter” vs “Black Lives Matter” visuals. Just a plain white button. It can mean different things to every wearer – and make a personal and subliminal statement.

What’s the message? I’m white. I’m not prejudiced against anybody. I matter just a much as any other race. I’m tired of being made to feel bad about being white. I’m tired of all the horseshit about being evil and the butt of every liberal, woke tropism and canard some other race confabulates. I’m weary from dishonest, pinheaded university professors painting whites with the brush of bigotry and worse. We all gotta’ move on. Get over it. Just leave me the F— alone. I’ve had enough.

A small, plain white button. Like the ones used in political campaigns – but without any markings. No escutcheons, no arcane symbology, no ancient runes. Just a button as white as snow. Worn NOT out of animosity towards any particular race, but rather as a PROTEST against this new twisted zeitgeist disparaging white people.

Pride in who we are. That’s the whole point.

Simple. Tasteful. Nondescript. Understated. A tin white circle that means everything – or nothing.

Can Merritt Garland’s DOJ prosecute you for wearing a plain white tin button? Maybe trot out a fanatic like Jack Smith to contort a Federal statute and waste more taxpayer dollars? In Biden’s Idiocracy anything’s possible. Perhaps we should ask President Camacho for his opinion.

A WHITE BUTTON. From little things sometimes big things come. What do you think?

Don’t bite my head off. I’m just the messenger.