What if the COVID Vaccine was a covert government project to eliminate Vampires once and for all by degrading their human-blood-sourced food supply? What if the plan was bungled by Fauci and the National Health Agency bureaucrats and now Vampires want revenge? What if Vampires aren’t what we think? More importantly – what if we aren’t what we think?
Sarkisian looks up from his notes and raises his hands like he’s surrendering.
“That’s it, ladies and gentlemen……..now it’s your turn. I’ll entertain your questions…..although I’m bound by certain National Security constraints, I’ll answer what I can. Speak up. No formalities here”.
Katrina and I just take turns blurting out questions. The spontaneity of it all is refreshing after the grueling lecture format we’ve been sitting through for the past couple of days.
– We went to War in Iraq so we could get Jack?
Is that a question? If it is – then the answer is Yes.
– Did the Annunakki ever get enough gold to compete their atmospheric repair on Nibiru?
Yes – and no. Not long after generations of A-DAMs took over mining gold at Abzu, Nibiru cycled through its 3600 year orbit and came close to Earth . The immense gravitational disruption of Nibirus’ mass (10 times that of Earth) on Earth’s solar orbit caused horrible devastation – earthquakes and weather upheavals – the worst of which was the infamous “Great Flood”.
The Annunakki on Earth knew this was going to happen and left, but not before Enlil “warned” an A-DAM he’d grown fond of – a fellow named Gilgamesh in Uruk, a city-state in Sumer. By that time A-DAM populations had proliferated and most were farmers. Enlil told Gilgamesh to build a boat. Enlil also entrusted to Gilgamesh the “Essence” of all “Earth’s creatures” so Gilgamesh could rebuild Earth’s herds of animals. Sound familiar?
In the meantime, Annunakki scientists, under the aegis of the brilliant Ninhursag, discovered a “Cold Fusion” catalyst that caused the element Mercury – number 80 on the Periodic Table of Elements – to shed one Proton and “transmutate” into Gold (number 79). This catalyst was the so-called “Philosopher’s Stone” of legend…..The recipe for it was later engraved on the legendary Lapis Lazuli tablets of the Egyptian “God” Toth. Somehow Medieval Alchemists like Nicholas Flamel aquired it – probably with the help of Vampires.
Yes, Vampires sometimes ally with humans, if a deal is of mutual benefit. Vampires are canny businessmen. Ninhursag favored them with all that brain power…..Flamel was famous for his betrayal of fellow human beings. Treachery was his specialty. His adopted son, Pindar, has been privy to this elemental transmutation secret – and others – for centuries.
Long story made short: after the Great Flood, the Annunakki left Earth for Nibiru and manufactured all the Gold they needed from bounteous sources of Mercury throughout the Universe. They were already masters of “Cold Fusion” and Ninhursag’s catalyst discovery was their salvation.
An interesting sideline: On July 18, 1924 German Nobel Laureate physicist Prof. Dr. Walther Gerlach published a scientific paper suggesting that it was possible to induce the disintegration of mercury with a relatively simple physical “spin” method and clearly isolate Gold as one of the chemical and physical products of said disintigration.
Gerlach’s methodology – “flouresence of mercury ions in a strong spinning magnetic field resulting in a mercuric plasma” – was the subject of intense Nazi experimentation during World War II. America got all his notes when he was granted US citizenship under Operation Paperclip in 1945. Where did Prof. Doctor Gerlach get his inspiration for such experiments? He said “Ancient writings….”
Again, – look on the Periodic Table of Elements. Mercury is #80 and Gold is #79……all you need to do is make Mercury shed one Proton and bingo! You have Gold! It’s not a simple process – but it’s theoretically sound. The “Cold Fusion” and “catalyst” technicalities make the magic happen. Unfortunately, our “magic” is not quite there yet.
Where is a Ninhursag when we need one?
– Will great disturbances once again happen on Earth come 2050 when Nibiru “crosses paths” with Earth?
Definately. Nibiru’s mass entering Earths’ proximity will cause great instability – gravitational perturbations and climatic disturbances. Possibly earthquakes and Earth mantle plate displacement. Magnetic pole shift. It could be the end of life as we know it.
– Why aren’t Vampires today – assuming they exist – as big as Jack?
Don’t be an ass, Jon. Of course Vampires exist. Ninhursag engineered their DNA – genome to cap Vampire height at seven feet tall. Most are six feet tall. Earth’s gravity and radiation levels (ie. the Van Allen Belt’s protection) also factors in to Vampire height. We have only access to Vampire autopsies conducted by the Vatican – they have the most extensive collection of data on Vampire anatomy. We follow their lead. Short answer: Earth’s gravity.
– What was the real purpose of the COVID 19 Vaccine?
To degrade the human-blood-sourced food supply necessary for Vampire survival….to sour the milk. Eons ago, when Vampires figured out that their Hemocyanic- Copper Blood oxygenation system generated an oxygen “sugar rush” – an inebriating effect – from drinking Hemglobin-Iron oxygenated blood, humans were doomed. It’s orgasmic to Vampires. The COVID Vaccine was an attempt to piss on their parade…….so to speak.
– What about Jesus Christ?
Here it all gets a little wonky. Once the Annunakki left Earth after the Great Flood, they returned every 3600 years when Nibiru’s orbit “crossed paths” with Earth’s orbit to monitor A-DAM’s progress. We’re thinking that they felt – and still feel – some guilt and shame for what they did here on Earth.
Guilt and shame? Absolutely…….
The Annnunaki hijacked natural evolution when they engineered A-DAM. They also spliced themselves into a Homo Sapien genome and ginned-up killer Vampires. From the standpoint of scientific Ethics, it’s all pretty shitty. They might have been appalled when looking back in hindsight.
After the Annunakki left Earth, carpetbagger spacefaring entities showed up and started to exploit the extremely superstitious, weak and fearful A-DAMs in ways that reduced them to servile todies.
One group – the YAHWAH – created an entire religion and rigid, race-based laws for a specific Babylonian A-DAM tribe that they demanded eternal fealty and worship from. In return for this eternal devotion to the YAHWAH, this tribe was to get land title to the entire Middle East “forever” to the exclusion of everybody else. The Tribe and their “seed” was to prevail against all enemies and rule over all A-DAM peoples.
The YAHWAH’s divinely decreed “sign” of Human devotion was to cut flesh off their penis. Once this mutilation was performed, the subject was said to be in “Covenant” with the YAHWAH. The YAHWAH manipulated this captive human tribe through its Patriarchal leaders into endless wars and pointless internecine strife for generations thereafter. What were the YAHWAH’s motivations? Who knows…..
The Annnunakki didn’t approve of others victimizing A-DAMs and did something about it.
Jesus Christ – as far as we can tell – was a “Demiurge”…. a “Light Being” of pure energy that the Annunakki asked to provide guidance and moral structure to their race of A-DAM. Why?
Because the Annunaki came to believe A-DAMs had a soul. This epiphany had ramifications……and epochal consequences.
The multiplication of A-DAMs despite their inbred weaknesses was astounding. They demonstrated selfless dedication to family and to each other. They shared food and farmed land in common to maximize their grain yields. Their daily struggle to survive was relentless and punishing but A-DAMS kept pushing the limits of their abilities. A-DAMs comported themselves with dignity and pride.
All this opened the Annunakki’s eyes. It may have been a genuine “What have we done?” moment. Thereafter the Annunakki sought to improve A-DAMs lot in life. They taught A-DAM basic irrigation methods, how to make bronze tools – and bronze weapons – and build with stone. They gave A-DAMs a fighting chance.
This charitable instinct – from Annunakkis who engineered A-DAM’s exterminator Vampire race – is admittedly incongruous. Almost unbelievable. We thought the Annunakki were content to abandon A-DAM. That they had no interest in A-DAMs’ future. Surprise, surprise…..
Nothing was further from the truth.
Did the Annunakki pity the A-DAMs? Did the Annunakki feel remorse? Ninhursag had intentionally hobbled and ill-equipped A-DAM for life on his own. She stacked the deck against A-DAM with a short life span and susceptibility to illness. If she was still alive, did Ninhursag regret her design parameters for A-DAM now that gold acquisition was no longer a critical priority? Was she – or some other Annunakki – trying to make things right?
In the end, we’ll never know why the Annunakki ultimately felt compassion for their creation. Maybe it was because despite all their frailties and limitations – and against all adversity – A-DAMs never gave up. In a strange way, the Annunakki might have admired their plucky little creation.
So the Annunakki didn’t give up on A-DAM. They gave him the greatest gift of all: Faith in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ – the ancient Greeks would have called him a “Demiurgos” – demonstrated mesmerizing abilities of illusion, auto-suggesstion and mass hysteria. He was the maestro of holograms and staged events for human eye light spectrums with an indelible – and devastating – effect. He was a master Magus. His teachings spread like wildfire. His Gospels shook the Earth to its very core.
The Annunakki were right: Jesus Christ transformed A-DAM and A-DAM’s world. We can thank the Annunakki for our Christian spirituality. Their “gift” of Jesus Christ was a masterstroke. As “olive branches” go – Christ was the ultimate Peace Offering.
Just take a moment and savor the delicious mystery of it all…..we’ve really got to ponder the beautiful complexity of the Annunakki mind. Our terrifying and imperfect Creator had a conscience. And we are the better for it. Imagine that…….
– Did the Annunakki lavish this kind of attention on V-AM after they left Earth and returned home?
It doesn’t appear that way. Vampires are cut loose. Maybe the Annunakki feel that Vampires had too great a head start. Too many strengths. Too many advantages.
No……Vampires are on their own. They get “tough Love”.
Do Vampires resent it? You bet your sweet ass they do. Big time. They’ve made their “Thin the Herd” mandate retaliatory. They’re pouting. It’s the whole “Daddy didn’t love me” thing writ large.
– Why aren’t there droves of Vampires now? I presume their numbers are nowhere near humans…..why?
Firstly, Ninhursag bio-engineered V-AM to have repressed instincts to reproduce. She didn’t want more wolves than sheep. A-DAMs were their food source – and Vampires were designed to focus on their prime directive: “Thin the Herd”. But we also posit a couple of other theories considering the thousands upon thousands of years Vampires have been around.
They have a limited gene pool. A finite number of females. Over the years, recessive genes manifest themselves. It’s a Law of Nature. Recessive physical and mental traits slow reproduction. Nature “corrects itself” and relegates such regressive organisms to extinction. Sooner or later, Vampires are reproducing with their first cousins. Predictable results follow. Not good. It’s a real problem.
Like Sam the piano player sang in Casablanca : “The Fundamentals Apply as Time Goes By”. And those “fundamentals” are the Laws of Nature.
Vampires are Hemocyanic. We surmise that copper-based blood oxygenation somehow retards or suppresses Vampire reproduction – and we know they can’t reproduce with Hemoglobin based blood systems.
For the time being, your daughters are safe from Vampire abduction for breeding purposes………The Vatican tells us that it’s been tried – with consistently negative results. With humans, Vampires shoot blanks.
Now Vampires just rape human females for fun.
The inexorable “Natural Selection” process of Dominant versus Recessive genes must be exerting an inevitable, overwhelming influence by now. Their biological clock is ticking, counting down a slow genetic descent. Again, it’s a Law of Nature. And there is no cure.
Vampires today may be suffering from any number of species-specific diseases, infirmities and outright mental and physical degeneration. They could be inbred lunatics at this point. A bunch of extremely dangerous wackos. They were bred to be killers………did they evolve to any greater purpose? I doubt it. The COVID Vaccine ruse was a shrewd move….degrade human blood to “sour the milk” of Vampire food….Too bad it failed so miserably.
One more thing –
COVID Vaccines aside – human blood has changed. It’s chock-full of vaccines, additives, pharmaceuticals, mind-altering drugs, cholesterol, sexually-transmitted diseases, infections, viruses, AIDs……….would you want to drink it? It’s “illness soup”. Human blood simply isn’t good food anymore. Compared to the golden olden days of fat, pink peasant babies – it’s sewage.
The Vampire’s destiny is a downward spiral. My belief is that today they’re nothing more than wealthy, international clans or “Covens” of degenerate – but still extremely intelligent – murderers. But their riches give them influence everywhere. Select humans do their bidding in the corridors of power. That makes them more threatening than ever. And they’re crazy smart…….
Finally, they’re addicted to “Blood Lust”. The Medieval Germans called it “Blutgeist”. That intoxicating “sugar rush” Vampires get from Hemoglobin oxygenated blood. It may be diluted as Hell but Vampires still get a charge out of it. It’s their “fix” – and a little fix is better than no fix at all.
It’s complicated……..
– What Gods do the Annunakki worship?
There are many sentient races throughout the universe. Some “worship” a “God”, others don’t. Some are worshipped as “Gods” – which is what happened on Earth with the Annnunakki, the YAHWAH and Jesus Christ.
The Annunakki “venerated” – their word, which may or may not mean “worship” – The Great Olden Ones at the Edge of All Things . Gods who exerted their influence with “Unseen Hands” and “All knowing Minds”. Their Gods were also referred to as “The Shining Ones”.
On one of their tablets they wrote that “A-DAM shall worship their creator race”. The context, however, indicates that their word “worship” actually meant “work for”. The Annunakki word for spiritual homage was “veneration”.
Could it mean that throughout history humanity didn’t know “worship” meant “work for”? Now that’s a real kick in the balls……..
There are probably many Gods in the Universe. As many Gods as species.
– What happened ultimately to the “Demiurge” Jesus Christ?
We don’t know. Light beings are pure energy. According to the immutable laws of Physics, energy can’t be created or destroyed – it just changes its form.
Perhaps Jesus transformed into the Buddha. Perhaps Jesus became part of our collective consciousness…..or departed for another civilization to teach and spiritually renew. His work on Earth was done. It was his Word that endured. His Church.
– If the Annunakki return in 2050 and are “Pissed”, how do we fight them?
If we can’t reason with them…..well, we’re working on that.
– What does Pindar have to do with this all?
Now? Everything.…….See you guys back at the house for dinner.
Me and Katrina are driven “Home” – back to Sarkisian’s mansion. We’re both too exhausted to say much. Tomorrow’s another day. In my gut I get the feeling that I’m going to be seeing that Son-of-a-Bitch Pindar again.
Somehow – someway – he’s at the center of what’s happening here.
You can bet money on that.