What if the COVID Vaccine was a covert government project to eliminate Vampires once and for all by degrading their human-blood-sourced food supply? What if the plan was bungled by Fauci and the National Health Agency bureaucrats and now Vampires want revenge? What if Vampires aren’t what we think? More importantly – what if we aren’t what we think?
The New York Times
Jason Aprile, Reporting
Rotterdam, Holland
Massacre at Dutch Sikh Temple
“Twenty-seven worshippers at a Sihk Temple in Rotterdam were killed yesterday evening in what police are describing as a gruesome mass murder. The horrific event took place in Rotterdam’s prestigious Boors District at Temple Guru Arjan Gurdwara. Police are following all leads as well as investigating certain anti-Sihk and anti-immigration groups that are widely believed to stoke resentment against non-Christian religious sects. Rotterdam residents are understandably shocked at the enormity of the slaughter and City Officials are pledging generous law inforcement resources for investigative efforts and protection of Sihks throughout the Hague Metropolitan Area.
The Guru Arjan Gurwara Temple victims were executed in what police report was an “extraordinarily violent fashion over an extended period of time”. Torture may have been involved. The bodies were discovered late this morning by maintenance staff. The massacre took place within the holiest part of the Temple, the “Gurdwara Darbar” or “Place of worship” where religious services are conducted. The spiritual leader of the Temple, Guru Pashuwal Singha, was also viciously slain.
Religious leaders throughout Rotterdam are declaring a “Day of Prayer” for the victims and the Dutch Papal Envoy for the Vatican, Anders van der Greiss, has announced that his Holiness, Pope Francis, will conduct a special Mass in their honor.”
The New York Times story spoils everybody’s breakfast. Things are getting out of hand. And I’m getting paranoid – starting to wonder if I’m being treated so regally because I’m gonna’ come in handy somehow.
Katrina, “Doc” Sarkisian and me are driven out to Camp Hero around nine o’clock AM in a black Ranger-Rover. I notice that the deeper we head down each “Restricted” Road and the more cyclone-fence gates we pass through, the more contrived the chaos that is this place looks. If you’re peering down from a plane or a drone it might look like Camp Hero is an abandoned dump – but up close the peeling, weathered buildings have state-of-the-art lock pads on every door and CCTV cameras mounted to view every angle of approach or movement on its grounds. “Decommissioned” my ass. It’s an active base hidden in plain sight.
We pull into what looks like a large, rusted quonset hut with an open garage door – and stop. Suddenly, the floor start sinking under us – we’re on some huge elevator. Outside our windows, bright orange numbers pass by us as we descend. I glance at Katrina. She’s unfazed. We stop at Level 25.
We get out.
That’s when the fun begins. We’re taken to a large room – more an auditorium – and shown to our seats. Wires, computer arrays, safety glass partitions and towers of blinking high tech are everywhere. Dead center In the room is the main attracton. A 20 foot wide, 35 foot long and 10 foot high black stone box covered with all kinds of cuneiform writing and bas-reliefs of eagles with human torsos, lion heads on human bodies, winged griffins and gargoyle faces. The “Box” is enclosed in a glass partitions emblazoned with radiation symbols. Circling the whole exhibit is a sidewalk-wide boundry circle of red paint – impregnated with trashcan-lid diameter radiation warnings every three feet. I’m guessing the big black box is radioactive.
The box is ribbed in an exo-skeleton of heavy riveted steel. It is standing upwards with its front “door” facing us. The door looks like it’s hinged on its steel support bands. An energetic young hipster in a white lab coat who introduces himself as “Dr. Brian” fidgets with his laptop and the door starts swinging open. What I see inside causes me to momentarily swallow my tongue.
Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph…….
We’re looking at a man – I think it’s a man – at least fifteen feet tall. Everything about him seems familiar – just bigger. His head is the size of a oil drum. His hands are enormous. His feet are gigantic. His legs look like muscular tree trunks – and his chest and arms look like those comic book illustrations of Thor – but on steriods. His penis – well, let’s just say everything is proportional…….He ain’t circumcised. His testicles are the size of grapefruit. Hefty grapefruit.
Obviously, some kind of post-mortem has been performed – the poor bastard looks like it’s been sliced, diced and filleted every which way possible. His face has human characteristics but his eyebrows, cheekbones, nose, mouth and chin look impossibly exaggerated. I figure that his skull must have at least three times more bone mass underneath his flesh than we do His neck muscles look like suspension bridge cables running up from his scapular area and back. His chest bulges outwards over his sternum like he’s wearing a breastplate – and his pelvis is the width of a car door. This thing is as close to a monster as I’ve ever seen up close and personal.
“Dr. Brian” passes out some papers to us and jumps right in to his presentation. He’s obviously had his Starbucks this morning…….
“Welcome, all……..
It’s good to be able to share this briefing this with you. I’ve prepared a handout – numbered points keyed to the media and graphics. Pictures of each phase of my presentation and specific item that I’m addressing will be flashed on the screen next to “Jack”……..I’m a Medical Doctor and a Physicist with NASA……I now present to you Exhibit A….…..
“Jack In The Box”………
The box weighs about 100 tons and is pure Magnetite. Magnetite is not indigenous to Uruk in Mesopotamia where we found Jack – so it was obviously transported there. In one piece. It’s a box carved out of a solid agglomeration of Magnetite – and has a purity well in excess of any deposit we’ve ever seen on Earth. We’re thinking it could have been a large Meteorite that crashed to Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Why was Jack interred in a box that bends radar and electromagnetic rays? Who knows……
Of course, it confuses compass orientations and makes missile guidance software shit itself. No way are you gonna’ get an accurate “fix” on this sucker. So at much for our high-tech weaponry.
. 2 Let’s talk Bones and Innards, shall we?
Now….everything about Jack is radioactive....like the song says – Hot, Hot, Hot.”
All of a sudden Dr. Brian touches his screen and the place plunges into pitch black – all except Jack. He’s glowing a fuzzy, yellowish full-body halo…..His outline looks like the Shroud of Turin and seems to pullsate. He actually has a nimbus surrounding his head like some painting of a Saint in the Vatican. The lights pop back on.
“We burned out two diamond saws cutting into his femur alone. We leave them on the floor over there to remind us. Let’s run through our conclusions. Jack lived his whole life in a powerful radiation field – about ten times worse than would be zapping Earthlings if we didn’t have the Van Allen Belt. His bones were formed and ceaselessly baked by radiation in his gestational and growth years. We even found evidence of wave patterns indicating that certain “seasons” on his home planet were more radiation-punishing to Jack’s skeleton than others because of his planet’s rotational proximity to their Sun.
Jack’s bones were permeated with radiation throughout his existence to such an extreme degree that they became rock hard – and heavy. Jack’s Calcium bone density is nearly that of Iron. Calcium is, after all, an alkaline metal. Human bones have a Calcium metabolism that interacts with our human “Iron” metabolism, resulting in Hemoglobin. Human bones have a “Calcium Density Coefficient” that is like balsa wood compared to Jack’s.
Earth’s gravity – constantly pulling down on us – determines how strong our musculoskeletal structure has to be in order to carry the weight of each man or woman. Bones move by means of muscles. Human muscles are designed to move human bone densities….human bone weights. Big bones need big muscles. Big heavy bones need big heavy muscles – like Jack’s.
Jack has extremely dense bones. Extremely heavy bones. His muscles are commensurately voluminous. To lift the bones of his legs, for example, we calculated that we’d require the hydraulic cylinders from a small bulldozer on each side of his body. Obviously the gravity of where he’s from, coupled with the radiation challenges and evolutional effects that we see here are nothing short of astounding.
Inside all bones is marrow – where blood is manufactured.
Now we get the crux of what makes Jack who – or what – he is.
3. Jack is Hemocyanic.
Jack has a Copper-based oxygenated blood system. Not Iron like us. We have Hemoglobin. Our bone marrow makes it. Jack is Hemocyaninic. His bone marrow made it – but by utilizing Copper.
Hemocyanins are “metalloprotiens” that contain two Copper atoms that bind to a single oxygen molecule – an “O2”. They are second only to Hemoglobin – Iron based – in frequency of use as an oxygen transport molecule. Certain of our Invertebrates – red rock crabs, tarantulas, scorpions, etc. – have Hemocyanic, Copper-based circulatory systems that supply oxygen to their organs. Jack is the first Vertebrate we’ve ever seen whose blood is Copper based.
Oxygenation through use of Hemocyanins causes a color change in blood – at least in the Invertebrates we’ve studied – causing the “oxygenated” blood to take on a blue color instead of red. Jack was an authentic Blue Blood. The Iron in Hemoglobin dooms humans to blood with a bright red color.
Organisms having a Hemocyanic – Copper based – circulatory systems find cold environments, such as deep space, more hospitable than a Hemoglobin based entity would. Slowing a Hemocyanic metabolism down for a temporary “freeze” or suspended animation is much easier. Great for space flight – but what about on Earth? Not so much….Jack would have found living on Earth quite challenging – perhaps downright exhausting. His home planet obviously had an oxygenated atmosphere far richer than Earth’s.
Two Copper atoms only bind one oxygen molecule (O2) whereas Iron-based Hemoglobin binds as much as three. Hemoglobin is – at least under Earth gravity conditions – more efficient. Hemocyanins are roughly one-third as efficient at transporting oxygen as Hemoglobin.
We suspect that if Jack tore the head off a human and drank himself a bellyfull of red, freshly Hemoglobin-oxygenated blood he’d get himself quite a “sugar rush” – maybe even feel drunk and silly. It could get to be a habit……kind of like single malt scotch. If he drank two bellyfulls of it – watch out…..maybe he’d even try Karaoke.
Hemocyanic organisms don’t get cancer. Mice treated with Hemocyanins see cancer tumor reductions and remissions more often than not. Bladder, esophageal, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers all respond in some degree to Hemocyanic therapy. It clearly inhibits cancer tumor growth. it’s not a cure – but an interesting fact.
Copper based species – or “Oxyhemocyanins” – are usually low activity level organisms because their blue blood can’t maintain extreme levels of activity…..intellectual pursuits might be more appropriate for them than coal mining unless constant supplemental oxygenation is undertaken. Reproduction might also be effected, as well as certain hormone and endocrine functions. Let’s take a short recess…..”
We break for about twenty minutes. Coffee and sandwiches are brought in. Clearly, we’re gonna’ work through lunch. Doc Sarkisian encourages us to dig in. Soon, Dr. Brian resumes his presentation.
4. “Bone Mass and ancilary body findings……
…….Jack’s bone mass is calculated to be at least 85% higher Calcium density than humans. With that kind of bone mass comes a commensurate increase in weight – and the need for big muscles. Jack’s Femur alone measures in some places five and a half inches in diameter and weighs more than three commercial grade sledgehammers. Extensive Sagittal plane cuts through many of Jack’s bones broke our equipment on a regular basis;
– The brow ridge – or Supraorbital Arch – located above the eye sockets is pronunced and configured like exaggerated armor to protect Jack’s eyeballs. The Eyeballs have vertical lenses and retinas at are least 50% larger than humans. Note the membraned corneas and ribbed iris. Jack’s eyes can detect a plethora of light spectrums that ours can’t – and night vision abilities are hypothetically possible;
– Occipital bone, Frontal bone, Parietal Crown, Zygomatic bone and Mandible are all 70% broader….. pronounced….. and extended. All this headbone creates a vault-like enclosure for Jack’s brain, a brain that is about fifty percent greater in mass and convolutions – grooves, fissures, sulci and gyri – than a human brain. You can readily see how the skull balloons outward around its upper and rear areas to accomodate Jack’s capacious brain mass. These bone formations offer impressive protection given their hardness. A natural helmet.
– Thorax: The Sternum – or “front center” of the rib cage – is splayed outward and reinforced with bone, forming a hard “Carapace” or shield over the heart. There are twenty-six Thoracic Ribs, in thirteen pairs – thickened and widened with fused ends where they wrap around to the back of the chest, forming Stegosaurus-like sequential protrusions. There are five extra Cervical Ribs extending around the inside of the neck similarly fusing into the Cervical Spine. These rib-vertebral fusions give the appearance of a dinosaur-like mountain ridge up the back of the neck and down to the coccyx bone;
– Arms: Humerus, Radius and Ulna are, again, of diameters that are multiples of Human measurements with density weights, muscle / ligment girth and mass levels at freakish capacity. The “Thor On Steriods” analogy is immediately apparent and shockingly descriptive. Jack’s upper-body strength must’ve been formidable. He certainly was a Big Boy…....
– Note the Scapula, Clavicle and Wingbone areas; this interface almost identical to the configuration of upper torso football armor used by the NFL – although Jack’s home-grown, freakish bone mass versions are bigger….much bigger. This part of his body is like a medieval battering ram.
– The Carpels and Falanges of the hands are the diameters of knockwurst sausages and, of course, have the musculature to maneuver them. Jack’s feet, as you can see, are enormous – Homeric in their proportions. His Calcanus or heel bone is one solid mass – the size equivalent of an anvil – obviously evolved to withstand the tremendous force of repeated impacts from walking, running and other physical movements considering the ample weight of the gargantuan body bearing down on it. He must have been very hard on shoes……
5. The Brain – as stated – is at least fifty percent larger in mass than a human brain. Hemocyanic, Copper-based blood would provide excellent nervous electro-synaptic conductivity – better than Hemoglobin – hence quicker reaction times for all that muscle mass and girth. Faster thought processing in Jack’s bigger brain is also probable. Copper is a far better conductor than Iron.
– The Cerebrum, which like ours, has two cerebral hemispheres – is somewhat overdeveloped. This leads us to believe that Jack’s so-called “Executive Functions” – planning, reasoning and abstract thought – were far beyond ours. The Frontal Lobe is clearly massive.
– The Occipital Lobe and related “Cortical” areas – associated with functions such as language, visual and spacial relations – are all overdeveloped. Jack could probably speak a number of languages and order anything in any restaurant. And he’d understand the wine list, too.
– Note the pronounced Cerebral Cortex....there’s a lot to unpack here:
– The Peneal Gland – this large pinecone-looking structure here that seems fused to the Hypothalmus – produces Melatonin and modulates sleep patterns, circadian and seasonal cycles in humans. Jack’s Peneal Gland is the biggest one we’ve ever seen but we’re uncertain as to what its function is. It appears to be hard-wired into the Hypothalmus. Human Peneal glands are separate and distinct. We believe it’s a photoreceptor, enabling light-sensing functions. The “Ancients” called it our “Third Eye”. It’s linkage to Jack’s Hypothalmus makes us think it may have something to do with enhancing his night-vision abilities or visual light spectrum receptivity.
– The Hypothalmus. This prominant area, here – links the nervous system to the brain. Brain activity is made possible by miles of interconnecting Neurons – kind of like fiberoptic cables – which release Neurotransmitters in response to nerve impulses. We believe Jack’s excessively proportioned Hypothalmus made possible extremely rapid nerve response and body reaction times…..Add to that the Hemocyanic-Copper conductivity enhancement of neural synapse efficiencies. Jack probably had extraordinarily efficient neural pathways and neural circuits – a smokin’ Neural Network System. Not a guy to insult in a bar.
– Endocrine System observations: Despite Jack’s unprecedented state of preservation considering his estimated age in Earth years, we only have residue of hormones and glandular excretions to analyze.
It appears that Jack’s Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis was interwoven differently than that of humans…..His hypothalmus, pancreas and thymus functions, perhaps because of his Copper-based circulatory system, evolved to generate and respond to different stimuli than humans. His (much oversized) Liver, Kidneys and Gonads appear to be linked into some alternative glandular-hormonal triggers. This may or may not have had an impact on Jack’s libido and reproduction drive. We can only opine that the bodily chemicals or neural stimuli – hormones, enzymes, receptors – that drove Jack’s actions and decision making must have been a very different concoction than our feeble human “juices”.
– CAVEAT: From a behavioral standpoint, our findings cast doubt on whether Jack felt the same way we do about things – love, hate, war, forgiveness, childrearing, Divinity worship, et. cetera. His raw physicality may have retarded such emotional, creative, spiritual or moralistic instincts – if he even had those inclinations in the first place. He was a Warrior. His body was powerful…bred to dominate the field. He had scars and injuries aplenty. Indications are Jack was hard-wired very differently than you and me. Be afraid…..be very afraid.
6. By the looks of chromosomal evidence and Jack’s rather outstanding manhood, we deduce that there was a female gender of his race. We can only imagine what she looked like….. We had none to autopsy, so we can only make broad inferences about Jack’s opposite number. “She” would’ve been big, obviously. “She” would have have also had an extremely different chemical makeup than female humans……..We opine that reproduction may have been challenging because of their having evolved in such a radiation-rich environment. Add to that the Hemocyanic metabolism intricacies, calcium densities, bone hardness and unfathomable hormone and endocrine situations……forget it. We’re bereft of any hard data. Too many “unknowables”.
7. Heart. Jack’s heart has five chambers and could probably drain an olympic-sized swimming pool. The fifth chamber is a kind of overflow area that stores oxygenated blood – from extremely impressive lungs – in case body activity demands more oxygen .
Excessive physical activity, fight-or-flight reactions, above-average body exertion….Jack’s fifth chamber would kick in and supply added oxygenated blood. Remember: the Hemocyanic Copper metabolism was less efficent in oxygen transfer than Hemoglobin – hence this fifth chamber was probably an evolutionary solution to that problem. It’s a “rescue pump” when an added “boost” of blood oxygenation is needed.
At first we thought this fifth chamber was vestigial – that it was atrophying on his home planet – hence superfluous here. But Jack’s time on Earth apparently shocked it into functionality as a supplemental coronary oxygenation appendage. We know nothing of Jack’s Earth-bound life span; it could have been centuries, hence he would have had sufficient years for his body to biologically adapt – as all organisms do. Either way, Jack’s fifth heart chamber was a secret weapon when he needed it.
8. Chromosomes – Jack’s cells have 33 pairs of chromosomes, 66 total. Humans have 23 pairs and 46 total in each cell – one pair from our mother and one pair from our father. Jack’s are in an “X” and “Y” configuration, like ours. Jack’s chromosomes are made up of long strands of DNA – which contain his genes. Just like humans. The Human Genone Project estimated that humans have between 20,000 and 25,000 genes….Jack has close to 50,000. Think about that…..fifty thousand genes!
9. Teeth – Jack has upper and lower double rows of serrated teeth, with upper and lower “back” rows hosting eight large “molars”. His upper and lower canines are terrifying..…….let’s just call them what they are: Fangs. We’ve measured them at close to nine centimeters – three and one half inches.
As you can see, his lips are pushed forward by those big canines behind them, giving Jack’s face an even more menacing countenance. Taking into account Jack’s size and caloric requirements, he must’ve had quite an appetite. There’s no escapin’ the grocery bill with this guy…..
CONCLUSIONS? We’ve been studying Jack for years…..and we have more questions now than we ever did. Jack has the Copper Hemocyanin and Calcium Bone Density thing goin’ on. Bone-Mineral Density Coefficient is the mass of mineral (Calcium) per volume of bone. His is off the charts.
Calcium density and Vitamin “D” are key considerations in our analysis. Then there’s the radiation….that’s a game-changer. We add them up as follows:
1. Their “Sun” (Is it our Sun?) probably caused radioactive forms of Vitamin D to alter Jack’s bone calcium aggregation – that is: grow ginormous, dense bones. Calcium is a metallic element – Symbol Ca, Atomic number 20 on the Periodic Table. It is a “reactive” metal that absorbs radiation like a sponge – like its neighbors Strontium and Barium. It’s a magnet for radiation-caused Cancers in human “Hemoglobin” Iron-based blood systems. No so with Hemocyanic blood systems.
Because Jack’s Hemocyanic Copper-based metalloprotiens evolved with extended exposure to radiation, his Calcium densities were logarithmically increased and hardened – causing his race to evolve physiques that were huge to cope with it all. Radiation actually determined the manner in which Jack’s race evolved…..Radiation was the midwife at his birth…….He is a child of Radioactivity. Like Godzilla.
2. What killed him? Jack was healthy as a horse when he died. He was literally baked in a radiation oven since his birth – assuming, of course, he was “birthed” in our sense of that term. He was Hemocyanic – ergo we can rule out cancer. There was absolutely no sign of any disease in any organ process of his body. Trust me….we took him apart piece by piece.
Cause of death? Our autopsy shows he died from a knife thrust into his heart. You remember the expanded front Sternum bone forming a Thoracic “shield” or “Carapace” over his heart area? That’s the reason the killer knifed him in his back. In the precise spot he was vulnerable. The killer knew Jack’s anatomy cold. Perhaps it was a fight. Or murder. Either way – Jack lost.
3. What was Jack? Where was Jack from? Inside his “Black Box” – his sarcophagus – Jack kept all his treasures and records. Intact. Dr. Sarkisian will brief you about what information they revealed. Nothing can be Carbon 14 dated because of radioactivity complications.
Some items inside the burial container were machines.….unfortunately, they are centuries, perhaps millions of years ahead of what we can reverse engineer at this time. We have no idea what most of the objects are. And everything is “Hot”. We proceed slowly and carefully. We are, however, not overly optimisitc. Our grasp of science and physics is nowhere near what we need to solve this puzzle.
Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen……..
Nobody talks. After all that we’re exhausted. Even “Doc” – who has obviously seen Jack before – is silent and just stares out the window during our drive back to Hill Grove.
Finally, I blurt out what’s eating me….
“Doc……just what the Hell was that thing?”
Sarkisian breathes an audible sigh and looks at me. His eyes are sad – almost apologetic. Their typical optimistic gleam has vanished.
“That thing is your Creator………”
Copyright, 2023
Jon Croft