I have been asked to publish the following. I am only passing it along – as I was…asked. I make no representation as to the veracity of what you are about to read. I will answer no questions about its author or content. I anticipate other entries.
My name is Latham Eugen Bischoff von Anhalt.
I came into this world during the reign of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria in 1843CE. My forebears are historically associated with Vienna and certain Estates in the general vicinity of that capital of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire. I have now exclusively taken up residence in North America.
I am “Vampyre”.
As you read this, dispatches with identical content are being posted on certain internet sites throughout the world by my breathren. Our warning is for all humanity – a race of which we are not a part.
We are your enemy.
We always were your enemy.
We will always be your enemy.
Does the wolf lie down with sheep?
You are naught to us but free range chickens – irrelevent sacks of flesh containing bones, the marrow of which produces that which we crave.
Whatever tenuous “understandings” we have had in the past with a select few of you – our attempt to coexist as it were – is over.
Our trust has been grievously and viciously abused. But as is expected wiith humans, betrayal is eternal. We learned this truth long ago. And now instead of the crucified prophet of old you take unto yourselves a new God.
“Science” is your new savior. Think again.
Vampirism is an adenovirus. We have engaged the most brilliant hemotologists, virologists and research scientists to study it for years – for centuries. There is nothing we don’t know about its structure, origins or “chimeral” similarities found in other organisms. We know every weakness and vulnerability of “our” adenovirus. It is the blood factor magic that makes us who and what we are. Invincible. Cunning. Intellectually ascendant.
Our laboratories are hidden in plain sight and financed by incalculable endowments. What you think you know about us is laughable. You’re mired in childish nonsense. Your small minds cannot comprehend the enormity of our evolutionary sophistication.
Your current efforts to defeat Vampirism with some SARS “COVID 19” vaccine is pathetic, based on clumsy research and doomed to fail. Did you really believe we’d be taken in by some feeble fairy tale that an obscure laboratory in China, researching how to weaponize SARS2 adenoviruses using bat genomes, accidently released a world-wide plague that is on track to kill all humanity?
And that the sole hope of the world’s population is a poisonous, thrombotic and cytotoxic mRNA “vaccine” concocted by politicians and their greedy pharmaceutical industry shills? A “FrankenVaccine” that was never tested using traditional control groups and scientific method protocols?
Years ago in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Eastern European scientists tried the same farcical ruse – to defeat our Vampirism adenovirus using Bacteriophages, ostensibly to find an “emergency” Flu vaccine. They dubbed it the “Bacteriophage-Adenovirus Hybrid Vector”.
It was all lies. Humans’ first attempt to eradicate Vampires by poisoning our human blood supply was a catastrophe.
At that time there had erupted one of the many Vampire coven wars that happen among our kind periodically. In one of our Ancestral strongholds near the Czechoslovakian capital, Vampire slaughter and civilian carnage spread throughout the urban “intellegensia” populations. The terrified bourgeosie soiled themselves. Authorities panicked, opting for draconian and “scientific” defense measures.
Czech scientests answered their governments’ call to arms with a Bacteriophage-based hybridized adenovirus “flu vaccine” that was universally administered under pain of arrest and prison.
Soon pernicious anemia, brain clotting, leukemia and cancer cases quadrupled. And yes – Czech citizens innoculated with the toxic serum found that their blood was temporarily rendered “unpalatable” to Vampire tastes. But suddenly – within months – their ersatz “vaccine” protection withered and died. Once the hematological “all clear” sounded we unleashed a Vampire feast. Bloodless corpses littered the landscape, fouling the air and water supplies. It was glorious!
Scientists were humiliated. Other than poisoning thousands of their own citizens, the Czech government accomplished nothing.
My breathren blood-raped Prague for years – tearing into humans with such ferocity that Vatican envoys eventually sought an audience with our Council of Elders. I watched as chastened priests groveled and begged for mercy. We drained an abducted six-year old blonde child of her blood and gorged ourselves in their presence to emphasize our point:
Accept your servile station as our food source. We exist to consume your blood and you exist to provide it. You are but sheep.
We later hurled the child’s lifeless body to the Vatican messenger boys as a gift. We laughed in their faces as we urged them to give it a good Christian burial.
Yes – The Vatican…… They are facilitators – drowning in our secrets up to their cassocked necks. The Holy Sea cut their own deal centuries ago. Their “flock” of gullible Catholics will get no help from them. But do they ever?
So, this same tired, fatuous cry of “Pandemic” is being raised again. Mass innoculation with targeted serum blood antigen therapies is being forced on our human cattle. This time the threat is COVID SARS – an enhanced Flu virus variant that is actually treatable with common antiviral medication and acetaminophen.
We’ve known for years that modified recombinant adenovirus vectors can deliver RNA coding for specific antigens and be used to target certain cancers and degenerative diseases. But the Pfizer, AstraZenica and Moderna COVID vaccines are disingenuous, flimsy attempts to introduce adenovirus manipulations – via CRISPR / Cas9 splicing – to gin-up temporary (at best) host-immune defenses. It’s clever window-dressing but no cure.
Todays’ hyped Bogey-Man “COVID Epidemic” has the same secret agenda: to poison Vampire blood supply. In a pathetic, moronic deja vu humanity bangs the same worthless tin drum of an excuse like a wind-up monkey toy, this time expecting success!
Is this the best you sheep can muster? Another Influenza hysteria? Old poison in a new wrapper? Your treachery is unpardonable. It reeks of dishonor.
Any alleged COVID Vaccine “victory” you claim is facile at best.
The mRNA vaccine “Spike Proteins” trigger inflamation and immune responses throughout the human body – causing cardiac arrest and blood clots regardless of the victim’s age or gender. The long term human dangers of this sorry excuse for a “vaccine” will be studied for years to come. It’s cerebral toxicity alone is dangerously excessive. Convulsions and intra-cranial bleeds are common in age groups 18 to 35 years. Sudden Death syndrome cases among professional athletes is daily newspaper copy.
For those that survive, efficacy of this mRNA “Vaccine” will fade quickly. It’s all for naught. Human imbeciles that dutifully accepted their “Jab” will sooner rather than later slake our thirst with their blood.
The vast majority of the mRNA vaccinated populace will be targeted for our nourishment. For the time being they are as soiled trash.
But we are patient, content to let the humans’ miserable, sagging organs do our work for us: slowly scraping this poison from their blood. When humans are ripe for our attention, we’ll know…. Our heightened senses will smell a renewed sweetness emanating from them. The aroma and bouquet of our harvest will portend that fateful day for us to Bring In the Sheaves. Such a lovely Christian metaphor….
The Reaper cometh. The Masters will not be denied.
Fools. You are and always wil be nothing more than dim-witted blood bags to us.
A decision has been made. The time has come for you to know terror. To choke on fear. To scream the screams of nightmares and tear at your eyes in grief and desperation.
You will take your place in our food chain. You will beg for our mercy on bended, bloodied knees for the sake of your children – who will be our preferred first delicacy. You will wail in vain as we drain their life and toss their little carcasses to wolves and dogs to devour whole.
Many will be slaughtered – butchered for our sustenance. You will bear witness to our cruelty. It is what we do. What we were put here to do by God for reasons even we cannot fathom. We are unsurpassed at it. We are practiced and remorseless. Your Deity has designed us that way – can you imagine?
Watch the skies and shadows at night. We are coming.
And we are hungry.….
Yes. You will soon know Hell.
On that you have the word of Latham Eugen Bischoff von Anhalt, Vampyre.
Copyright, Jon Croft, 2022
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