Warning From A Vampire Chronicles – Entry 20 – Part II

What if the US Central Intelligence Agency and the Vatican knew there was secret advanced technology from an alien civilization in Iraq before the United States invaded it under the ruse of looking for “Weapons of Mass Destruction? What if this technology is needed to save Earth? What if our planet has barely twenty-five years left before mankind has to face an ancient race of awesome and terrible power?


We’ve got a full team guarding our special prisoner. He’s not really otherworldly – he sleeps, eats, shits, pisses and broods. Our guys say he is a model prisoner. We’re also hearing a “rumor” in our circles that a Varang girl was murdered by Vampires. Sooner or later more facts may leak out and The Ansuz Group may have to issue an official statement. Legally, we’re on solid ground – the Kronengarde Pact is clear. Rogue Vampire conduct can be punished by any signatory. This self-help remedy has never been challenged. There have been other incidents in the past that were similarly “handled” – with minimal repercussions. And we have the Mansion “Wedding Supper” surveillance video that will quickly stifle any comment. We are justified.


We’re also getting word that the Central Intelligence Agency research site at Alamagordo, New Mexico is nearly ready to take possession of Jack-In-The-Box and the precious objects he was buried with. The US Air Force will probably slip Jack out of Camp Hero at night to minimize activity in the skies over the supposedly “defunct” installation. The last thing they want is nosey Long Islanders taking smart-phone videos and asking questions even if Camp Hero is a low-priority site. The US Central Intelligence Agency thinks our “Dr. Brian” and his team deep inside Hero are still conducting research on the mysterious box-like objects. Dr. Brian is not. Why? Because he’s hit a brick wall. Pretty soon any Ansuz privileges at Camp Hero we enjoy as result of our close affiliation with the late Dr. Sarkisian will be terminated. Lorcan must be relocated to another secure facility before the Air Force extracts Jack. The USAF doesn’t know about Lorcan and we don’t want them to find out. The Ansuz Group is preparing a new place for him back at the Oak Grove Compound.


Lorcan’s future is screwed, blued and tatoo’d – and he knows it. He just sits around all day, morose as all Hell, watching cable news and gnawing on bloody, rare Porterhouse steaks. He also coughs – a lot. Into a towel or whatever rag he can grab at the moment. There’s bluish-greening viscous slime on the rag he used yesterday. The hot steam in the shower seems to make his cough and expectorations worse. Being chained to a pylon twenty-seven floors down in a cold, damp cave isn’t helping him either.


Our debriefing of Lorcan was anticlimactic – but not without moments of serendipity. There were interesting developments.


JON CROFT QUESTION: “Who killed my wife and her father in the Morristown Memorial Hospital parking garage?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “His name was Canaan – you called him Sleazebag…..you killed him Tarrytown, New York. Canaan was based out of the Bosworth Estate safe house. He was close to Morristown, New Jersey, so he got the assignment. You can’t kill him twice… Look – I didn’t kill your wife or her father…..I didn’t order it be done…..von Anhalt made it happen. From his Chateau in France. I was born into his Coven…….He is the leader. I’m just their lawyer.


KATRINA QUESTION: “Who killed my brother in Prague, Czech Republic?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “Again, I didn’t kill your brother – or order it be done. It was von Anhalt…….. The Killer’s name is ASHTORETH. He is part of the Palace Guard that attends von Anhalt at the Chateau de Sarcenat in Auvergne, France……von Anhalt is Lessor in Perpetuity of the Chateau and 2500 Hectares of superb vineyards. It is the ancestral home of the late Prof. Teilhard de Chardin, Jesuit and Academic. ASHTORETH is a heavy – a thug – they use for wet assignments. Killings. He’s not the intellectual type. You should not have a hard time outwitting him……NOW may I PLEASE have my Ray-Ban sunglasses back?”


Katrina tosses him the shades. He claps them on a soon as he snatches them out of the air.


JON CROFT QUESTION: “Why are you coughing up blood?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “You call it Consumption. We call it something else. It’s a mutated, Vampire-specific Tuberculosis virus. Almost always fatal.”


JON CROFT QUESTION: “Is there a medicine we can get for you?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “Nothing you can source through your channels…..besides, I’m thinking perhaps it’s better I die”.





Lorcan is coughing more. Spitting more. The rags he coughs into now form a pile in his cell area – and stink. He’s listless…..aggitated. But he seems to want to talk. His lonliness and hopelessness is getting to him. Everybody is intrigued by him – he’s a talking science experiment. A real, live Vampire.


JON CROFT QUESTION: “What is the deal with you guys all wearing sunglasses – and that pissy-yellow, lard colored skin?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “Vampires have unique photoreceptors in our eyes that allow us to see a wider range of colors than humans. This includes colors well into the ultraviolet range of the spectrum. Our distinctive pupils have enabled Vampires to adapt and evolve into a more nocturnal or diurnal way of life. Since we are a less populous race, we’ve always found that conducting our affairs at night offered more anonymity and safety……..allowing us to live in the shadows, so to speak. Eventually, Vampires developed excellent night-time vision. But our comfort and visual acuity in bright daylight is now extremely compromised.


Our nocturnal-adaptive eyesight comes from highly evolved reflective retinal cells. Vertical pupils allows our species to see more clearly over a wider range of light intensities – HOWEVER – sunlight now causes us intense pain. Vampires have completely evolved into night creatures. Vampires are called tetrachromats – which means they have four kinds of cones. Humans have three kinds of cones, enabling them to see the colors red, green and blue. Vampires have four kinds of cones – so they can see the entire rainbow spectrum that humans can see – and more. I know this is probably more scientific than you expected, but Vampires have to know everything that gives us an edge over humans……..we learn these things as children.


The sunlight issue is becoming more of a problem. Vampires are blessed and cursed with many burdens. First and foremost, however, is our genetic makeup. We cannot reproduce with human females. Vampire males cannot reproduce easily with Vampire females because of hormonal deficiencies and semen production versus ovulation cycle irregularities. Vampire males do not produce semen at regular intervals – and Vampire females do not ovulate on a dependable cycle either. Even when fertilization occurs, Vampires are at this point in our time-line mating up with not-so-distant relations. Recessive gene complications are rampant. Eye problems, macular degeneration, skin pigmentation, skeletal scoliosis. Vampires suffer from significant deficits of melanin, the pigment that colors skins and effects eyes – and now results in a kind of universal Vampire albinism.


The first Vampire case of what you call Downs Syndrome occurred in 1967. Neurological conditions rooted in genetic anomalies like Epilepsy and Parkinsons are becoming more frequent in Vampire birthlings. Achrondroplasia – or Dwarfism – has surfaced in the last decade.


KATRINA QUESTION: “What happens to these birthlings that are genetically deficient?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “If a parenting couple cannot present a healthy birthling to their Coven Leader at the so-called Ceremony of Obeisance and Devotion after the birthing ordeal – they must kill the defective offspring. Euthanasia is an accepted part of Vampire society. The Coven is the legal Parent of the birthling – not its biological carriers. The Coven’s interests take precedence above all. Weak or incapable, unsustainable birthlings are culled from our herd. The parents that are responsible for its existence must end its existance. That is the Law.”


KATRINA QUESTION: “Are the risks of drinking human blood worth it? Can that habit somehow be at the core of what is dragging your race down?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “Sexually Transmitted Diseases these days are marauding through Vampire Communities. Our Hemocyanic, Copper-based blood is resistant to most human anitbiotics. Because Vampires ingest human blood, disease is always a risk. Sometimes Vampires build up too much Iron in their organs – their pancreas, liver, pituitary gland and joints. Humans call this condition Hemochromatosis. Instead of darkening our skin color, it causes a yellowish jaundiced tinge and makes our skin weep a substance that you say smells like yogurt. Vampires typically don’t eat vegetables, dairy, legumes, nuts or seeds – because those things are a source of Sulphur. Sulphur, as you know, is the natural enemy of Copper. Again, Vampires are Hemocyanic……..we have a Copper-based blood oxygenation system. An overabundance of Sulphur in our cardiovascular system attacks and degrades the Copper ions that we deperately need to carry oxygen in our blood streams. Sulphur kills our blood.


My “Brachha” – our term for “Consumption” – makes my skin is even more deficient in melanin than most Vampires. Result? I sunburn instantly in daylight. Can all of our problems be blamed on human Hemoglobin? I doubt it. I coordinate of a Cross-Coven Vampire group studying current Vampire race-wide health challenges. After reviewing it’s data and conclusions, I am of the opinion that we were designed this way. Designed to ultimately wither and disappear. Why? Perhaps our Creators thought our task would be completed by the time our biological string ran out. Tick Tock……


Bottom line? If I you want to keep me alive – better bring in a Vampire Medic. Human doctors won’t know where to begin.”


JON CROFT QUESTION: “So – what you’re saying is – Vampires have inbred themselves into a blind alley. If your race is too survive, you need some fresh DNA. BUT Eugenics – the practice of improving populations by controlled or selective breeding to increase occurrence of desireable heritable characteristics – depends on a pool of vital DNA from which new genes can be introduced……..


There’s only one entity that can handle the DNA engineering you need to overcome your crisis of recessive genetic degeneration. I understand that Nibiru is completing its celestial cycle in 2050. Will the Annunaki rescue you? Will they re-invigorate your species with fresh strands of DNA? When you look at Jack-In-The-Box here, do you feel emotional or overwhelmed confronting your Creator – do you yearn for their help?


LORCAN ANSWER: “In a word: NO. We have many legends. In The Old Language – we’re all taught it from birth. The signs and symbols of the Old Ones. We’re taught they made us superior to humans – in every way. I question this premise. Perhaps for a while it was true – but the limitatons of our numbers have caught up with us. I’ve often marveled at human ingenuity and inventiveness. In the beginning, our race was the very Crown of Creation…….we had towering advantages baked in. Then humans started to invent their way out of their weaknesses. Weapons, machinery, biological discoveries…….Ultimately, humans transcended our feeble attempts at science and physics – and we relied more and more on human support and tools for what we needed. Human brain capacities also evolved and our respective IQs have achieved an equipoise of sorts – but Vampires now are lagging behind in so many other areas. Biologically, genetically and – as a consequence – physically. Our days are numbered.


Vampires are strong – but humans are shrewd. Humans also have an overabiding faith in the Demiurgos, Jesus the Christ…….and that faith alone gives them strength. The Old Ones can’t get here soon enough. I, for one, have many questions I’d ask if I met them face to face. But then…….I don’t believe you’ll be able keep me alive until 2050 when they return. Vampires rarely survive the “Brachha”. Vampires have a specific medicinal preparation only found in Morocco that keeps “Braccha” in check until we age past its effective powers. We call it “Mahfooseh”. It’s made from a cultivated fungus that collects on North African fermented barley, mixed with a local arsenic. An ancient tincture. I need eleven vials to get me through a year – the twelfth month I must abstain and purge its toxins. I presume my stash burned in the Tarrytown Mansion blaze.


JON CROFT QUESTION: “WILL The Old Ones return?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “They most certainly will. It is written in their language – in symbols only Vampires understand. In special books and on special objects Vampires have protected for Centuries.”


JON CROFT QUESTION: “The objects inside the Magnetite Sarcophagus that Jack-In-The-Box was buried in – the symbols the objects are covered in – can you decipher them? Can you tell us what they mean…..can you tell us if the objects can be understood and their mysteries unlocked with our science?”


LORCAN ANSWER: “Are you proposing a deal?”


JON CROFT ANSWER: “Yes – but, lawyer to lawyer, you know the achilles heel that faces us…..Trust. How the Hell can I trust you….and how the Hell can you trust me?”


KATRINA (AGGITATED): “We’d best sleep on this…….I’m not sure I like where this is going”.





The new Technical and Administrative Center for The Ansuz Group is almost completed across the entry gate to what used to be Sarkisian’s Estate. We’re doing a name swap – since the Estate House property is literally covered with Oak trees – and Maples and Ash and seemingly every other tree known to mankind – we’re calling it Oak Grove. Since the new property across the road is more hilly, with steep schist ledges, outcroppings and a rolling meadow vibe – we’re calling it Hill Grove. It’s a huge, secluded and picturesque property with a fairly high elevation – perfect for signals attennae and electronic intelligence gathering apparatus.


I can see why the US Air Force was so taken with Camp Hero. The atmospheric conditions for promulgation of microwave burst and electromagnetic spectrum transmissions on this Easternmost projection of Long Island is exceptional. Similarly, our base of operations for The Ansuz Group is uniquely situated and formidable. CIA in Langley is a grimey, shop-worn 1950’s Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge in comparison. Our access to the deep water of Long Island Sound and Atlantic Ocean is strategically vital. Rendezvous points with the NorTurVerein and Varang maritime fleet are outstanding. Even access to stealth submarines – under foreign “Flags” of certain “cooperative” world governments – is possible and makes our base a well-fixed location that even the vaunted US NAVY would covet. Like I said, no cost is being spared. NordTurVerein is backing us monetarily every step of the way. Katrina and I are working together without a hitch. She is a practical, worldly and result-oriented individual – with an interesting sense of humor. And – I gotta’ admit – she’s easy on the eyes.


Impressive bronze plaques have already been cast to be affixed to the stone gate archways of each location. Very English-Country-Manor looking. The massive iron gates out front are forbidding but business-like. Drop-in visitors are not welcome. Entry is by invitation only. Like Heaven.


Katrina and I are having breakfast at the expanded kitchen table near the rear French doors accessing the deck. There’s a beautiful sunrise just beyond the tree line and the Long Island Sound in the distance looks cold and choppy.


“Look….” Katrina is measuring her words. “What’s this thing you were suggesting to Lorcan? The guy’s a lying sack of shit, a killer, a twisted mental case and product of a psychopathic race of circus freaks……”


“Gee, Katrina….don’t mince words with me. Tell me how you really feel……….” I’m already laughing out loud. Her face tells me to cut it out. Alright, she’s serious….I lay it out to her. I’ve been tossing and turning all night thinking it through.


“The United States CIA’s got their spooks salted throughout a couple of the Kronengarde Pact signatory organizations……..when they were granted limited admission the fox got into the henhouse……


The US Central Intelligence Agnecy is a political cadre – subject to the changing whims of management, Presidential appointees and questionable Congressional oversight. They’ve never come clean about UFO’s – although there’s undeniable evidence staring Americans right in the face. The Central Intelligence Agency was originally set up by Wild Bill Donovan to be a dumping ground for rich Yale, Princeton and Harvard-educated, asshole offspring of America’s elite. It’s an Old Boys Club of blood-lines that are bound by money and political ties – even criminal ones. They have no honor. No devotion to their Tribe or blood. They’ve no illustrious historical timeline of achievements. They haven’t suffered through centuries of struggle, surviving against perilous odds and extreme adversity. They’re not warriors whose mettle has been forged in the fire of battle. Their money comes from Congressional appropriations, Congressmen that they cajole, hoodwink and extort for maximum return. Most of their effort is wasted on spying on our own government to find weaknesses they can exploit to get more funding and hide even more secrets to use as leverage to get their way. They’re a cesspool of lies and deceit. At their core, they’re not Christian or Muslim or beholden to any faith.


Face it – the United States Central Intelligence Agency is a self-sustaining crime family. No better than the Sopranos. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is also a self-interested joke. The United States Constitution is a meaningless piece of parchment or animal skin to them. Like George Carlin said years ago: “It’s a Private Club – and YOU ain’t in it!”.


Look at the deliberation, the historical perspective, the depth and virtue that the NordTurVerein brings to their decision analysis. They have a reasoning that’s conditioned and tempered by centuries of experience and moral responsibility. Their decisions are the product of self-interest – yes – but also reflective of the world in which they live. The NTV will do what’s best for them – but – they are humane and keep their eyes on the long-term consequences of everything they do. They have the best scholars and technical advice available. If I’m going to have open-heart surgery, I’m getting the best doctor I can find – not a political quack that wants to pick my pocket while I’m on the operating table.


The US Central Intelligence Agency is a bunch of whores. The NTV and Varang are the only decent and honorable players here.


If the Earth is going to face an alien race that – frankly – is so far advanced that we haven’t a prayer of defeating them outright – perhaps our best and only option is to peremptorily reach out, get up in their faces and yell HEY GUYS, PARLEY!!!


Our only recourse is to talk to them…..the sooner the better. Now if one of those four weird objects is some kind of communication device or weapon – don’t you want to know? If those four things are covered in some arcane and lost language that humans never saw and – and hence – never deciphered, BUT it’s writing Vampires teach their babies – why don’t we leverage the scumbag we got under lock and key to work on the puzzle…….


I say TAKE the Goddamn four boxes out of Jack-In-The-Box’s Magnetite sarcophagus RIGHT NOW!!! Work on them secretly here – at OAK GROVE and HILL GROVE. Get the NordTurVerein and Varang on board. Lorcan describes his whole pathetic race like they’ve got one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel…..they sure as Hell don’t have the chops or focus to scientifically make any breakthroughs reverse-engineering Jack’s four boxes. They’re obsessed with just surviving. And besides – you wanna’ trust them to share any secrets? We’ve got the scientific wherewithal and funds to set up our own Manhattan Project Part Deux right here and solve the riddle. It’s an appropriate name, right – Manhattan Project.……Our lives depend on it, just like everybody’s lives depended on the Atom Bomb in World War Two. Let the CIA take Jack to Alamagordo. We keep the goodies. Screw ’em. I rest my case.”


Katrina is impressed. I can see it by her little smile.


“And how do we force Lorcan to betray his race – torture is notoriously unreliable unless there’s a powerful motivator. And when the Central Intelligence Agency sends an Air Force Chinook Heavy-Lift Chopper to spirit away Jack-In-The-Box on his journey to Alamagordo, New Mexico – how do we account for Jack’s four large items of personal property going missing? Say we misplaced them? Like leaving our car keys on the nightstand?”


I’ve saved the best for last.


“Let’s you and me get in Hack’s Porsche and take a ride to St. Ignatius Loyola Church in Hicksville, Long Island. I need a Monsignor there named Aherne to hear my Holy Confession. Serously – come with me……..I need your help. No questions, OK? Humor me…..Please.”


Katrina’s sceptical but she’a good sport. “What are you up to??? You’re Russian Orthodox – a Catholic Priest can’t administer the Holy Rites of Confession to you……..”


She gets up and reaches for her jacket. “WELL….As long as you take me to lunch at some posh joint all the Hampton fancy-asses go to.”


“It’s a deal”, I say. “But first I gottta’ hit the petty cash box…..”


Copyright, 2023 Jon Croft
