Simon Magus, Chapter 6. The Pentagrammon

by Jon Croft


685 AD – En Route to Kiev


Thurn and Haaken warm to Father Semyon slowly.  Their caution is well-founded.  His reputation is legendary, spoken of only in whispers in locked rooms of the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia where enormous, leather-bound books are kept from the eyes of everyone but a select few.  Patriarch Anastasios himself keeps the keys to these barred libraries around his neck at all times.

“It is said the Egyptian skin markings he wears are as impenetrable as armor against cutting blows of swords or axes…and that Thaumaturgus means magician.”  Haaken whispers to Thurn.

The Persian-garbed warrior priest, Semyon Thaumaturgus, says little and keeps to himself.  His evenings are spent in solitary prayer.  Thurn and Haaken are his bodyguards, aids-de-camp and support in the field.  Being Varangian warriors, they’re expected to take a death blow for him.  That is the Varangian way.  But they’re also Novitiates – spiritual men soon to take vows of Priesthood.  Once their military and religious mettle is annealed by years of battle and fire, Patriarch Anastasios will confer his benediction.  Only then can they vie for induction into the Orthodox “Order of Eidolon”.

Eidolons were spirit images of living or dead beings in ancient Greek mythology.  This Order is the most secretive and impenetrable institution in the Greek Orthodox Church.  Thrice-blessed, black-shrouded Holy Men who answer solely to Patriarch Anastasios.  Only the most tested and strident of faith are initiated into its mysteries.  They are called The AEdolus.  Protectors of the Faith.

Thurn and Haaken now can only dream of studying the forbidden Grimoires that Patriarch Anastasios keeps under lock and key.  These are the banned “Books of Presence” that contain arcane knowledge possessed by Angels alone.  Written in Angelic Script.  It is said that that if any corrupt soul lays eyes on the script of angels, they go blind instantly – and that only the righteous and pure of heart can discern meaning from it.  Like touching the biblical Ark of the Covenant, God’s wrath is terrible and instant when unconsecrated hands – or eyes – contact Heavenly things.

Their hasty crossing of the Black Sea to get to Odessa – and thence to Kiev – is through punishingly rough seas.  Thurn and Haaken steer clear of the brave Phoenician sailors that are unfazed by towering waves and throes of gales that batter their hull and shred their sails.  Haaken refuses all food and takes only water.  Thurn chews on dry bread but little else.  The rolling and pitching ocean is loudly cursed by the Phoenician seadogs as they frantically leap from crisis to crisis – rigging, sail tacking, a broken-free rudder.  They scream out to Baal, their God of Storms, to keep them from being swept overboard by the drenching and punishing squalls.  They are unabashed Pagans, indifferent to Christian ways – born to be masters of the seas.  Unafraid and unrepentant.

Father Semyon is impassive through each maelstrom the ship encounters.  He prays and meditates in a covered, recessed hold of the boat, grasping his crucifix.  Thurn and Haaken take strength from his example.  His faith seems to render him impervious to doubt or fear.

Finally, the seas calm, and vigorous westerly winds carry the vessel towards Odessa.  Semyon joins Thurn and Haaken up at the prow where the two are finally enjoying their journey – clinging to the prow beam bounding and slicing through the waves, their nearly beardless faces being pelted by salty spray.  The clear, azure-blue sky raises everyone’s spirits.  Even the flinty, indominable Phoenician crew seems more at ease.

“We will soon reach the port of Odessa”, Semyon announces.  “It is time you know the task that is before you.” 

Semyon leads them to the stern of the ship where he can speak to them privately and gaze at the endless expanse of sea that’s behind them.

“We are dispatched by the Holy Patriarch Anastasios on a mission involving delicate matters.  Know this: our Lord Jesus Christ is a good and loving God – but where there is light, there is also darkness….

In our New Testament, John of Patmos wrote of the Revelation – the message of Apocalypse.  In it he teaches us that a great war once took place in Heaven.  Lucifer – the first and most radiant of all God’s Angels – refused to worship mankind and rebelled against God.  Archangel Michael made war against Lucifer and the one third of all God’s Heavenly Host of Angels that joined his rebellion.  From that time on, Lucifer became known as Satan – the Great Deceiver.     

Archangel Michael defeated Satan – and threw him down to a pit deep in the Earth together with his army of rebellious Angels. We now call them Fallen Angels.”

Father Semyon goes silent and stares over the ocean momentarily. He then asks a question.

Tell me of these Fallen Angels…are they still with us?”

Haaken speaks first.

They are Demons – unclean spirits that roam the Earth.  They deceive men. They…tempt us.  They are Dark Ones who corrupt our souls.  Some call them The Watchers.”

Not to be outdone, Thurn shares his thoughts.

“God gave man free will so he can choose between good and evil.  But the Watchers never rest.  The Fallen Angels offer up men’s corrupted souls to Satan as tribute and homage.  To find favor in his eyes.”   

Semyon continues his discourse, encouraged by their responses.

It is written in the Forbidden Grimoires that when Satan was thrown down from Heaven, he ordered five of his most powerful Fallen Angels to stand at the points of a giant Golden Pentagram at the base of his throne – his seat of judgment.  At this wicked place of damnation, Satan assigned to them dominion over his most loathsome, execrable weapon – a fiend unleashed on Earth to destroy Gods’ own Crown of Creation, mankind.  In Satan’s eyes, his war against God still rages.  His struggle continues.

The names of these Five Fallen Angels are:  Samyaza, Azazel, Samael, Azrael and Arakiel. 

Their unholy collegium is called The Pentagrammon. 

They’ve divided our world into five parts.  Each Fallen Angel has sworn to Satan an oath: to destroy mankind in their respective spheres of influence using Satan’s own diabolical creation:  



Copyright 2025, Jon Croft
