Should Trump Dump his Secret Service Detail? Never Trust your Praetorian Guard.

In 312 AD Emperor Constantine of Byzantium crushed his Praetorian Guard after witnessing their treachery. He thereafter opted for Slavic- Varangian (Viking) protectors that were paid by him and answerable only to him. It’s time President Trump reduce the Secret Service to a secondary role – and bring in some ass kickin’ bad boys to cover his six.

The Oldest Story in the World – Never Trust your Praetorian Guard.I’m an Independent. An “unaffiliated” voter. And I call it the way I see it. So here goes –

On July 13, 2024, a “lone gunman” (actually, a boy) climbs onto the roof of an unsecured building within rifle shot range of President Trump’s dias in Butler, PA and blows a hole through Trump’s ear. Some say he gets off six – maybe eight – shots. People on the ground are yelling at cops and pointing in the shooter’s direction before the kid starts firing. Mere centimeters ultimately determine whether Trump has his brains blown out like JFK or is rendered a vegetable. We still have no comprehensive official results of the FBI investigation. Why? Because the FBI doesn’t deign it necessary to explain it to We the People at this time.

Then, on Septemner 15, 2024, Trump is golfing – on his own Golf Course in Palm Beach, Florida – and somebody gets within rifle shot range again just outside his chain-link fence and sets up a cozy sniper’s nest, complete with ceramic tile ballistic barriers. An alert Secret Service Agent notices a gun barrel poking through some distant fence links. He fires his weapon and forces the would-be murderer to flee. The aspiring shooter is a fanatic. A wing-nut with pronounced man-boobs (of which he is strangely proud). He is – unsurprisingly – already on the FBI’s “radar”. Any recent investigation update from the FBI? Nope. Why? Because – yet again – they apparently think that sharing investigation details with the great unwashed is beneath them.

If Barack Obama was on that golf course and this happened to him – after a similar debacle a few weeks before wherein a shooter drew blood – we’d see a national holiday already declared by Congress after entire cities were burned down by “mostly peaceful” BLM protesters and Antifa idiots. Does Trump’s Life Matter?

What the Hell is going on here? Do the powers-that-be just want this guy dead?

Query: Where is it written that President Trump must use Secret Serivce exclusively to handle his security?

Federal Statute 18 USC 3056 provides that the Secret Service is authorized to provide protection the President of the United States – and certain other high-level government officers. The sitting President gets to decide who gets what level of protection. 18 USC 3056 doesn’t say that the Secret Service must or shall be the sole and exclusive security provider to the President – or now the (ex-President) candidate. It just states that the Secret Service is “authorized” to perform protection duties of certain persons. The statute does not appear to prohibit other security personnel – if the person being protected prefers them – to assume security duties in lieu of the Secret Service. Is there case law on this issue? Nothing on point that I’m aware of.

Why can’t Trump hire the best, brightest, and baddest Mo-Fo’s on Earth, pay them out of his own pocket – and let ’em rip. Surveillance, drones, snipers – the whole nine yards. Trump can tell the Secret Service: “You’re a logistics support unit now. Let’s all play nice together. You guys perform your 18 USC 3056 obligations and back-up my private detail. But remember: my guys run the show”. Trump can hire seasoned “ops” that will make Secret Service DEI hires soil themselves. Intimidating souls that even Feds won’t mess with.

Can Trump do that? Yes, he can. Show me where he can’t.

To be clear: the Federal statute 18 USC 3056 doesn’t make US Secret Service the only show in town. It doesn’t say the Secret Service must, shall or exclusively do anything! And as things presently stand, Biden now makes all the decisions about how much “protection” Trump gets. That’s right – Biden doles out Trump’s protection!

To Hell with Biden.

If Biden doesn’t like Trump hiring his own people, let Biden move for a Federal Court Order under 18 USC 3056 compelling Trump to use whatever protection Biden deems is sufficient – and force a confrontation. Trump’s lawyers can then ask a Federal Judge to decide the case. If Trump gets an unfavorable a judicial interpretation of 18 USC 3056, he can appeal it to the United States Supreme Court. In the meantime, Trump uses his own people. Election Day, November 5th is real close……..there isn’t enough time for a Judicial battle royal on this issue.

Elon Musk reputedly has cadres of ex-SAS, US Navy Seal and Mossad dudes covering his rich ass. George Soros? Exclusively ex-Mossad / IDR Forces and Spetsnaz guardians. Warren Buffet? Larry Ellison? Jeff Bezos? They’ve all got the same hot setup. Private security ops that have training neck-deep in active conflicts and firefights around the globe. The best that money can buy. The toughest guys on the planet. I’m talkin’ Roland-the-Headless-Thompson-Gunner types.

Trump needs this now. Secret Service management and its mission “commitment” are damaged goods. Dan Bongino never criticizes his former Secret Service mates – but even he sounds disappointed. His Youtube interviews betray as much. Who can blame him? He’s an old-school honorable man.

After two assassination attempts, “requiring” Trump to accept whatever security Biden decrees is absurd. Trump should be allowed to “opt out” of 18 USC 3056 no matter what it says. It’s his constitutional right to protect his person – his life, liberty and freedom. If a “protectee” has no confidence in his “protector” he has the right to make other arrangements. This is the United States of America, after all. We control our own destiny here. That’s why we threw out the Lobsterbacks.

“DEI Hire” Secret Service Director Cheatle was canned after the 7/13/24 Butler, PA (first) assassination attempt fiasco. Now, on the heels of the 9/15/24 (second) “golf course” incident, the Secret Service has unleashed some edgy Mohawk-haired buffoon who drones on in Press Briefings, blathering word salad acronyms and law-enforcement jargon…..argot so arcane that most of us can’t understand any bloody point he’s trying to make. He’s clearly contorting his head up his own ass to deflect attention and responsibility. This oaf is the “Acting” Director? How uninspiring can these people get? And it’s all on our dime.

Whistle-blowers inside the SS have revealed the abysmal job Joe Biden’s Secret Service is doing, actively short-changing Trump critical key assets and operatives that he should have as a matter of course. And the FBI isn’t being particularly cooperative with Florida State Prosecutors about their latest golf course investigation, either.

Is the “fix” in? Next time Trump may not be so lucky. Trump has got to act. Now.

Trump must fire his Federal Secret Service Praetorian Guard. How about some historical precedent?

(By the way – what is a Praetorian Guard? I thought you’d never ask.)

Hail Augustus!

In 27BC the Roman Emperor Augustus eastablished the Praetorian Guard as his personal security escort. Praetor was a title granted by the government of ancient Rome to a man acting in one of two capacities: a) the Commander of an Army (ie. persons who had the “Imperium” or authority of commanding an army, and b) an elected Magistrate (“Magistratus”) tasked with discharging the functions of a magistracy. This was a person ususally involved with judicial administrations and dispensing the law (per WIkipedia).

Praetorians were well established as an “Imperial Bodyguard” by the time of Emperor Octavian died in 14AD. The Official Praetorian Guard was ultimately dissolved by Emperor Constantine in the 4th Century after he defeated a General named Maxentius at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in 312AD. Maxentius wanted Constantine’s crown and used all manner of treachery, including bribing Constantine’s Praetorian Guard to turn against him. Ultimately, Constantine was told by an angel to paint the Christian cross (actually the “Chi Rho”) on the shields of his soldiers and have faith that “In this sign you will conquer”.

Constantine won the Battle of Milvian Bridge – and then crushed his Praetorian Guard out of existance. From that year forward, Emperor Constantine would rely on ultra-loyal “Varangians”, descendants of Slavic and Nordic Vikings who fought with such ferocity that he rewarded their valor with a permanent sinecure: Protectors of the Emperor of Byzantium.

By Constantine’s time it was well-known that his Praetorian Guard of Rome was riddled with intrigue and traitors. After the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Constantine made an example of them – and obliterated them with such zeal that all official references to them were expunged from official Byzantine historical records. Emperor Constantine created a “Barbarian” cohort of warriors strictly loyal to him. These infamous Varagian Guards became a cornerstone of the Byzantine Empire’s stability and the stuff of international legend.

The key reason why Constantine’s Varangian Guard was so effective was simple: the Varagians weren’t beholden or loyal to Byzantine Army Generals or Commanders. They shared no military campaigns and built up no camaraderie or esprit de corps with the standing army . They were a non-Byzantine, Slavic and Nordic Tribe unto themselves, loyal only to their “Chief” – Emperor Constantine. They were rewarded handsomely and treated well. There are no records of any treachery, scandal, disloyalty or betrayals in the ranks of Constantine’s Varangian Guard.

The Varangians trained constantly and were generally shunned by Byzantine Army Officers and soldiers. Their rapacious and generally merciless reputations as professional killers went before them. Their style of take-no-prisoners combat – called “Berserker” – was feared by professional soldiers and officers far and wide. Everyone agreed, however, on one critical point: they were loyal. And without loyalty, a leader has nothing. Roman historian Tacitus wrote down that observation centuries ago.


As we see in these perilous times, there is nothing new under the sun. The “OId Ways” must guide us. For President Trump, Emperor Constantine’s solution is perfect. New Blood……..experts trained in serious ass-kickery. How did the Golf Course shooter know Trump was going to be there? Trump’s golf game was a last-minute schedule change! Something is rotten as Hell here. Nothing in this story can pass a simple smell test.

God Bless America. And God Bless Donald Trump.