Pine Barrens Drone Update, New Years Day – LEO Surveillance?

By Jon Croft


January 1, 2025.  Happy New Year.

Last night Drones were out. The usual red, blue and white blinking lights puffed belly and stubby wings configuration.

And we now see more of those evanescent, smeary glowing “Orbs”.

Let’s add up what we know about the mysterious Drones we’ve come to know and love.

1. The Government isn’t telling us squat.  Apparent interest in any government spokespersons to address the topic is waning. “Shut up and leave us alone” is the subliminal message in their response.

2.  The Military isn’t exactly breaking its ass engaging these things in combat.  In fact, they’re hanging back and staying out of the whole adventure.

3.  The Drones we see are real.  They’re not a figment of our collective imagination or consciousness.  This isn’t some New Age of Aquarius manifestation of the Buddha or Angels from our Heavenly Father.

4.  They apparently don’t emit cognizable, trackable, hackable or decipherable radio signals.

5.  They stay up in the sky one Hell of a long time.

6.  They “Switch On” and “Switch Off” – ie. “Now you see them, now you don’t”.  They’ve got some clever way to turn off their presence so we can’t get too close or take a high-resolution photo that a surveillance professional can evaluate.  It’s questionable whether they even show up on conventional radar.

7.  Fully charged private drones sent up in their proximity fall to earth like a stone upon approaching them – and are recovered later completely drained of power.  Is this evidence that they are “Power Vampires” that can transfer energy without wires from an outside power source directly to their “tank” and continue on their merry way?

8.  They’re still up there – but now with glowing “Orbs” keeping them company.

Ask the question:  Why are the skies over New Jersey being flooded with Drones in the first place?  Is there a reason why the Drones are still with us and our government is keeping their mouth shut?

I’m glad you ask.


There are things called LEO (“Low Earth Orbit”) satellites.  They come in real handy.  They’re sent up to position themselves in Low Orbit – defined as between 120 – 250 miles above our heads.  They can rocketed up there with a (relatively) small amount of fuel because it’s the most accessible orbital range.

LEO Sats have a low “latency” rate – that is, it takes relatively little time to send and receive signals.  Their amplifiers to send and receive orders from mission control can be smaller, hence lighter, hence easier to lift in a rocket to the LEO wild blue yonder.  Think – “lowest amount of energy for satellite placement”.  Low energy = less costs.

What are LEO Sats used for? 

LEO Satellites are usually used for communications, GPS and imaging. The NSA alone has bagsful of these LEO Satellites flying around, all of varying ages, degrees of decrepitude and effectiveness.

They’re also used as LEO Eyeballs. They’re watching what’s flying around in our LEO airspace AND they’re watching YOU and ME.

The USA has been absolutely choking the LEO domain with these low orbital altitude and range satellites for decades.  For so long, in fact, a lot of them are crapping out.

The downside to LEO satellites is that they have a small field of view – ie. can only observe and communicate with a fraction of the Earth at any given time. (Think “Nearsighted”)

Continuous LEO coverage would require a large network (called a “Constellation” according to Wikipedia) of satellites to provide seamless, dove-tailed service.  Kind of like an old-timey panoramic photograph.

LEOS also suffer from “Rapid Orbital Decay” – meaning they lose altitude, droop down and come crashing into Earth regularly.  Obviously, most burn up when re-entering the atmosphere – but this “Rapid Orbital Decay” thing is a concern.

Finally, the LEO environment is becoming congested with space debris – that is – the LEO environment is becoming a Junkyard. 

Decaying LEO satellites and all kinds of flotsam and jetsam floating around up there interferes with signals and the “business” or “mission” these things have been launched up there to do in the first place.



Each has their slice of the atmosphere to work inside and keep their eye on.  This is how our government knows what’s happening in our airspace.

Years ago we’d use U2 Spy Planes, SR71 Blackbirds, Auroras and “Human Intelligence” platforms.  Now it’s all “Signint” – Signals Intelligence. Intelligence generated by signals from Satellites.



Since our government’s substantive explanations of this entire Drone controversy have been as worthless as Nipples on a Doorknob, I’m going to posit my own theories.  I repeat, they’re just theories.  I’m not a scientist or rocket engineer and don’t even play one on TV – but here goes:

  1. As our LEO Satellites are aging, crapping out, falling from the sky and generally becoming space debris somewhere up above us, our government needs help filling in the voids of intelligence it can’t cover with our LEO Satellite fleet.
  2. The drones we’re seeing are supplemental LEO platforms, designed to get down and dirty at altitudes approaching 100, 150 and 200 feet.  Great for watching criminals; ultra-violet body heat signatures of people inside their houses having sex; signals and/or electrical emanations originating with some citizen-tinkerer or Russian spy living in Medford, NJ. They’re arrayed in a manner and position to spy on people down below.  And they appear every night to continue their observations. Is this the new version of CCTV or Red Light Cameras?  Are we going to get traffic tickets in the mail next?
  3. Unless and until the USA can get its hands on a useable anti-gravity technology that would enable low altitude drones to hover ad infinitum, the old rotor-powered tech is probably the best it can do.  Perhaps they’ve mastered some rudimentary wireless “Vampire electrical power transfer” from other power sources in the meantime.  Nikola Tesla is rumored to have perfected a method of doing this.  The FBI stole all of his papers when he died, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.
  4. LEO Satellite tech that the government has available isn’t sensitive enough to search for whatever these drones are searching for or observe in detail whatever it is they want to study.

Our government knows what these things are because if they didn’t – by now – they’d be all kinds of aerial battles and dogfights playing out in the skies above New Jersey.  They don’t want to interfere.  Somebody is searching for something, surveilling something or somebody and/or keeping eyes on us for some reason that we’ve got no “Need to Know”.

No matter how you slice this turd-pie, it stinks.  We’ve got a right to be better informed.  Tech is available that smart guys can use to get to the bottom of this on their own.  Here’s hoping that some good ‘ole boys with Jersey balls find out something and get it out on the interwebs.  Our government – even the new administration coming in – is going to keep us in the cellar covered in sheit until we sprout mushrooms.

Hey Drones – Welcome to New Jersey.  Now Leave.


Question Everything.

Copyright, 2024 Jon Croft
