No (Re) Doubt about it – We Need an American Redoubt

Peter Thiel, Zuckerbot, Larry Ellison – they’re all building Doomsday Shelters. Other people are relocating to the “American Redoubt”: the Pacific Northwest-Montana-Wyoming-Idaho area. It’s all shits and giggles if you can afford it. The rest of us can basically go suck eggs. Unless you got a boatload of cash you ain’t goin’ nowhere. Money talks.

What is an “American Redoubt”?Before World War II in Europe ended, General Eisenhower feared that a goodly portion of crack German Waffen SS troops – the toughest bunch of bastards Hitler had left – would install themselves in a mountainous area in South Bavaria, West Austria and Northern Italy and make a final stand for Germany – A Wagnerian “Gotterdamerung” of sorts – if the Third Reich was on the edge of defeat. Hitler called it Operation “Alpine Fortress” (Alpenfestung in German) and was absolutely committed to the idea. It never happened because Hitler killed himself in his bunker before this doomsday last stand was to have commenced. Eisenhower was relieved because Operation Alpine Fortress would have meant thousands of American and Allied casualties and would have extended the War by months, perghaps years.

Final “Last Stands” of these types are called “Redoubts”. It is a place where patriots, fanatics and those of like minds don their armor and prepare to do battle to the end.

“Remember the Alamo!” is a famous Redoubt story – as is General Washington’s brutal Winter at Valley Forge.

The concept of an American Redoubt was proposed in 2011 by novelist and blogger James Wesley Rawles. It is an area that includes Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Eastern parts of Oregon and Washington. It was originally proposed as a “Safe Haven” for Conservative Christians. This area’s low population density, relatively stable and liveable climate and impressive agricultural potential have since made it “Ground Zero” for Conservatives of all stripes. Western Republican, white and Fundamentalist Christian types came first, then, as this demographic expanded, Conservatives from throughout the United States started to flock there. It is now a bastion of right-leaning, Second Amendment patriots with hard survival skills and little tolerance for the Federal Government.

Today, most trekkers who have decamped to the American Redoubt are fairly well-to-do businessmen types, independently wealthy or inherited wealth citizens who snap up property by the hundreds of acres and get to work building sprauling compounds of multiple dwellings for the family, stables and out-buildings for animals, vehicles and even private aircraft. It goes without saying that these people are well armed and extremely disinterested in anyone disturbing their individually crafted paradises. “Redoubters” (as some call them) have the money and time to indulge their solitary lifestyles and man their barricades against infestation of liberal politics, illegal aliens and our Federal Government snooping and asking questions. Lucky bastards.

I can tell you from experience – these people are hard core. They’ve put their money where their mouth is and will tolerate no bullshit. These Redoubt states all have a statutory “Castle Doctrine” that codifies – in stone – the proposition that if someone sets foot on your property (crosses the title survey boundry line) an owner has the right to blow their head off with an AR15, shotgun or hunting rifle. Of course, if the dead body of anything presents itself on the wide open spaces of the American Redoubt, it won’t be there long. WIld animals will tear it to pieces. So much for evidence of a kill. “Redoubters” don’t screw around. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

If this sort of lifestyle appeals to you – as it does to me – join the club of woefully depressed and hopelessly disappointed masses who will never, ever get closer to the “American Redoubt” than (perhaps) driving through it. In New Jersey these dreams fall into the category of “Money talks, Bullshit walks”. If you ain’t got no money, honey…..forget it.

If you want a “Redoubt” – better find yourself another way. But take heart. President John F. Kennedy told us years ago: “The time to fix your roof is when the weather is clear, not during a tornado”.

You’re on your own. Let’s consider a non-nuclear holocaust scenario, shall we? Politics has gone to shit. Prices and inflation are skyrocketing. Riots. Diluted and mediocre police responses make urban safety questionable, at best. More of what we have right now – but on steroids. Times just keep getting harder. Life’s suck-o-meter goes off the scale.

When boatloads of Irish arrived in New York City after exiting their country because of the Great Potato famine, all they had was each other and a few fraternal organizations to help them get on their feet. The Emerald Society. Friends of Bryan Boru (formally incorporated in 1889 but active before that). The Germans had much the same experience. Many of these immigrants were Catholic, so there was additional discrimination and resentment. Poles, Swedish, Norwegians. Everybody got their turn in the American barrel.

How did they durvive? On their wits and abilities…….muscles……brawn. America always was a harsh taskmaster – so people struggling upward had a merciless slog. But this article isn’t about the slow, painful ascent of immigration in the United States throughout the Ninteeth and Twentieth Centuries. It’s about now.

Every Four Years there’s Chaos: The Political See-Saw of Democracy in America

Every Presidetial Election Cycle the brings hotter rhetoric, the voters get more polarized and Liberalism leaches its way deeper and deeper into the very concrete that is our nation’s foundation. A good portion of Trump’s upcoming Presidential term is going to be wasted on efforts to remedy the far-left lunacy that has polluted our country for the past four years and has become the Gospel of modern-day Democrats. You can buy high capacity magazines – now you can’t. You can buy bump-stocks – now you can’t. You can buy AR15 Platform guns – now you can’t…..or you have to suffer through ever more punishing restrictions and paperwork in a state-by-state patchwork of hemorrhoid infliction that makes purchasing a gun like pulling teeth.

The United States is clearly suffering some kind of irreversible, slow-motion nervous breakdown. Whoever wins the Presidential office (and Trump just did, Thank God), America’s descent into fragmentation and political infighting ain’t going away. People are at polar opposites and at each other’s throats. Whatever relative calm (hopefully) and common sense leadership we’ve just elected is only going to last for four years. Then – with the assimilation of millions of undocumented immigrants (and their families) into our population (and voting) rolls – Liberal Democrats are going to make inroads in Congress, yet again. Like Herpes, they go into dormancy (not even remission) but flare up again at their first opportunity. This ain’t over.

You’re gonna need friends. A Survival Cadre. Organized in para-military fashion. Well-financed. Seriously outfitted. Ready to kick ass and take names. You need a Tribe.

We’ve just bought ourselves four more years to prepare. It’s a respite. Make the most of it.

We can learn many lessons from the travails of American immigration. But the biggest lesson of all is community. They survived because of their Tribe. Their blood. Their ethnic brotherhood and support mechanisms. Whether it was church-oriented or unity spawned in a Fraternal environment or Bar. During the American Revolution, the “Sons or Liberty” was a secret, underground brotherhood of American Patriots who convened in a Boston Tavern.

People of like mind tend to congregate – whether it’s in an “American Redoubt” or a Tavern. But it’s not about where they congregate as much as why they do. Those of us on the low end of the assets stick are used to surviving creatively – adjusting and adapting to changing circumstances with little money in our pockets.

Our Redoubt must be practical, local and hidden in plain sight. It must be a philosophical and spiritual movement – a brotherhood of lone wolves who have each other’s backs. Forget the Bible group. This ain’t a time for passivity or the Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are the Peacemakers” ain’t gonna’ cut it.

Ally yourselves with those of like politics, world-views, interests and abilities. In America our ethnicities are legion – so we can’t solely rely on DNA to determine who our friends are. There must be a membership vetting process and and meeting place where group interactions can be private and binding. Some commonalities are essential – such as religion. Christians prefer their own brand of Christianity. Jews prefer none but other Jews. If your faith is Asatru (Old Nordic Faith) – keep tight bonds with others who venerate the Old Gods and Odin. Cops instinctively partner with other cops, so forget that mindset. Cops and non-cops don’t mix. It’s a recipe for disaster.

Lawyers? Hell No. Computer nerds? Outstanding! Conservative computer types? With the advent of Elon Musk, conservativism is cool again. I guess right-wing nerds exist somewhere. If that’s your jam, jump on it.

How does this “Redoubt of the mind” concept work? Quietly and confidentially, that’s how.

It involves structure and dicipline. Taking your routines seriously. Having a meeting with certain select mates? Leave your daily or work smart phones at home. No exceptions. Keep no written records. Keep nothing that can tie you to your brother – even though your heart is repulsed by this idea. Keep your numbers manageable and intimate. This is a para-military survival cadre – not a drinking or wife-swapping club. Your mission is simple: assemble a bloc of tough motherfuckers who can stand by your side if the shit hits the fan. Note: I’m not advocating illegality. I’m just proposing that you ally yourself with others who share a common belief system and who possess special skill sets that you don’t. You and your mates can mentor each another and accumulate critical preps you’ll need (such as emergency provisions, communications, “defensive hardware” and contacts) to keep your Tribe independent and self-preserving if things go sideways.

Should your Tribe have a weapons cache? Absolutely. It’s not illegal. Of course – the best tact is for everybody involved to keep their “hunting” guns and other accoutrement someplace private and secure. Where? It’s none of my business – and none of anybody else’s. I don’t want to know where you hide your buttplug, either. Your weapons are your own affair, Capiche?

Who are these people you want to trust your life to and throw in with?

Steer clear of law-enforcement types and politicians: cops only like brother cops and politicians only like themselves. Concentrate on real-world skills only. You’re not interested in Bible thumpers, Boy Scouts, peace-love-and-tie-dye Hippie-Dippies or military fanatics. You need dependable, reliable people – guys and gals – who have skills, solid judgment, a moral compass and unshakable dedication to each other. Hopefully with some spirituality thrown in. Also – and this is critical: you need people who can keep secrets and confidences.

Want to hang with Christians? Fine. Good luck with that – unless you can dragoon Saint Michael-types, Christians aren’t going to be warrior-grade raw material for your Fort Apache cadre. This ain’t about turning the other cheek. You need ripped but decent bad-asses. Think Jack Reacher or John Wick.

I thinkin’ that you need some cerebral-but-hard-core survivalists who can shoot recurve-bows like a Mongol in Ghengis Kahn’s Golden Horde. Can somebody put a shaft through a pumpkin at 25 yards? Great – then he can hit a human head or deer at the same distance. Is somebody else good with a Bowie or Gurkha blade? Welcome aboard. Venerate Odin? Better still. Got motorcycle skills? Can wrench cars? Pick locks? Know electricity? Good rifle and handgun marksmen? A bunch of Japanese Samurai proficient with their Katanas? Youkoso! Chinese Shaolin Monks? Huanying! Know how to distill moonshine? Step right up to the front of the line. Got medical training? Nursing and Dental skills? Wound care professional? Know how to compound drugs that are scarce in an emergency? Know the law and can help everybody avoid police bullshit? People with SHTF businesses that provide real-world goods and services are only handy if they’re on board philosophically and can keep their mouths shut. Be wary of them. Watch their profit motives.

More important than the skills someone brings to the table is one overarching guidepost: Do you share a common belief system? This is at the core of why Spirituality is so esssential to your Tribe. Faith sustains us through hard times. Faith can move mountains. People who share a common Faith are no longer a group but a Family. Families fight and die for each other. Their connection is a mystical bond – Blood of the Spirit. You’re searching for that Blood Bond that defines Tribal loyalty and devotion.

What are we preparing for? Decline. Decline in our living standards. Decline in our government’s willingness to protect us and keep us safe. Decline in our fellow-man’s inclination to give two shits about whether we’re hungry, sick or dying. Decline in our mainstream religious faiths to champion our best interests and sustain our souls, rather than shill for the government and do their bidding – control us psychologically through mysticism and Priestly double-speak. Decline in our individual ability to survive without a serious support group to lock arms with us and pass the ammunition, figuratively and literally.

You really think things are gonna’ get better? Don’t be a sap. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.

FACT: Your government is not your friend. We’re on our own. Act accordingly.

If you assemble a Band of Brothers (or sisters) don’t name it. Don’t give the Southern Poverty Law Center or the FBI the pleasure of listing it on some fascist roster of “Terrorist” or “Right Wing Extremist” organizations. Anonymity and vague references are enough. In fact, don’t use Apple or Android phones to communicate. Use burner flip phones, pay-as-you-go, to keep in touch with each other. Destroy them every month. Forget the numbers. Dump them if you’re pulled over by cops. They’re cheap enough. Don’t make it easy for the government to get any information whatsoever. You’ll never be free of their snooping eyes and ears – but don’t hand them shit on a silver platter, either. Use cash to buy your drinks whenever you get together. Avoid traffic and CCTV cameras whenever you can – and plan your travel routes accordingly. Make it a daily game to fuck with their citizen surveillance programs.

City or urban environments? Wear hoodies and keep your head down. Don’t hide – but don’t strut around like you own the joint either. Be the “Gray Man”. Don’t keep a diary or record of your movements. Disable the GPS in your car. Keep an unconnected Garmin in your trunk and power it up only when you need it. Stagger your arrivals at and departures from any Bar you frequent with your mates. Mix up your travel routes and streets accordingly. Why? Because you can. Just for the Hell of it. Soon it’ll become second nature. Adopt a Fuck You lifestyle. Enjoy youself.

A Redoubt of the Mind: a fortress of personal relationships grounded in common belief systems, genetics, blood ties, spiritual affiliations, safety, communal commitment, loyalty and above all: secrecy.

Don’t incorporate like the Hell’s Angels or Ku Klux Klan. You don’t need a government charter securing your status as a not-for-tax entity. You don’t want your Tribe to own anything. If somebody sues your fraternal group and gets a judgment, you don’t want them executing on your assets. Hang loose. Maintain plausible deniability. Travel light. Keep your blades keen, powder dry and your mouths shut.

Tribes have defined Western Civilization for centuries. Learn from their histories and accomplishments. Understand how their Northern European cultural belief systems and Pagan religions sustained them and forged them into warriors and conquerors – not victims. A time is coming when we’ll all have to defend ourselves against cultural annihilation. Let us pick Gods and mates that have proved their mettle in the past and can once again win the field.

May the All-Father keep you.