Can an old-timey “Farmers Eugenics” ethos breed-out the chaos that is engulfing our society? Can we biologically cure the misery that “Diversity” has wrought in America?
Not what I’m looking for….I’m talkin’ the E Pluribus Unum variety: “From the Many, One”. Where “diverse” cultures are dumped into a boiling, seething cauldron and out flows a distillation – an amalgam of stronger, annealed humanity – with all of its component strengths and none of its dross! Where the end product is a recombined, concentrated essence of the blessed genetic mosaic that is America. Yes! The mythical fairy dust that sustains our experiment in Republican government. We The People! Diversity is our strength! HoooRah!
Well, talk to any metallurgical engineer and he’ll tell you: if you want a steel that’s hard – yet supple – and can be forged into a Japanese Katana or French Rapier, you can’t heave random scoops of copper, tin, mercury, iridium, tungsten, ruthenium, nickel and zinc into a smelter and expect a product that will meet your needs. Unless you carefully apportion what elements you’re combining, chances are your blade will sag like a limp penis or shatter on the anvil.
Let’s look at it from a different perspective. I have a lawyer-friend. She’s hot. Smokin’ body, works out, drives a BMW, struts in heels like she was born in a pair – you know the type. A Charlie Sheen babe. Dates only ripped, photogenic men. Liberal as all Hell. Typical Karen. But she can’t bag a guy. Why? She’s a total bitch. She’s a walking incarnation of the old joke: “Why did God give women a vagina? So men would talk to them…” Our conversation goes like this…
Karen: “I want to have a baby….”
Me: “So, go get yourself knocked up”.
Karen: “No…….I want a guy who’s got a genius IQ and a genome that doesn’t indicate a family history of mental illness, cancer, MS, diabetes, heart disease or Downs Syndrome……”
Me: “You’re not going to find that package trolling bars or preening in your LuLu Lemons at the gym….”
Like I said – I’ve known this girl for years. I personally watched her steal away during a Bar Association event with a good-looking, muscular guy and turn up later – white powder residue on her nostrils and sans the black fish-net hose she was wearing when I first saw her enter the soiree. She reappeared looking like somebody rode her hard and hung her up wet. Karen may be a sucessful lawyer but she’s not inhibited or chaste. She’s a lot of fun….but her morals are questionable. And her hygiene? One can only wonder. I continue my conversation with her……
Me: “What about your current sex-buddy?”
Karen: “No……I want my baby to be….perfect.”
Me: “Good luck with that.”
What’s my point? Simply this: the random way in which humans meet and reproduce would make any farmer worth his salt wretch. Spew serious chunks. If the human personality traits you value – in both genders (and there are only two) – are responsibility, morality, independence, robust health, strength, mental acuity, speech and mathematical proficiency, etc., you ain’t gonna’ find those attributes in random hook-ups. A more thoughtful approach is needed. It’s called Eugenics.
Some Background….
Gregor Johann Mendel (1822 – 1884) was an Austrian (of Czech parents) biologist, meteorologist, mathematician and Augustinian Friar (later Abbot) of St. Thomas’ Abbey in Moravia, in the modern-day Czech Republic. He is known today as the father of genetics.
Friar Mendel was intrigued that farmers cross-bred their animals and plants for hundreds of years – and that such cross-breeding triggered desireable traits. Benefits such as higher crop yields, enhanced resistance to pests, fungi and rots. Increased tolerance to cold and harsh weather were documented. Cross-breeding livestock made them more robust and resilient to the myriad of bacteria, viruses and parasites that routinely decimated farm creatures.
For his scientific study, Friar Mendel embarked on an exhaustive study of pea plants. Between 1856 and 1863 he established much of what we now refer to as the “Rules of Heredity” or “Mandelian Rules”. His writings were exceedingly complex and mathematical. His conclusions were revolutionary. Mendel coined such terms as “purebred”, “dominant” and “recessive” characteristics in plant and animal husbandry. He opined that these characteristics determined the traits of any given organism. Mendel surmised that there was some roadmap that – although he couldn’t see it – decided what color fur an animal would have and what kind of stem a plant would grow.
Friar Mendel attributed these “dominant” and “recessive” characteristics to “invisible factors”. By the turn of his century (actually, 1899) these “invisible factors” would be scientifically re-named genes. Friar Mendel single-handedly established plant and animal “hybridization” as a scientific dicipline. Farmers today owe him a huge debt of gratitude.
Although Friar Gregor Johann Mendel was certainly prescient in his time to recognize and scientifically track down the basics of modern genetics, the ancients were fairly astute, too.
In Plato’s Republic (400 BCE), he proposed that societies should encourage “selective breeding” of its citizens in order to produce a “Guardian Class” – persons of the finest intellect and body that could lead the others in development and prosperity. According to Strabo (64 BCE), the Samnites would, every year, select ten virgin women and ten males judged to be the “best” of their gender and mate them. The offspring would occupy an exaulted and respected place in Samnite society and serve as a reservoir of talent to draw from in the administration and management of their lives. The Spartans (350 BCE) would “selectively” choose mates for their offspring – then kill off the newborns they considered physically “inferior”. A Spartan “Council of Elders” decided the fate of each child born in that city-state. In the works of Tacitus (56 BCE) he relates that the “Tribes of Germania” would kill any male of their community who acted cowardly in battle, thereby removing his “cowardly” blood-borne inclinations from the tribal ranks.
Even the Catholic Church – although officially opposed to state-enforced sterilization of women – accepted isolating people with hereditary diseases so as to not let them procreate (see Wikipedia).
Arranging reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desireable is now known as Eugenics. Eugenics proponents and “societies” were very popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s in the USA and England. People like George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells and even Richard Dawkins (2006) believed that humanity should “maximize” their genetic potential to produce productive and brilliant offspring.
There was much Nazi interest in “Eugenics” programs. Their idea of Eugenics, however, was a bastardized version of science – concerned more with eradication of certain human species than improving the lot. We need not waste time on those dark days.
In 2012 Doctors Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier engineered a unique “Cas9” protien by fusing two RNA molecules into a “Single Guide RNA” that could be used to target any DNA sequence in the human genone. Translation? Any DNA sequence could be changed – “bad” DNA (recessive / disease bearing) could be removed (ie. spliced into) and “good” (dominant / disease free) DNA substituted for it. This methodology that Doudna and Charpentier pioneered was called CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats). By utilizing their CRISPR “knife”, Doudna and Charpentier could target – via the “Single Guide RNA” made possible by their unique “Cas9” protien – a person’s DNA and excise bad gene components to cure any number of diseases. Thanks to CRISPR and the “Cas9” protien, a baby’s DNA can be altered to rescue it from a lifetime of sickle cell anemia, multiple sclerosis, tay-sachs disease, downs syndrome……..hypothetically. It’s all experimental now – and extremely expensive – but Doctors Doudna and Charpentier’s discoveries have the potential to alleviate suffering of millions of people.
Of course, a mechanism to manipulate and alter human DNA like CRISPR presents tremendous ethical challenges and legal ramifications. Abuse of this technology can open a Pandora’s Box of weaponized viruses, bacteria, phages, etc. Literally everything that has DNA is in the cross-hairs of its immense power. It can usher in a dystopian future – like the 1997 movie Gattaca, starring Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, where “boutique” baby creation is the norm until something unanticipated happens. It’s a great flick – eerily prescient and extremely disturbing.
Is “Diversity” just mongrelization?
According to one recent study, 25% of all “Gen Z” kids have never answered a phone. They text. They don’t talk. Even to each other.
If you’ve been to enough WAWA’s and/or “Center City” locales you’ll notice the purple-and-red-haired, pierced and overweight (if not obese) girls aimlessly milling about, eating bags of chips and drinking soda. A fair number of them are swollen like summer ticks, ready to burst. Yes, pregnant. The males hanging out with these females are just as pierced, hair-dyed and aimless. Everybody is transfixed on their phone and in desperate need of a bath. One can only imagine the drug useage going on.
The US Armed Services can’t meet their recruitment quotas because the meager applicants they get can’t pass basic testing and fail the physical exertion part of the exam. They’ve got tattoos the military despise. They can’t read or write basic English. Gang-bangers are routinely accepted as applicants – if their criminal records don’t include felony-level infractions and their “ink” can be hidden under uniforms. Autism is so common – unless it’s profound – it’s overlooked. Is this The Right Stuff?
A great percentage of our youth are a wreck. How does a society move forward, build and prepare for the next decade or century if it has to rely on people like this? How can it defend itself? How does a country that has blindly convinced itself that it’s “Exceptional” avoid decline? Is the USA “Exceptional”? How “Exceptional” are we if we can’t fill the ranks of our military? Our universities appear to be overrun with self-indulgent snowflakes whose minds are so feeble they “protest” and riot for causes that they don’t understand and then demand gluten-free and vegan food whilst defacing centuries-old architecture with spray paint and trash. All financed by Mommies and Daddies who can’t say “no” and vote blue, election after pointless election.
At the risk of raising everyone’s ire, I’ll state the obvious. Those Gen-Z girls (“Zoomers”) hangin’ at the WAWA I’ve just described have no business birthing offspring. Creating more state-dependent woebegones isn’t the answer. Abortion is the only choice. Yes, adoption is an alternative – but if we’re looking to upgrade our societal genome, we’re just kicking the can down the road. Chaotic breeding does not make for a solid future. We’ve got to make hard choices – provide access to abortion and ruthlessly impose achievement-based education and employment. Stop rewarding failure – only excellence. Not everybody gets a trophy. Only winners. We must treat DEI as the communist-socialist venereal disease it is. Bring back rigorous testing. Sink or swim.
In olden times our “Tribe” would know what girl to pair off with what boy. Just as a farmer can recognize “good stock” and breed them, tribal “Elders” would orchestrate unions of young people with an eye towards the future of all. Look at Amish communities, for an example. Traditions, morality, strong familial (Tribal) bonds and common blood make all the difference. A solid gene pool.
Hell, even my hot-pants lawyer friend – the “Karen” I mentioned earlier who wants to get pregnant – knows enough to insist on an “exceptional” sperm donor. DEI be damned when it comes to her Babykins – she wants “good stock”. If she gets her way, when the right Jizz package hits her womb, it’s gonna’ be from a healthy, live Stephen Hawking.
So how do we get back to “Good Stock”? Answer: Breed…..Good….Stock.
Are we talkin’ Arranged Marriages? Arranged pairings? Maybe. Then again, things are so far gone we may need a more comprehensive approach.
We can use methodologies like CRISPR to focus on eradication of genetic disease – but the secret to solid offspring is solid parents and a holistic, positive “Tribal” environment. Proud people helping their own. People bound by ties that transcend space and time. Blood ties.
Problem is – America’s population is not a monolithic, uniform bloc. There’s no genetic base-line. There are so many ethnicities and variations of humanity here that finding one transcendant, pure blood-strain to scientifically improve is hopeless. We are a nation of differences. Culturally, Americans agree on very little – and our political divisions are insurmountable. Will a Trump victory in November keep a lid on this nearly critical mass of boiling discontent? Are we approaching political Armageddon? Will Biden’s boys “steal” another one? We’re all holding our collective breath, waiting for some “Hail Mary” pass from somewhere. But it may be too late.
The quality of the Unted States’ population obviously can’t sustain the country we’ve built. We’re awash in stupidity. There are too many confused people, too many self-interested assholes, too many disinterested zombies, too many aimless souls with no skin in the game and too many politicians with their hands in the till. And then there’s the dysfunctional, captive press that’s disseminating skewed narratives and outright propaganda to shore it all up. Sky-high inflation is breaking us. It’s a house of cards ready to collapse. And – on top of it all – population numbers have tanked. People ain’t doin’ the nasty – and those that are……well, they ain’t the ones pumping out Nobel Prize winners. Socially, economically and demographically, this place is falling apart. We’ve had a good run. Can it really be over?
The danger America faces can no longer be shrugged-off as “malaise”. Experts say that the answer to a degraded population and decine is DNA management through Eugenics. By fine-tuning DNA’s uniqueness and inherent strengths we can undo years of genetic dilution – ie. mongrelization. For those accustomed to “Affirmative Action”, a new day is dawning: we’re going to have to stop bullshitting ourselves that “Diversity is our Strength”. This perversion that led us down the road to perdition – DEI – must be eradicated at all levels. We must either erase this cancer or surrrender our preeminence – our world leadership in science, economics, the Rule of Law and culture. Time to straighten up and fly right. Ponder this the next time you stop at a WAWA.
Hypothetically, DARPA may already have liquid nitrogen-cooled sperm and egg vaults stocked with the essence of the world’s best and brightest, just waiting to be injected (that is, in-vitro fertilized) into some willing – or unwilling – girl’s womb and quietly mainsteamed into American society (think an X-Files “alien abduction” scenario). Maybe DARPA is “seeding” us with selective high-octane DNA right now. But make no mistake – it’s for their benefit, not ours. We’re on our own. DARPA’s end-game is probably creation of super-soldiers and/or that “Guardian Class” Plato wrote about (in 400 BCE) in his Republic. And how is DARPA going to decommission the gonads of everybody they don’t want to reproduce? The millions of great unwashed that have room-temperature IQs? How about a “mandatory” pandemic injection, shades of COVID? All the puzzle pieces are on the table. Don’t say it can’t happen here. It already has.
So, what now?
Good luck dividing Americans into “Tribes” and convincing them to breed their kids with mates they (or their “Council of Elders”) have found salutary or advantageous on a case by case basis. Screams of “Racist!” will drown that idea at the get-go. Let our Government handle it? Through some left-wing “Department of Reproduction”? You better pray that never happens. Unless and until aware Americans adopt a holistic, practical ideology that embraces restorative eugenics and makes it part of their family planning, we’re toast.
The best I’m hoping for is a grass-roots, common-sense Eugenics Revolution – an ideology embraced by a majority of Americans. A sui generis, restorative movement that We The People originate, hatch and sustain through grit and determination. A belief system made manifest in the births of exceptional children.
I will explore this idea in future articles.