Drone Update – Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024 – The Truth Will Out

President-elect Trump held a corker of a Presser yesterday.

Some Japanese Billionaire is giving us money and jobs.  Thanks.  I’m not ungrateful – but “Thirsty Men Want Beer – Not Excuses”.  Talk about the Drones, Goddammit.

In the Q & A “Donnybrook” (no pun intended) of press jackals screaming questions at him, Trump did, after much delay, get to the topic on everybody’s mind.

The “Government” knows what the Drones are.  They know where they’re coming from. They know what “garage” they disappear into.  “For some reason” the Government doesn’t want to explain what the Drones are doing.  If we were in some danger, the Government will “handle” it.

Translation?  Nothing to see here.  Move along.  Enough transparency for one day.

Ever eat rice cakes?  No taste.  Doesn’t satisfy your need for protein.  Passes through your system like sheit through a goose.

Trumps comments were a few verbal rice cakes for we, the great unwashed.  Don’t get me wrong – I’m a lifelong Trumper.  Still am.  But……..these comments didn’t quite butter my Bisquit.

It was the coitus interruptus of Press Conferences.


From this all what do we deduce?

  1.  The “Government” knows a lot more than they’re willing to share;
  2. It’s for our “National Security”, don’t you know……….how many times have we heard this horseheit?
  3. My takeaway:  Something radioactive is lost.  It isn’t an old dental X-Ray machine.  It’s dangerous.  Perhaps a low-yield nuke or bomb seeded with radioactive materials. A high-yield nuke?  Unlikely.  Those things are kept track of by everyone who has them – and they watch each other like hawks.  Literally.  And the high-yield babies have pronounced “signatures” immediately traceable to whatever facility produced them. Kind of like an airplane’s “Black Box”.  This is what I’m being told – law enforcement scuttlebutt.
  4. There was some anecdotal chatter on the interwebs about a “low yield radioactive explosion” somewhere in New Jersey.  I haven’t been able to confirm this yet so I’m taking it all with a grain of salt.
  5. Drone activity down here in the Pine Barrens has dropped off to spit.
  6. Has the Government found what they were looking for?  Are they standing down?
  7. If so, when are we going to be told something substantive?  Are we going to be told anything substantive?
  8. If the whole Drone event now falls completely off the radar – like that big white Chinese surveillance balloon – we’re going to be ignored and blown-off by everybody in authority.  “Drones?  What Drones? Oh! Those silly things?  That’s all over, now!”
  9. Get a rag ready to wipe off your neck.  Pretty soon somebody official is gonna’ be pissing down it and telling you it’s raining.
  10. Paging Admiral Kirby!  You’re up at bat!  ‘Ole putty-face will say anything.  Our very own Baghdad Bob.

I’ll keep my eyes open here in the Pines – but my sources tell me that this whole “Drone Flap” thing is over. We’ll soon see White House Security Spokesperson Admiral Kirby back up his bullsheit truck to the microphone, contort his plastic mug into what passes these days as verisimilitude and deliver a whopper of a yarn.

I’ll bet it’s gonna’ be some saccharin fairy tale about “bad actors” caught in the act trying to explode a comically inadequate nuclear device that only “fizzled” – and the “brave pounce-teams of our military” who doggedly tracked them down and dispatched them.

Don’t believe any of it.


Question Everything.

Jon Croft

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