Drone Update, Tues., Dec. 24, 2024 – RIP Drones!

By Jon Croft


Last night at 1:00AM I observed three drones.   They haven’t stopped flying.  But….

It’s all over!

That’s right. It’s all over.  The Government told us squat.  Our Police didn’t know whether to sheit or go blind. Our local politicians soiled their britches and mouthed aggressive platitudes about how they’re “Going get to the bottom of this!”  Now they’re locked in their offices with their cell phones going to “message”.

Congress had their Select Committee Meetings in Camera.  And we got crickets.

Like the man said at the end of Rambo – “It’s over, Johnny….”

Our own government has just dropped a burning bag of dog poop on our front porches, rang the doorbell and ran away.  We’ve been gaslighted, hand-jobbed and flipped the bird.

If I wasn’t in and from New Jersey, I’d be offended.

These things are still flying around – sightings from New Jersey to Ohio to Virginia to Tennessee are still being filmed.  Sure, some may be manned aircraft mistaken for drones, but many are legitimate mysterious, inexplicable airframes.  Many are drones of uncertain provenance.

Our government – or some rogue part of it – is doing something they don’t want us to know about.  With our tax money.  And they’re getting away with it.

At this point I call this “Drone Flap” over.  Nobody is going to explain anything until a tidy, government-scrubbed press release is distributed a few weeks from now (if ever) blowing some “official” narrative smoke up our collective asses.  People will then be expected to nod and move on.

To paraphrase T. S. Elliot:  This is how the Drones end – not with a bang but a whimper.


Question Everything

Copyright, 2024  Jon Croft
