What if the COVID Vaccine was a covert government project to eliminate Vampires once and for all by degrading their human-blood-sourced food supply? What if the plan was bungled by Fauci and the National Health Agency bureaucrats and now Vampires want revenge? What if Vampires aren’t what we think? More importantly – what if we aren’t what we think?
Doctor Sarkisian has apparently “gone ahead”. We’re to meet him at Camp Hero. There’s a kind of edginess about everybody today…….Valet August……our driver…….even the rotund Chef…….like something is going on. Me and Katrina agree to compare notes about what we’ve been shown only after our briefing sessions are completed. We both want Answers. She got her reasons and I got mine. But we want the whole picture.
We’re driven to yet another Camp Hero faux rusted quonset hut, descend in another garage-floor elevator down to (this time) level twenty five. We’re led to a lecture ampitheater with seats arranged in crescent shaped levels – all facing a desk down below where Dr. Sarkisian is sitting, engrossed in his laptop. It’s college time. The Professor’s in the house. He’s got a huge media screen behind him and a few (probably) graduate student girls are arranging files, photos and objects on a table in front of him.
“Ahhhhh……Katrina and Jon. Please have a seat down in the first row here and we’ll begin”. The graduate students make themselves scarce and when they finally leave the room Doc starts talking.
Pictures flash on the screen. Doc’s voice is loud and clear. He’s authoritative and confident.
Let’s run through some facts – yes facts, even though you’ve probably been told much of this is “Fringe Archaeology or Fringe Science”. I’m going to brief you exactly what we tell the President and his National Security Advisors……..what I’m saying you can take to the bank. On the strength of this information Presdent Dubya Bush and Colin Powell took us to war . We won our prize: Jack. Saddam Hussein knew Goddamn well what we came looking for and why Iraq was invaded.
Let’s roll some pictures…..
Here’s the Sphinx. Dr. Robert Schoch is correct – it’s much older than we thought. The weathering patterns and erosion around its base – here and here – could only be caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall. This puts its construction date hundreds of thousands of years before the Giza Pyramids.
The Giza Pyramids themselves bear evidence of extreme water erosion…….also pointing to construction dates millennia – if not hundreds of millennia – older than what we believed. Aquatic erosion is just one clue. There are other clues, compiled with the help of NASA satellites and ice core samplings from Antarctica – that’s why you can’t travel to Antarctica without special US Pentagon clearances. The US Military found incontrovertible answers there. Hugely significant stuff. Operation Highjump in 1947 opened everybody’s eyes. We’ll leave it at that for the time being.
When were there sustained floods in Egypt? Well before the Pharoahs. Apparently a lot of building was going on hundreds of thousands of years before it was supposed to be according to mainstream Archaeology.
This is the Blue Zigurrat where we found Jack. Same erosion. But worse. It’s the same throughout the Middle East – extreme water deluge and erosion cycles for centuries……Inundations that occurred repeatedly over hundreds of thousands of years. Let’s start with a basic premise:
The Earth is much older than we ever expected.
Since this is an overview, I’m not going to get into deep weeds – just the high points and official “scientific consensus” conclusions.
How did we get here? Who are we?
We track man’s evolution from Neanderthal to Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien. Everybody was warm blooded and had an Iron / Hemoglobin based blood oxygenation system. Man’s “Evolution” supposedly occured over millions upon millions of years…….but there’s a problem. For the Homo Sapien’s brain to have grown so big compared to his predecessors Homo Erectus and Neanderthal he would have required at least five more million years. The timeline for human brain development – its sheer size – doesn’t add up. Five million years is a long time……it’s no mere bookkeeping error.
An Oxford University Neurobiologist named Colin Blakemore in 2010 went public with his (now accepted) proposition that a mutation in the brain of a single human being 200,000 years ago turned intellectually feeble ape men into a super-intelligent species that would ultimately “conquer the world”. Dr. Blakemore single-handedly exploded the myth of “Gradual Evolution” of mankind.
Bottom line: Homo Sapiens are a “Genetic Accident”.
Where did this sudden “mutation” come from? What precipitated it?
No variations in culture or weather patterns can explain such a huge change in Homo Sapien brain structure. Dr. Blakemore summed it up as follows:
“…….It’s like arguing that a reptile suddenly developed fully formed wings and then sat around for 200,000 years before suddenly saying: Oh my God, I’ve discovered I can fly. It’s rediculous.”
Genetic studies suggest that every living human can be traced back to a single woman called “Mitochondrial Eve” who lived in Africa about 200,000 ago. Dr. Blakemore posits that 200,000 years ago there was a sudden, dramatic and spontaneous mutuation in “Mitochondrial Eve” which spread through the species.
In the words of Dr. Blakemore, “Something happened…..something magnificent.”
Here’s where Jack comes in the picture. Here’s where this realm of myth and mystery obliterates your comfortable paradigm of human history.
Open your minds……suspend your disbelief…..and grab hold of your Huevos…….
Jack’s remains are 300,0000 years old.
He’s remarkably well preserved because he’s radioactive as Hell. In his Sarcophagus he stored the history of his people. Fragments of this history was also preserved on cuneiform tablets found throughout the Middle East – recorded by Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians. There are confirmations in extant records from millennia ago attesting to a race known only as Annunakki – those who came from the sky. A race of Giants who taught men writing, the art of building, agriculture, metallurgy and war.
Ugartic and Phoenician sources called them “Rephiam”. Certain Semitic peoples called them “Nephilim”. These are the times of “Great Antiquity” before the Great Flood. In the Book of Enoch they are called “The Watchers”.
I have personally deciphered all the cuneiform records the United States Army “liberated” from Iraq during its occupation of that country. I have personally deciphered the – perfectly engraved Lapis Lazuli – tablets Jack kept with him in his sarcophagus. Here goes…..
The Annunakki came to Earth 450,000 years ago.
Is that what they called themselves? Who knows. All we know is that their Supreme Leader on their home planet was called “The Great Anu”. Annunakki means “Subjects of Anu”. They came here because they needed gold.
I’ll repeat that: they didn’t just want gold – they needed gold.
Their home planet – more about that topic later – had suffered a catastrophe. A planetary “Killing Event”. An enormous tear in its atmospheric dome was allowing dangerous radiation to scorch and dessicate its planetary surface. The Annunakki were reeling – and dying – from its effects. Their days were numbered. If Jack is any radiation yardstick of what they faced – their crisis was real. What caused it? Who knows – perhaps Nuclear War. They certainly had atomic weapons tech.
The Annunakki were a scientifically advanced race – and theorized that by dispersing highly “aerosolized” flakes of pure gold into their atmospheric fissure they could stanch, if not stop completely, dangerous radiation from destroying their civilizaton. A golden patch. Investigation was undertaken of other planets because their world had limited quantites of the precious metal – at least in the extraordinary tonnage they required. One planet was discovered that had all the gold they needed…..It also had an oxygen-rich atmosphere. It was ideal.
An elite scientific expedition was launched – hundreds of scientists and support staff together with the necessary equipment to find and extract gold for transhipment back to their home planet.
Remember, this was approximately 450,000 years ago.
The offspring of the Supreme Leader “Anu” were put in charge – sons Enlil and Enki, and daughter Ninhursag. Ninhursag was Chief Science and Medical Officer and the most gifted scientist of their age. If they had an Einstein or Stephen Hawking – she was it.
Since gold mining was labor-intensive, the Annunakki brought to Earth with them thousands of workers – servile staff they called “Igigi”. The word could also mean convict. We are not sure. Either way, they were the gold miners.
The initial landing and base camp site for the Annunakki scientists was in Mesopotamia, near the Euphrates River. What is now the archaeological site of Uruk in modern day Iraq. Industrial-scale gold mining took place in South Africa, at a place they called “Abzu”. For one hundred and fifty thousand years, the Igigi labored long and hard to mine the precious gold that was to save their home world. Then the Igigi had enough.
About 150,000 years into their mining operation, the Igigi threw down their tools and revolted. Perhaps the work was too hard and the conditions too bleak. Perhaps they were treated poorly. All we know is that the Igigi were massacred. Every last one of them. The Annunaki were unforgiving taskmasters. More Igigi were brought to Earth to replace the killed workers, but it was an untenable long-term answer.
The worker’s discontent, however, had been brewing for thousands of years. It didn’t go unnoticed by Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag. While the brothers bitterly fought over how they could solve what was becoming a gold-mining predicament, Ninhursag had an ace up her sleeve.
She’d been studying and genetically altering the makeup of earth’s Homo Sapiens. After Ninhursag engineered critical gene mutations that altered brain function, capacity and size – humans began to show promise. Ninhursag succeeded in leap-frogging human evolution millions of years. There were apparently some horrific, grotesque failures involving attempts to enhance Homo Sapien strength through splicing human and animal DNA strains. Monsters were created – the beasts of legend, now just whispered about and lost in the fog of time.
Nihursag’s goal was targeted: to engineer and breed workers. Her developmental blueprint set forth specific criteria:
1. Breed an enhanced human with a brief gestation period, short infancy and relatively early muscle strength that peaked during a physical working carreer of about thirty Earth years;
2. An entity that was biologically programmed to reproduce in quantity to replace itself;
3. Had built-in susceptibility to diseases that would manifest in late life stages so the old could seamlessly die off and give way to the new;
4. Had a Hemoglobin-based blood oxygenation system for high energy levels;
5. Had just enough intelligence to understand how to operate high output mining machinery but not enough to question orders or the authority of superiors;
6. Was predisposed to superstition – to keep them in fear – and servile roles;
7. Was strong enough physically to do its job but not strong enough to resist or undermine management directives;
8. That unquestioningly accepted its lot in life without complaint or engaging in any activity that was contrary to the overall purpose of its existence;
9. That was compliant in all things without exception;
10. Had limited language skills;
11. That was fragile – compared to the Annunakki – and easily killed….if necessary.
Cessation of gold production was not an option. Ninhursag had to solve their dilemma. When Ninhursag revealed her creation – a child she’d named A-DAM, the rest of the scientists – probably out of pure professional jealousy – were aghast. They reported her to Supreme Leader Anu and accused her of treason and apostacy. They believed her manipulation of sacred Annunakki science was heresy – an abomination. Supreme Leader Anu himself called her actions an infamy.
Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag were put on trial before the entire High Council. Anu presided. Enlil believed breeding workers was their only alternative. Enki was adamantly opposed but conceded they were out of options. Ninhursag remained defiant. The Great Anu could not bear to punish his own offspring – and yet he was tormented by his sense of duty to the High Council.
In the end, Supreme Leader Anu decreed that the workers would be bred according to the blueprint of Ninhursag – however, because these workers had such an intense biological drive to reproduce, another class of “Culling” beings – Exterminators – should be engineered to keep the numbers of Homo Sapiens down to manageable proportions. Specialized beings to “thin the herd” were to be scientifically created and unleashed on Earth. Ninhursag was ordered forthwith to redeem herself by fulfilling Anu’s decree to the letter.
Ninhursag had bio-engineered A-DAM over an extended period of time with limitless experimentation, trials and errors. Now she didn’t have a generous timetable within which to fulfill Anu’s decree. She was under the gun. If her creation A-DAM was to survive and multiply – create a workforce to rescue Earth’s gold-harvesting operation – she needed a foolproof way to keep in check its hyperactive reproductive instincts. Anu’s decree was a brutal and unsentimental solution – a quick fix – but Ninhursag had to obey. Supreme Leader Anu’s word was the law.
Ninhursag committed herself to engineering a Killer……an A-DAM killer. A being with none of the weaknesses she programmed into A-DAM’s genes. A being with cherry-picked strengths of the Annunakki. She worked quickly – perhaps too quickly. Desperate, Ninhursag extracted an ovum from her own body and proceeded to “turn off” genes that enabled key characteristics of her race.
She “dumbed down” most of her genes and permanently disabled the chromotin needed to resuscitate the de-programmed proteins throughout the bulk of her genome. Approximately 60% of her own genes in her harvested ovum were permanently disabled. Deep within her own DNA she “reversed” her race’s evolution and then fertilized her doctored egg with equally modified Homo Sapien semen.
The brilliant Annunakki Science Officer was successful beyond her wildest expectations.
Ninhursag created an entity at polar opposites to A-DAM. Reproduction was not a biological imperative. It had Hemocyanic / Copper based blood oxygenation – so disease resistance was assured. Cancer was not a threat. It had a good dose of Annunakki brains and cunning – but only 50% of Annunakki IQ. It was physically strong – much stronger than A-DAM . It’s life span was at least four times that of its prey. It had aggressive, intimidating canine teeth. It was a brute. Born to kick ass.
Bottom-Line: Ninhursag engineered an Annunakki-Homo Sapien hybrid that was biologically superior and hard-wired to exterminate something it considered a lesser life form…….a kind of vermin. A-DAM.
Ninhursag called her “grim reaper” creation V-AM. The first male V-AM was named Marduk. The first female V-AM was named Tiamat. The first
A-DAM was named……Adam. A female Eve followed shortly thereafter.
V-AM was bred to be the liquidator. A-DAM was bred to be worker and prey.
Winner-Winner-Chicken-Dinner. Anu was pleased. The Council was mollified. All was well……or was it?
Human beings eventually gave V-AM a new name: Vampire.
Let us continue our macabre historical journey after a brief respite, shall we? All this biology talk has made me hungry….”
Doctor Sarkisian hits a key on his laptop and as if by magic his dutiful graduate girls appear with trays of sandwiches and coffe urns. We munch and nosh through forty-five minutes. The assistants tidy things up and “Doc” resumes his briefing.
“It’s about time we talk about……time. As Dr. Einstein told us, it’s relative. You know the story – take a long space flight that approaches the speed of light and by the time you get back to Earth your hot trophy wife is a withered old hag…….but you still look buff. Time passes differently in space. Of course, we’ve only scratched the surface understanding these things – but there’s all sorts of other space stuff going on that we’ve nailed down solid.
In 1894 Boston astronomer Percival Lowell – we later named an observatory in Arizona after him – became convinced that the planets Uranus (no snickers, please) and Neptune had slight discrepancies in their orbits around the Sun. He concluded that they – Uranus and Neptune – were being tugged by the gavity of another more distant planet – which he called Planet X or The Tenth Planet.
Interestingly enough, mathmatical analysis of the “tug” that is being exerted against Uranus and Neptune would presuppose a body with a mass at least five to ten times greater than the Earth. It’s ellipse orbit around the Sun would also result in greater solar radioactivity.
This Planet X does not enter the boundaries of other planets but it does “cross over” into that part of the Solar Sytem between Neptune and Pluto close enough and bright enough to be visible to people on Earth for a brief period of time. This is why Incas and Aztecs – as well as Babylonians and Akkadians – wrote of “Nibiru” the “Hidden One” that can only be glimpsed during Earth’s “Perihelion” or point of closest proximity to our Sun.
In 1846 French Mathmatician Urbain LeVerrier and British Mathmatician Sir John Couch Adams discovered Neptune by calculating the precise perturbations in the orbit of Uranus. The gravitational bulk was pulling on Uranus – producing intermittant anomalies in its motion. Pluto was discovered in 1930 by US Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh using this same mathmatical methodology. All of their calculations have since been confirmed by computer programs in Universities throughout the world. Oddly enough, even the ancient Sumerians believed that there were ten planets in our Solar System, not nine….how did they know?
So – where there’s smoke there’s fire. Planet X became an obsession with Astronomers. In 2016, Yale University Astronomer Gregory Laughlin opined that Planet X (or the “Tenth Planet”) had a mass ten times that of Earths’. University of California Astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown observed that the mystery planet has an orbit tilted 54 degrees to the plane of the Solar Sytem – when nearly all objects in the Solar System orbit within the same plane. Their only explanation – a “massive” gravitational pull beyond Neptune.
Perturbations in the Kuiper Belt , a belt of known objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, also confirmed the presence of a mystery planet. The secret was out.
Then, out of a clear blue sky (no pun intended), NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory went public with the claim that they’d “overestimated” the Mass of Neptune – ergo any evidence of a gravitational “Tug” was in error. Apparently, everybody got their math wrong over the last one hundred years…..astronomers, scientists – even the computers!. There is no such undiscovered Planet X in our Solar System. Nothing to see here……move along.
The whole topic has since- academically and officially – gone dark. Astronomers are now silent about “Nibiru”, “Planet X” or “The Tenth Planet”. Why? NASA has told them to keep quiet. Like “Shut the Hell up” quiet.
Because it’s comin’…..a real big Hunka’ Burnin’ Love ten times the mass of Earth……and it’s headed straight for us.
Planet X – Nibiru – The Tenth Planet….whatever you want to call it…. completes its orbit around the Sun every 3600 Earth years. It has an extremely long, elliptical orbit passage, ergo one year on Planet X is 3600 Earth years……let’s do some quick math.
Assuming Jack is from Planet X – and is 300,000 years old in Earth years, he’d only be 83 in Panet X years! We estimate Jack’s lifespan to have been around 500 years. We can therefore conclude he was killed in the Summer season of his life. Jack was a young man – cut down at the height of his glory days. A sad end, indeed, for such a strapping stud-muffin and handsome heart-breaker. There probably wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
Joking aside, Planet X’s orbit is extremely alarming: it passes close to Earth every 3600 years….and we know “they” drop by when they’re in the neighborhood. Like fond parents or anyone who has created something, the Annunakki are curious about how things are working out. And when they do drop by – they’re not shy about shaking things up. Crackin’ some eggs to make a new Omlet.
This time around we may find them somewhat Pissed Off…….
So, let’s recap. Jack is Annunakki. Left on Earth for reasons we have no idea about. Probably from Planet X or Nibiru or The Tenth Planet – whichever name you prefer. His world comes close to Earth – that is, their respective orbits metphorically “cross paths” – every 3600 years. Every 3600 years the Annunakki stop in to say Hello…..and tune us all up a bit. Can our best minds and computers calculate when this visit will occur? Of course…..
In January of our calendar year 2050.”
Copyright, 2023 Jon Croft