What if the Vatican had in their possession the dead bodies of Vampires? What if the Vatican had historical records of these killers in their secret “Library” for centuries? What if the Jesuit Order was formed to be the official liaisons to and protectors of the Vampire race? Why would the Vatican be a party to such an arrangement? What does the Vatican know that we don’t?
Present Day
Chateau de Sarcenat,
par Oreines,
Auvergne, France
Chateau & Ancestral Home of,
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
French Paleontologist, Theologian, Philosopher & Jesuit Priest
Lessor in Perpetuity of Chateau de Sacrcenat & 2500 Hectares of Vineyards,
His Excellency,
Latham Eugen Bischoff von Anhalt, Vampyre
Lorcan gently pushes a small box forward across the rutted expanse of the feasting table, careful not to disturb the covered silver service array that occupies the center of it. He leans over to make sure his delivery is slow and respectful. To get the box where he intends it to be is a real stretch – the table is that wide. Medieval wide……and long. Hewn from solid French Oak hundreds of years ago and pinned with hand-forged square nails by peasants long since forgotten.
“The guard at Sarkisian’s Hill Grove Estate in Long Island had these loaded into his Heckler & Koch HK416 long arm. The gun is chambered in 5.56 x 45 mm NATO caliber, but his magazine contained this little surprise”.
Lorcan reaches over again and tips the small cardboard container on its end. Out roll twelve rounds. Each keeps rolling until they find a rut or gouge in the table deep enough to nest in. The bullets are 5.56 x 45 NATO – but are black-tipped with what looks like a ceramic coating.
von Anhalt reaches across the table and picks up a bullet. He examines it, squinting in the darkness of the room. He keeps silent, knowing his guest is about to deliver his report.
Lorcan speaks in measured – but confident – tones.
“The round is standard caliber but altered. It’s nosecone – literally – is a Carbon eggshell containing a chemically-enhanced metallic Sodium core. That Sodium core is sistered up to a sizeable quantity of micropulverized or nanoparticalized Sulphur. Reason for the carbon cover? The metallic element Sodium doesn’t react with Carbon. Carbon is inert. It does, however, degrade in the presence of oxygen – that is why it is sealed inside.
Metallic Sodium – “Na” and #11 on the Periodic Table of Elements – is Exothermic. This means it explodes on contact with water. Sodium instantly “donates” an electron to Hydrogen Ions in water which causes a spontaneous emmission of heat and a violent eruption of Hydrogen gas. In other words, it blows up. It releases a lot of energy.
In a contained environment – like the inside of a torso – it will explode out its entry hole and cause beaucoup bodily damage. The explosive force will also distribute micropulverized Sulphur – actually nanoparticles of metallic sulfide – that are packed into the bullet. That force will blow it right into the blood stream of a Vampire. Why is this significant?
Vampires are Hemocyanic. We have a Copper based blood oxygenation system, unlike the Human Hemoglobin-Iron based system. Sanskrit writings from the Indus Valley thousands of years ago noted that Sulphur was the enemy of Copper. We have known this for millennia.
An energetic Sulphur infusion into Hemocyanic Vampire blood promotes dielectric failure – meaning, short circuiting of nerve impulses. Sulphur destroys the metallic properties of Copper – consequently, nerve signal transmission and muscle coordination is interrupted and could be damaged permanently. Significant internalized doses of sulphur in Vampire anatomy can also cause profound disorientation and intra-cranial bleeding – even death.
This bullet precipitates a sudden Hydrogen gas expansion inside an entry wound and this energy, multiplied by tremedous heat, pushes itself outwards – out of the bullet hole. A blast of fire and gasseous residue bursts from the wound which – for an instant – literally consumes the body itself. Obviously, the pain is intense. It’s initially a “Disabling” round, but with long term effects.
Additionally, spontaneous eruption of Hydrogen gas in the presence of heat and other Hemocyanic blood components creates Hydochloric acid. The infusion of Sulphur into this environment creates Sulphuric Acid. Both of these acids suddenly introduced into Vampire anatomy and blood oxygenation combine to corrode “Hemocyanic” metabolic efficencies and resistance to disease. It suppresses Vampire immunities. Result? Vampires rapidly fall victim to human illnesses and long term mortality threats.”
von Anhalt is unnerved by all this technical verbage and gruffly interrupts.
“I thought their feeble brains were no match for our devinely inspired race!”
He bellows his declaration not as a question but a boast for the benefit of his security detail who are milling about the room with dour, paranoid expressions on their faces.
Lorcan is carefully sidesteps von Anhalt’s posturing. The last thing he wants is to get off message – and this topic is damn-near verboten in Vampire circles.
“Well….humans have had more than enough time to evolve. Their brain pan has increased and their DNA gene pool is huge. Natural Selection is pushing their IQs higher and higher…….and they have the advantage of sheer numbers. Biology makes its own rules…….In any event, we have at least double their lifespans to undo any mischief they cause.”
Time to change the subject.
“Let me demonstrate this Exothermic quality of metallic elemental Sodium, or “Na” on the Periodic Table of Elements. And please bear in mind that a Vampire body contains a substantial amount of water……..”
Lorcan opens his attache case and takes out a short, squat tin with what looks like a sardine key affixed to its lid. He peels the key off the container, opens a pen-knife and carries everything to the far end of the feasting table. He rolls open the container lid, revealing a silvery slab of metal inside. A pungent odor of Kerosine wafts out in all directions.
von Anhalt is not pleased. “What is that….Kerosine?”
Lorcan keeps focused.
“Yes…….Kerosine. The element Sodium is unstable. It degrades in the presence of oxygen…..ergo we have to transport Sodium inside a stable medium – like Kerosine. Kerosine is inert. I’m going to cut off a small corner of this little Sodium slab here – it’s about a soft as lead – and do a little experiment……..”
Lorcan cuts into the soft metal and balances a chunk about the size of a dime on the end of his pen knife. He then turns to a half-full glass of water positioned nearby, drops it in and quickly jumps away, deftly slipping behind a large chair.
Instantly, a bright flash and explosion occurs – showering the room with glass shards of the drinking vessel.
Now it’s von Anhalt’s time to explode.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHAT TREACHERY IS THIS???” he screams. His Security Team inches closer, hands on their weapons.
von Anhalt visibly shakes from his outburst. Drool drips down the corners of mouth and down his jaw like some drunken peasant or hunting dog. He wipes the slime away with boney, bent fingers and drys them on the white tablecloth. Lorcan imagines his blackened and yellowed canine teeth wobbling in their sockets, ready to fall out. At this moment he is the very personification of their degenerate race.
Hiding his disgust, Lorcan calmly continues his presentation.
“Considering the dime-size sliver of Sodium metal I cut off – that’s a Hell of a lot of bang and explosive energy………” Lorcan keeps talking as he returns to his chair opposite von Anhalt. Once seated, he picks up a bullet and holds it out to von Anhalt.
“SO…..bottom line. This shiney, black eggshell is a brittle carbon nosecone that contains an enhanced metallic Sodium and a micro-pulverized, nano-tech Sulphur component. It’s designed to shatter on impact with a Vampire body, allowing the bullet’s contents to penetrate deep inside where maximum damage can be done. Multiple hits with this bullet can trigger cascading organ failure in very short order.
There appears to be a catalyst involved in this bullet’s Hydrogen gas release and spontaneous explosion process. We still don’t know what it is. The instantantaneous donation of a Sodium electron into a water molecule – creating Hydrogen gas and extreme heat emmission – is elementary science. But this catalyst……we’re still investigating.”
von Anhalt jumps in, visibly aggitated. His drool returns.
“Is it Pindar’s catalyst? The blessed alchemical catalyst? Has he betrayed us?” von Anhalt is livid. He bangs the table with his fists. He’s not asking for answers, he’s barking and demanding them.
Lorcan keeps calm. Defusing the tension here is his priority.
“No………the Salvation Catalyst of our Blessed Mother, Ninhursag , is not being used here…….there are no atomic isotope signatures appearing in our analysis that would confirm such treachery…….Pindar knows the consequences. He is steadfast in his loyalty. Pindar understands that if he reveals the secret of cold fusion transmutation of elements with humans he will be condemned to eternal agony…….The Torture of the Undead.”
von Anhalt seems mollified for the time being. His shaking has abated.
“Well, then……The humans have a new toy – a new bullet..…..Good for them. All the same, we’ll rip their throats out and feed on them……….now head back to Long Island and keep an eye on what’s going on at Camp Hero.
Sarkisian’s prize is what we need to motivate our Covens. The humans will pay dearly for desecrating our divine lineage…….the wellspring from which we flow……..Jack in the Box indeed!!! They will all choke on their sacrilege and bleed into our waiting mouths.”
Lorcan savors the moment and studies von Anhalt’s face.
Wrinkled, scarred, pale-skinned. The color of piss. His face sags under his right eye socket, giving him a deflated and indistinct jawbone outline. His right arm tremors and his hand – once a powerful weapon in its own right – is scraggy and hooked. Long, blackened fingernails curl under his fingertips, sharpened into exaggerated razor points. Talons of a delusional bird of prey wannabe. His eyes are opague and fishy, dirty-white and thickly filmed over. von Anhalt has lost most of his thinning hair is now almost completely bald. His odd clothes hang on him like loose rags. He’s a raving, mentally unhinged buffoon.
Many older vampires today sport one talon to rip open a human jugular vein. The younger generation uses a blade. von Anhalt brandishes his multi-taloned claw like it’s some Neanderthal testament to his dried-up virility. How absurd….Gone are the days when Vampire teeth suck blood from prey and leave telltale, theatrical “puncture wounds” in a victims’ neck. Van Helsing and his ilk would be out of luck today.
Filthy human skin presents too great a breeding ground for viral, bacterial and fungal disorders…..and the seemingly endless roster of sexually transmitted diseases and other disgusting human afflictions. Humans are petri dishes of festering, septic garbage. Most of them have disagreeable odors. Better to drain their blood from a nicely ripped and gaping jugular vein directly into a cup – and then field test it. Vampires have state-of-the-art “quick test” technology that’s awesomely accurate. Their wealth equips them with whatever they need.
Every “pack” or cadre of prowling Vampires these days has a corpsman or medic to “green light” human blood for consumption. The solitary, sexually alluring Vampire aristocrat stalking the foggy streets of Queen Victoria’s London late at night in search of red sustenance is a hackneyed Bram Stoker trope. Vampires rarely “feed” alone. Even their rape orgies with human females are under the watchful eye of a “Tester”. These days, Vampires take “Safe Sex” to a whole other level.
von Anhalt’s orchestrated “rebellion” has clearly taken much out of him. His once-renowned prizefighter physique is gone……his history of glorious – and victorious – duels against legendary Coven champions is forgotten by everyone. Most of the “Young Lions” that allied with him now are questioning their decision. The once-vaunted “von Anhalt Manifesto” – without a powerful Vampire leader behind it – is just blustery words. A braggadocious wet dream penned by a has-been. The erstwhile charismatic personality and politically astute mind of this legendary Coven strategist is now gone. von Anhalt is finished. And that makes him dangerous.
Lorcan is certain: von Anhalt has the blood disease.…..that dreaded thing Vampires don’t talk about. The thing that breeds and multiplies in human hemoglobin and mutates in the Vampire Hemocyatic “Copper” blood oxygenation environment once Vampires ingest it. With the “sugar rush” of super-Oxygenated human blood comes the curse..….
Humans had a humerous ditty to describe the threat: “One night with Venus and you spend the rest of your days with Mercury”.
Neurosyphilis. It brings with it general paresis, dementia, personality changes, delusions, seizures, psychosis and depression. Vampires experience pain and extreme light sensitivity…….and ultimately, blindness. To make matters worse, the Treponema pallidum bacterium spirochetes that spread the disease are stubbornly resistant to Copper “Hemocyanic” blood immunities, allowing for rapid tertiary phase onset in the Vampire anatomy. It rots Vampires from the inside out – just like it does humans.
Human “sulpha” drugs – sulphur containing antibiotics – are out of the question for Hemocyanic blood systems. Most other human antibiotics are simply incompatible with Vampire physiognomy. The dreaded “blood disease” is a lingering death sentence.
Lorcan bids his host a respectful adieu and heads towards the exit. von Anhalt’s numerous “Palace Guard” lackeys glare at him as he makes his way out. He can feel their distainful eyes boring holes in his back like lasers. He is the Coven Lawyer….. and no one is ever happy to see a Lawyer. Certainly not von Anhalt and his stooges. Lorcan is regarded as little more than a nuisance….a distasteful functionary.
He quickens his pace as he closes the Chateau’s double doors behind him. His ’23 AMG GT Mercedes Benz senses his approach and automatically releases its door locks with an audble “thud”. Lorcan belts-in the car and guns the V8 twin-turbo race motor. Once he’s tearing down the dark country lanes in Auvergne, he starts to relax. His meeting with the Jesuits is not for another two hours. He knows well the small village church in Clermont-Ferrand where he’ll make known his demands.
The “Black Priests” had best listen with all their ears – and keep their tedious crucifixes hidden. He must see the book……..and to Hell with their cursed “Index Librorum Prohibitorum” and firewalls of Vatican Library secrecy.
The Catholic Church has plundered Vampire graves for centuries – now they must share this particular find. Of course, the renowned Jesuit appetite for cash must be satiated. Lorcan’s second attache case in the trunk contains his Church “donation”. One Million dollars in US cash should calm their ecclesiastical nerves and open some back-channel Vatican doors.
There is much at stake.
Copyright 2023, Jon Croft
Image courtesy Auvergne, France – Coat of Arms, Early Middle Ages
(psssst: Bonjour, Mon Ami..…)