How the OSS and CIA Sabotaged American Public Education

From the early twentieth century onward, Columbia Teacher’s College in New York was the gold standard for training of American educators in colleges and our public schools. America’s first schools – set up by Puritans in Massachusetts in the late 1600s – were supposed to teach children English, how to write, add numbers and understand their obligations to society. But during and after World War II – the OSS/ CIA ensconced Marxists at American Universities and destroyed our teachers.

Vladimir Ilych Lenin on Communism defeating America: “We must be patient……we must start with young minds”.When Lenin famously addressed Russian Communist Party leaders in 1921 he outlined a devious, insidious – but in the end very successful – strategy to turn America away from Capitalism. Brainwash generations of its most idealistic, impressionable, susceptible and influential academics to disseminate Marxist Dogma at America’s finest universities and centers of learning. The plan went like this: turn and convert a few lecturers and professors in New York who would, in turn, influence more professors and students…….who would, in turn, ultimately spread the Communist Gospel far and wide throughout the Heartland of North America. New York, Chicago, Berkeley. Even the lesser-status “state” colleges like Rutgers and University of Pennsylvania. Wherever lefty cohorts roamed, they would infect the largely nieve and mentally vulnerable populace of the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave.

Did this actually happen? Yes it did. How? Like boiling a frog – slowly, then all at once.

There was a time when American Education meant the “Three Rs” – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic, with a healthy dollop of American History and civics. Then, in the twentieth century, something bad happened. American Education’s trajectory embraced a more transformative mission. Teachers started to be “Professionally Trained” in psychology and subtle sociological methodologies that resulted in a dilution of it’s (heretofore hallowed) singular purpose – to give students tools to be good citizens and support themselves as independent-thinking Americans. The era of the indominable Minuteman standing tall with his musket at Lexington and Concord eventually gave way to a world-oriented, universalist “higher calling”: a Marxist recipe to improve mankind. Americans were thereafter trained to look outwards and ignore their traditional, practical (and ethically) Christian-based curriculum.

Time passed. Year after year, liberal university professors immersed their teaching curriculum students in Marxist dogma. These students taught other teachers. Some became professors in other universities and schooled an even greater number of teachers – it triggered a chain reaction (a prototypical disease infection vector) that eastablished the left-wing public education system we have today. Corrupted, bloated with tax-money, strangled by Unions and Lefties to it’s core. An apparatus you’re compelled to pay for by confiscatory property taxes and – because there’s no money left to afford a private school – you’ve got to enroll your kids in it. American public education is today a brainwashing Leviathan that’s got us all by the balls. Go ahead an speak out at a local School Board meeting in protest – you’ll get arrested as a right-wing extremist. College? Even worse.

Read Michael Wallers’ excellent book, Big Intel, for a detailed discussion of how the Office of Strategic Services (OSS – predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) during and after World War II laid the groundwork for a Marxist intellectual invasion of America in the 1940s by importing – to allegedly “help fight Nazis” – the infamous “Frankfurt School” of Marxist Ideologues from Frankfurt, Germany to Columbia University in New York City. This so-called “Frankfurt School” of hardcore Marxists was later absorbed (in its entirety) into Columbia University Teacher’s College where they became tenured and extremely influential professors – passing on their liberal socialism to generations thereafter.

“Fellow Travelers” – like the Communist-Marxist transplants from the Frankfurt School – inexorably spread throughout the American educational landscape like a virulent strain of influenza, subtly manipulating lectures, school administrations, think tanks, conferences and hiring committees to reflect their ideological bent. Soon a lefty mindset was the sine qua non qualification for employment at most American teaching colleges. Generations of left-leaning educators were ultimately unleashed far and wide. The original cadre of the Frankfurt School of Marxists were Jewish – and used their cultural insinuations to great effect in recruiting their brightest landsmen to populate the ranks of higher-education for decades to come.

The initial diaspora of Marxists came to America at the instigation of the Office of Strategic Services during World War II – witness the Manhattan Project’s abundance of left-leaning Jewish scientists fleeing Nazi oppression. Even the illustrious J. Robert Oppenheimer wasn’t immune to their red siren call and ultimately lost his atomic security clearances because of a dalliance with a commie. These giants of american scientific achievement later, during the 1940s and 1950s, went on to virtually monopolize University faculties and professorial ranks of physics, biology, medicine and economics departments everywhere. Universities like Harvard and Yale, NYU and UCLA reaped huge endowments and financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Mellon Trust and scores of other troughs of tax-protected cash – all of which was targeted to achieve “righteous” left wing objectives by Frankfurt School alumni and their minions.

Now – over 85 years later – this tsunami of progressivism has finally overwhelmed public education and “Higher Learning” in America. By stealth and patience: (A) Lefty Teachers Colleges have spawned Lefty Professors; (B) Lefty Professors spawned have Lefty Graduates who’ve assumed influential positions of power in Government and Industry; and (C) Lefty Power-Brokers, movers and shakers have created Lefty Think Tanks and Elite Cabals to exert their International influence. What are the consequences to us? Lives that are controlled by technocrats and experts. Rule by Committees of unelected bureaucrats who – ultimately – threaten to erase our national sovereinity and borders.

Welcome to the World of Think Tanks

“Think Tanks” became ubiquitous in the 1950s and 1960s. Groups like the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission and the “Club of Rome” grew out of a United Nations-masterminded internationalist, world-centric view of science and medicine. They claimed to be motivated by good intentions, consumed with how mankind’s challenges on Earth could be “ethically” remedied. And, of course, the Think Tanks and United Nations boys defined what form of “ethical remediation” was to be employed and where.

Their grande solution? Remedy all the world’s problems by committees – and impose rule by international “experts”. Today, volumes of Think Tank and Focus Group reports – in actuality, compendiums of fiat choices (actually, marching orders) made for you by unelected, anonymous and faceless bureaucrats in Switzerland, Brussels, the European Union or some other world forum (think DAVOS, The World Economic Forum, The Trilateral Commission. They decide what kind of car you can drive, how much digital currency you will be allocated and how your movements and speech will be monitored to preserve “public safety”. They leverage the “climate crisis”, “COVID” vaccines and masking restrictions to exert control over you. Add to this situation universal facial and voice recognition technology in smart phones – and, well, you get the idea. Humans are being herded like cats into places we don’t want to go. We are test subjects being manipulated and – some say – even eradicated. And that little computer we all carry around in our pocket is helping them do it.

Our western cultural ethos, grounded in independence, academic freedom and due process of law is now an existential burden to most technocratic elites; our religious ideals, too – predominantly Christian – are likewise an awkward impediment to their long-term goals. International gangs of elite executives now call the shots – and the United States Congress eats it up with a spoon.

Let’s examine the mother of them all.

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 as the “Academia dei Lincei” in Rome, Italy. It is a non-profit “informal” organization of intellectual and business leaders (like DAVOS and The Bilderbergers), high-level politicians, diplomats, scientists, economists and luminaries from around the globe. It meets every year. It’s raison d’etre and overabiding focus is worldwide “Limits to Growth”. The Club of Rome now has its formal headquarters in Winterhur, Switzerland

(per Wikipidea)……just down the road from DAVOS. How convenient.

Legend has it that the Club of Rome actually was born in 1965 when a group of politicians, academics and scientists got together at an internatinal conference to discuss the “problems of humankind” – specifically, environmental deterioration, poverty, urban-blight, population ill-health and crime. They first met in Rome, Italy (hence the moniker, “Club of Rome”). Over the years, thanks to collaboration and virtually limitless funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Club of Rome has championed “plans” for humanity – ways for humankind to overcome the global challenges it faces. They’ve crafted detailed blueprints to solve issues most threatening to our continued existence.

The Club of Rome’s magnum opus is entitled “The Limits to Growth”. It posits that economic growth cannot continue indefinitely because of resource depletion. The 1973 Middle East oil crisis seemed to prove their theory and this organization has since enjoyed significant – and exceedingly influential – sway over government policy-makers, academics, think tanks and cultural influencers. “Resource Depletion” extends beyond oil in the Club of Rome’s estimation. Petroleum-based fertilizers, industrial chemicals and politics dictated by energy imperatives and availability all factor in to a “Zeitgeist” that rejects pro-growth optimism in virtually every context.

Aside from resource depletion, however, it is human population that is the core existential hazard in the Club of Rome’s doctrine. Polution, Global Warming, water shortages, famine and political upheavals are but symptoms of this menace: human population must decrease – specifically, Western Civilization’s population.

The idea of culling human population isn’t new. The Club of Rome pays due homage to it’s intellectual antecedents in their “Limits to Growth” exegesis. Their first mention of a desired human reset is the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. In 1925, an Austrian of lesser nobility (hence the lower-case “von”) Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book called “Practical Idealism” wherein he posited that a mixed race of the future will arise and address mankind’s ills. He stated:

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals”. (Coudenhove-Kalergi, Prackttischer Idealismus, 1925)

Some Watchdog groups that keep track of extremists like the Southern Poverty Law Center dismiss the “Kalergi Plan” as European “Hate Speech”, arguing that it pushes a “false white genocide conspiracy theory”. Some European “Nationalists” (like Nigel Farage) take issue with the European Union’s unrestricted immigration policies and believe that the Kalergi Plan is a blueprint to systematically destroy the White Race and national sovereignity. According to the author of the Kalergi Plan himself, a resulting European “polyglot” population – devoid of any national identity and self-awareness will be docile and submit to rule by a Jewish elite. These are Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi’s words – not mine.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is the essence of the so-called “Great Replacement Theory” today which posits that the unrestrained admission of millions of undocumented immigrants into the USA will dilute and ultimately destroy the ethnic and cultural bonds that hold the United States together. The American media misses no opportunity to label this outlook “White Supremacism” and “Right Wing Extremism”.

The Club of Rome is also reputed to endorse the Cloward-Pliven Strategy. In 1966 two Professors at the Columbia University School of Social Sciences (the direct institutional descendant of the “Frankfurt School” of Marxists imported into the USA by the OSS in the 1940s) , Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Pliven, outlined a joint strategy to end poverty in the United States. They published their proposal in 1966 in a liberal magazine called “The Nation” under the title: “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty”. (credit, WIkipedia and The Nation magazine)

Summarized, the Cloward-Pliven Strategy propsed to use “militant left groups” to facilitate a “political crisis” by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims (unrestrained unlawful immigration), thereby forcing the creation of a system of guaranteed minimum income for all and redistribution of income through the Federal Government agencies. Note: This was proposed in 1966!

While this strictly “academic” Cloward-Pliven Strategy is – ostensibly – directed towards wiping out poverty through establishment of a guaranteed minimum income, the ramifications of it would be catastrophic in the real world we live in. The fiscal disruption of local and state governments would fracture existing divisions among the White middle class , the working class, certain ethnic groups and the minority poor. By imploding the prevailing welfare system, ie. overwhelming it with unprecedented human numbers (unlawful immigration or otherwise), the Cloward-Pliven Strategy would precipitate a collapse of our present social monetary safety-net system and local and state governments. Mass unrest in the Unted States would result and armed camps of citizens openly resisting government efforts to re-establish order would, quite literally, destroy our country. Rule of law is the first casualty in this kind of struggle. Such chaos is unimaginable to most people but not impossible given the extraordinary times we’re living in.

The Club of Rome has subtly alluded to these ideas in their published manifestos, slyly avoiding the word “White” in any of their race-based declarations. They’re currently (since 2016) pushing – agressively – a “One Child” policy in “Western” countries. They predict that a rigidly enforced one-child law could precipitate “rapid degrowth” by 2040. The infamous Bildergergers Group and DAVOS – although their goings-on are notoriously confidential, have, according to “leaked” sources, committed themselves to worldwide population control measures, climate crisis management and resource control protocols. Every key group of international “illuminati” appears to want to put the brakes on human progress. They’re all reading from the same sheet music.

These exclusive “Think Tanks”, cliques and cabals have a lot of clout. Not too long ago two unknown politicians showed up at a DAVOs conclave in Switzerland and one year later both of them – Tony Blair and Angela Merkel – were the Prime Ministers of their respective countries, The United Kingdom and Germany. That’s impressive.

The foregoing plans, studies and think tank proposals didn’t appear by magic in our lifetimes. Liberal, neo-malthusian, collectivist and Marxist intellectuals have been working tirelessly since the second world war (maybe earlier) to infect and corrupt American and European universities into adopting an anti-humanist and predominantly anti-Christian ethos. White Christians always have placed a high value on family and home life, self determination and personal responsibility. On God and Country. Today, White Christians are persona non grata.

Bottom line?

The Club of Rome (and its kindred international cabals) have published their policy statements in academic journals and have (intentionally) leaked key excerpts of their secretive proceedings. They’re not hiding. They’ve admitted a profound bias against people who are religiously motivated to “be fruitful and multiply” – ie. start families and adopt traditional lifestyle choices that characterize Western Civilization. These days, the “New Mindset” we’re all being relentlessly force-fed is a Club of Rome wet-dream: climate change and global warming is our new religion…..depopulation is the universal cure…..abortion and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will hasten the advent of a New World Order. Christianity is a bothersome obstruction – a relic of bygone days. Our quaint freedoms and Constitutional rights inhibit what must be done to avoid an immanent environmental catastrophe and must therefore be agressively repealed and/or eradicated. We need radical change…….and we need it now. Get in line. Stop resisting.

Today millions of Marxist-indoctrinated Americans – at all levels of society, lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, working poor, middle management, service sector, doctors, teachers, lawyers, civil servants – vote the Democrat party line in the USA and worship the likes of Obama and Kamala Harris. These are the college-educated, “woke” liberals that advocate Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Affirmative Action, unrestricted immigration and No Voter ID. Their biggest obsession? Abortion. Ending human life is their mantra. And full-term abortion is acceptable.

This all didn’t blow in unannounced. We let it happen. It’s been years in the making. We’ve been lulled into complaisance with luxury, easy money, easy sex, diluted morals and tepid religious commitment. Now outright deviancy is celebrated and Luciferian Rituals enjoy legal protection. Paris Olympics, anyone? How ’bout that “Last Supper”, eh?

A Muslim man being interviewed on the streets of Paris by French Channel 15 on Olympics opening day said it best: “Why are Christians so weak?”


We all have made a Faustian Bargain and are reaping unpalatable consequences. Lifetimes of neo-Marxist liberal education at the feet of multi-generational left-wing acolytes is taking its toll. The butcher’s bill is coming due. The White race is in decline – we are below replacement birth numbers. By restricting our own reproduction – because of career choices, government policies or sheer laziness – White people are blithely embracing their own demise.

Is this the way the world ends? Is this the final “whimper” that T.S. Elliot wrote about in his poem, “The Hollow Men”? A denouement wherein the White race is doomed to accept its fate whilst wandering through a degraded world of violent crime, facial and voice recognition programs, guaranteed minimum entitlements for all, farcical reparations, a failed justice system, police state surveillance, gender-bending mutilation surgeries for children and unlimited access to free late-term abortions?

Fact: In their quixotic obsession to fight Nazis, the OSS (and later, CIA) recklessly cuddled-up to Marxist infiltrators, positioning them to trash the American education system and unleash liberal progressivism on us all. Somewhere, Adolph Hitler’s ghost is laughing his ass off.

What is to be done?

Wear a small, white button on your lapel. You know what it signifies.

Keep your powder dry – and your New Testament close at hand.