Drone Update – Friday, Dec. 20, 2024 – Rogue Actors?

Last night at 1:45 AM a large, SUV-sized Drone (fairly) slowly flew along the rear of my house – about 300 feet up – tracing the approximate border line of the Pines Preserve.  It headed approximately South to North along my property line.  I could clearly hear its rotors and see its large belly and swept back wings.  Its colored lights were blazing for all the world to see.

Needless to say, no military aircraft was following it.  My neighbor saw it too and just shrugged his shoulders. Around 2:00AM I saw another one in the distance – but I gave up and went to bed.

This is real.  Wright-Patterson Base in Ohio (the storied ground zero of alien space vehicle recovery operations, ie. “Pounce Units”) apparently has closed its airspace and much of the surrounding area because of drone activity.

Today – Friday, 12/20/24 – there were multiple sightings in and around the Wright-Patterson facility and Ohio generally.  Air space over Naval Weapons Station Earle in New Jersey is closed.  I’m assuming Joint Base McGuire is also closed (air space) or at least on some kind of alert status.

Diaper Joe Biden’s White House Administration is offering crickets as their response.  Admiral Kirby disgraces himself daily with ever more inane comments that these sightings are “legal” drones, private (non-commercial) drones or other “manned” flight platforms.

At least incoming Presidential pick Trump said on camera that it “would probably be a good idea” for the “Government” to be a tad more specific about what the Hell is going on in our friendly skies.

Every pundit and UFO/UAP commentator is racking up Internet and You Tube miles prattling on about what the drones are – and if they’re a threat. Everybody agrees, however, that it is the very apex of mental illness for anyone official to say that “We don’t know what they are – BUT they’re not a threat!”

Heavy-hitters and straight-shooters like Lou Elizondo, Russ Coulthart and Richard Dolan can’t believe that we haven’t yet gotten some official pronouncement from the Air Force or Joint Chiefs of Staff / Pentagon substantively addressing each element of this “Flap”.

Interesting interwebs chatter is now positing that this drone outbreak is the work of a “Rogue” Element in our own Government because our Commander in Chief is not mentally engaged.  That some “Beta Test” was green-lighted by rogue spooks to get people used to things spying on them from overhead.

The most perplexing – an unnerving – thing about it all is that 1) the NJ State Police don’t seem to give two sheits about it anymore, and 2) government officials seem content that the drones “aren’t hurting anybody” so they are losing interest, too.  “No Resolution” is, apparently, ok.  Don’t expect too much from your government and you won’t be disappointed!

Our government is rapidly becoming what George Calin used to joke about:  “Its’ a private club – and you ain’t in it!” 

  • Can it be DARPA sniffing drones looking for a dirty bomb? Yup.
  • Can it be Rogue Elements of our own Government setting up a domestic spying and citizen control grid in preparation for Martial Law? Yup.
  • Can it be Drone tech to track nuclear isotopes lost somewhere in New Jersey or some other state?  Yup.
  • Can it be a “False Flag” to rope us into some Bullsheit war in the Middle East or Taiwan? Yup.
  • Can it be a government feint to keep us looking upward when the real threat is somewhere else?  Yup.
  • Can it be preparations to disrupt Trump getting sworn-in as President on January 2oth?   Yup.
  • Can it be a foreign actor flipping us the bird – taking advantage of the gaps in our security to show us how vulnerable we are?  Yup.
  • Can it be a secret Government mapping program to phase out our GPS satellites that are well past their prime and ready to fall out of space orbit? Yup.
  • Have space aliens invaded and we’re tracking them as they fan out from our East Coast? Maybe Yup.
  • Is the Government trying to acclimatize us to strange craft in our skies because the mother of ’em all is on its way and going to touch down real soon?  Yup.
  • Did Biden return to the White House at 1:00AM last night for some drone-related reason?  Did Kamala Harris also get there late because something’s about to go down?  Maybe Yup.

I’m no further ahead in solving this mystery than I was days ago. But I have to admit, I’m starting to get really concerned that our government knows something and it’s so mind-blowing that we’re going to collectively soil our pants when we finally get told the details.

I’ll keep my eyes open and report as needed.

Question Everything.


Jon Croft

Copyright, 2024 Jon Croft
