7. Warning from a Vampire Chronicles – The CIA and Vampires: Wedding Bells are Ringing!

The Central Intelligence Agency says “I DO” to the Vampire Race? It was only a matter of time for this Satanic union.

1800 AD



To: His Emminence, Pope Pius VII

(Vatican Apostalic Archives – Official Report, 1800 AD)

Gloria in excelsis Deo. Salve, Pope Pius VII! Deo Gratias!

I, Monsignor Albert Lageune, SJ am Prefect of Notre Dame de la Garde Seminary in Marseille, FRANCE.

I write this Fama Officialis in keeping with my duties to inform the Holy See and Your Emminence of events at this place of which you have, no doubt, heard incomplete and perhaps erroneous renditions.

1. On the Ides of June did evil miscreants gain access to this Holy Seminary and kill a Novitiate entrusted to our care from America.

2. The Novitiate’s name was Alaric Moulin.

3. He came to us in sickly and needful condition, of the race our Order is obliged to assist under the official Imprimatur of our Holy Mother the Most Catholic Church.

4. At or about Evening Prayers, Proctor Joseph did notice the absence of Alaric Moulin and did investigate accordingly.

5. He found inside the Novitiate’s quarters the decapitated body of the said Alaric Moulin, in whose right hand was clutched five gold teeth.

6. A note was affiixed to the dead body’s chest by a poinard-type dagger driven through the heart which read: “ALL SUCH MISBEGOTTEN FREAKS WILL BE HUNTED DOWN AND SLAIN!! THEIR SKULLS ARE OUR TROPHIES!! BE FOREWARNED!!”

7. The body of Alaric Moulin has been returned to his people in the usual manner. Their Emmisary will make contact with Your Emminence in due course. All proprieties have been observed.

Respectu et Reverentia,

Monsignor Albert Legeune, SJ



“The Farm”


Langley, Virginia

Executive Meeting on “Exo-Political and Extra-Geographical Polities”

Lecturer: Head of CIA Crypto-Analysis Section, Jack Stemmer, Phd.


Cardinal Jacques St. Germain, SJ

Monsignor Terrance McCauley, SJ

Dr. Aiden Proll, National Nuclear Research Laboratories, Alamagordo, New Mexico

CIA Executive Attendees:

Director of National Intelligence

Director of Counterintelligence

Director of Central Intelligence Agency

Director of Counterterrorism

Director of Cyber Intelligence

Director of Operations

Director of Science and Technology

Director of Covert Operations

Director of Intelligence Analysis

Dr. Jack Stemmer – after summarizing the history of L’Orphelin Alaric…………

SO!! That’s the History of it all. Bottom Line? We are surrounded by “Polities” that are secretive and arcane, exisiting at the very borderlines of our comfortable world. Some make limited contact – others don’t. We generally refer to these groups as Breakaways…….

We’re here today because Vampires have contacted us through their emmissary – the most Holy Father, Pope Francis – seeking an alliance with the United States Central Intelligence Agency. That is why for the past hour I’ve subjected you to my harrangue.

You’ve just heard my History of Vampires in the United States since Colonial Times – an exegesis of events that actually happened. Weird Medical experiments, a tortured Jesuit priest and a Revolutionary War Hero who was personally decorated by George Washington himself – who later became the ultimate “Big Game Hunter”.

Now you know a little about who – or what – we’re getting into bed with. You’ve seen what’s in the sarcophagus at Alamagordo, New Mexico – and now you know whose head is in that Jar! Somehow it’s all connected………….but we don’t know how.

That gloomy carboy jug is made out of crystal glass and holds about a “Firkin” of French Cognac – that’s about ten gallons for those of you who don’t drink liquor by whisky cask measurement. A “Firkin” is about fifty litres. Bobbing around inside all that fine French Brandy is the head of our friend, Alaric the Vampyre. Cut off by a genuine US Revolutionary War Hero named Gunnar Ekholm – or, if you prefer, his Nom de Guerre Folke Hakan. Where did the CIA get this charming trophy? I’m not at libery to say.

I was a post-Doctoral student under the the now-deceased Dr. Randall Sarkisian from Columbia University. He was the “Maven” of Vampire history and lore. As you know, he also headed up the research facility the Air Force ran out of Camp Hero, Long Island, studying the crown-jewel that we recovered during Operation Iraqi Freedom: Jack-in-the-Box . Unfortunately, we learned too late about his connections to NordTur Verein. He was a sleeper agent. We’re certain secrets were shared.

By now you all know that Operation Iraqi Freedom was a ruse to get our hands on ancient technology – and Jack. We knew right where to look. Jack now lives at Alamagordo. By the way – we’re making absolutely NO progress whatsoever figuring out just what the Hell Jack is…….all we know is that he’s an autopsied, old cryptid that had copper-based blood and a big schwantz. Is he the original Vampire? The Grandaddy of ’em all? Who knows.

We were supposed to get boxes of goodies that Jack was entombed with when we air-lifted him outta’ Camp Hero. Items of tremendous technological sgnificance. But……..all we got was rocks. Sarkisian’s confederates must’ve helped themselves to the good stuff after he died and just left us Jack’s stinky, radioactive remains. Their Camp Hero research notes and computer hard drives are packed with gibberish. We “protested” to the Air Force but they’re clueless. Apparently, everything at the facility was so compartmentalized the left hand didn’t know what the right hand was doing. Sarkisian’s assistant there, a Dr. Brian Kemp from NASA, just died from pancreatic cancer. We’re still working on Jack.

Let’s discuss the emergence of International or “Breakaway” entites. This all ties in to the Vampire issue.

First let’s talk TRIBES…

Examples? Religious Tribes – right here at home.

On the unremarkable side of the scale, there’s a place in New York State called Kar Brinim..…It’s a Hasidic Community that might as well be its own planet. It has its own city council, Sheriff, law enforcement, Courts and geographic footprint. No other relgious group lives there (or is welcome there). They handle their own schooling, politics, health emergencies and social interactions. They seek no interaction with any New York communities at its boundries – and when they do, such contact is made through lawyers. Who cares? Nobody……

We all know the Amish. Lancaster, PA and other locations in Ohio, etc. Theirs was, perhaps, the first sucessful religious-based community experiment in the United States. They even got the United States Supreme Court to recognize them and absolve them from military service. Then came Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the Mormons. They virtually took over Utah.

The US Constitution’s “Freedom of Religion” clause allows for these Communities to exist. Because their raison d’etre is Religion – not Blood.

We now proceed to a more arcane level – Ethnic Tribes. Tribes based on Blood.

NordTur Verein is an Ethnic Tribe composed of only Nordic-Scandinavian members. They are centuries old, extremely well financed and embedded into the very fabric of corporate and political institutions the world over. They are International. They exist everywhere. We don’t know exactly how many “members” they have or where their decisions are made. We don’t know who their “Leader” is – or if they even have one. Their strength is in their decentralized financial solidarity, connectivity and tentacles throughout the world. These guys are extremely well educated and enjoy access to every royal court, every socio-economic bloc and cultural strata. They are modern-day aristocrats…….many are “titled”……..they are to the manor born. If you can imagine a more exclusive club, let me know – because I sure as Hell can’t.

Think Spectre from James Bond – although Spectre wasn’t blood-based. It was crime-based. Rumor has it, Ian Fleming used NordTur Verein as his template for the fictional international octopus of crime that he called Spectre. Ian Fleming was in England’s MI6 – so it’s a cinch he’d caught wind of NordTur Verein, even fifty years ago.

The monolith that is NordTur Verein evolved from the old Sverige Broderskap – “The Swedish Brotherhood”. We estimate this organization today has multiples of Rothschild-scale wealth. They’re anchored in every major country but controlled from a central locus by a “Board of Directors” and a CEO. They communicate using a staggering array of “onion” type cyphers and encryption programs, always on the Dark Web. They use satellite phones – and have their own satellites. Who launched them into orbit? We aren’t sure. We’re thinking Red China or North Korea. Their IT department rivals the US National Security Agency. We suspect that their operatives even hack into our satellites whenever they Damn well feel like it – but they never leave any telltale bread crumbs. They’re that good.

Perhaps the closest historical analog to NordTur Verein – to give us some context – was the Knights Templar. You know the story – founded in 1119 AD as the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, these guys were supposed to be Crusaders who protected travellers to the Holy Land. They billeted themselves up on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and immediately commenced digging underneath it, allegedly finding ancient Hebrew treasures and the Ark of the Covenant. Maybe the Holy Grail, too. Did they? Who knows……

The scope, breadth, wealth, dicipline and secrecy of the Knights Templar was extraordinary. Of course, the Knights Templar was a religious order – with the imprimatur of the Pope. It wasn’t about Blood – there are legends of Arab (ex-“Assassinid”) Knights Templar as well as Mongol and “Moorish” race members. These were the weak links in their chain that betrayed it from within. The Knights Templar was ultimately destroyed by the French King Phillip the IV – “Phillip the Fair” – on Friday the 13th in 1305. But they were an international force to be reckoned with for hundreds of years…….they had a good run. Some say their remnants are still with us today.

My point in mentioning the Knights Templar is to emphasize one key element: Blood. When everybody is a member (directly or indirectly) of an extended “Family”, everybody has a “dog in the race”. Too much “Diversity” and…….well, you get the idea. DNA is NordTur Verein’s ace in the hole. Their wealth and their blood are inseparable. You know the bromides – “Blood is thicker than water….”; “Ain’t nothin’ like blood on blood….”

A blood connection always transcends politics or personal imperatives.

BUT WAIT A MINUTE, YOU ASK……..Is anything about NordTur Verein illegal?

NO! It’s just a well-run enterprise owned by people who share the same DNA haplotypes. That ain’t illegal.

Their influence can be seen as threatening……..even unnerving, perhaps……but nothing they do is illegal.

They’ve got the best lawyers in the world. The post WWII DIrector of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles, was their lawyer! They’ve got Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft of New York on retainer………Lord, Day & Lord……..Dewey, Cheatem & Howe!! (Just Kidding). You name the mouthpiece – NordTur Verein has them on retainer and is feeding them business. What does this mean? It means that when anyone wants to sue them and goes to any of these influential law firms looking for help they’re shit outta’ luck. These big-time lawyers have got to “opt out” because they’re in a “Conflict of Interest”. Nobody gets a major law firm to pull NordTur Verein’s chain. They’ve locked up all the leading legal talent. Everybody else gets second-stringers.

Our friends in NordTur Verein own controlling interests in shipping, real estate, mining, fine art, land management, land acquisition, medical research, electronics, computer chips, pharmaceuticals, atomic power generation facilities, uranium mining, rare-earth elements………. you name it! They bestow on Harvard, Princeton and Yale millions of dollars each year in endowments. They’ve got – what we call – “Big Juice”.

However – let’s not forget – the business of NorTur Verein is just that: Business!

They were first blood Tribe out of the starting gate, they managed their assets brilliantly, confiscated mega-tons of Gold along the way (usually from Vampires) and are better than just about anyone else at doing what they do. And they’ve got great muscle when they need it – the Varang. More about them in a minute.

OK – let’s go real DARK. Next Tribe?

They’re the mythological Phoenix of reborn entities. The Nazi Fourth Reich “Aryan” Brotherhood is – we think – based in South America and Antarctica. Queen Maud’s Land, Antarctica – or, as the Germans re-named it, Neuschwabenland. They sent Third Reich Nazis, equipment, entire factories and laboratories down there by special freight-carrying submarines during and after World War II. They called these submarine transport platforms “Milk Cows”. Third Reich Nazis also shipped incalculable tons of silver and gold. They invested themselves into polite society and eastablisged huge legal subsidiaries of German Industry throughout South America – Siemens, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Hoechst, Bayer – you name it. They became the largest employers in the southern hemisphere. Result? Politicians and bankers kissed their collective asses. And protected them. They still do.

Nazi Third Reich Officers and operatives down there now have kids – and they’re the Fourth Reich incarnation of the business. Why break up a good thing? Grandkiddies Hans and Helga are ripping around Sao Paulo and Rio De Janeiro in Porsches – they’ve got great lives. Why tinker with a winning formula? It’s good to be rich…..and young……and blonde.

The Fourth Reich Nazi Brotherhood is based on Blood. Aryan Blood. They are all of German ancestry and jealously guard their German DNA – even arrange their offsprings’ marriages. They have railroad cars filled with patents – some dating back to World War II. A small taste of these patented advancements are:

– Pulse weaponry;

– Supra-luminal Laser technology;

– Workable “Quantum” mechanics shortcuts around limits of Einsteinian physics;

– Zero-Point energy;

– Electro-Gravidic, “Counterbary” (antigravity) propulsion;

– Red Mercury;

– Sub-miniaturized circuitry;

– Human brain mapping and interfaces;

– Heavy-lift rocketry;

– Hypersonic missiles;

– Nano-Tech pharmaceuticals;

– Mercury-based, Field-Propulsion flying disks;

– “Impervium” and Scinterized (breathable) alloys forged in “cold reduction”;

– Non-Traditional Ballotechnics;

– Mercury-Vortex Spin Torsion Fields generating Tippler Singularities (time travel technologies);

– Direct Plasma-Induction of Electric Energy;

– Fission and Fusion Plasma Generators (ie. Pulsation Modulated Plasma Implosion);

– Fuel-Air bombs;

– Endothermic or “Cold” Bombs;

– Flying Wing airframes;

– Electric Rail Guns;

– Working “Cold Fusion” and Transmutation of Elements;

– Bacteriophage-based Antiviral therapies, vaccines and cancer treatments;

– Heart muscle and spinal chord stem-cell regeneration therapies;

…………the list goes on and on. When we in the mighty USA get our technological tits in a ringer here, we grease the Nazis with some cash and – Viola!!! Problem solved.

The CIA recently tapped this Fourth Reich Nazi smorgasbord of technical know-how to rescue our boys at DARPA from some deep shit involving Uranium-enhanced Thorium Reactors. Turns out, Thorium Reactors are just as deadly as Chernobyl, too – if you seed them with the wrong Uranium isotopes. We lost about one hundred people in New Mexico before somebody named Doctor Professor Albrecht from Bariloche, Argentina showed up and defused the situation. One whole city in New Mexico is now unpopulated. How did the Nazi fix it? We still don’t know. Some kind of radiation-cancelling wizardry. We just paid him to fix it.

The USA got Third Reich Nazi Operation Paperclip scientists after World War II – but the guys we got (Wernher von Braun, Kurt Debus, etc. ) were creatively tapped-out……….past their prime. Too long in the tooth. Einstein was at Princeton at the time but never wrote a significant paper after he’d left Germany. Oppenheimer (although an American) had his own left-wing baggage. His girlfriend was feeding the Russians all kinds of atom bomb project secrets until General Groves had the FBI “off” her. Teller (a Hungarian) was a world-class pain in the ass and his H-Bomb was an impractical, useless boondoggle. No more than an extremely expensive proof-of-concept paperweight.

When the USA needs intellectual and technological help these days, we are increasingly buying it. Most of our scientists aren’t loyal, native-born Americans anyway. And our education system is going to Hell in a bucket.

Our final blood-based ethnic Tribe are the Varangians.

They’re NordTur Verein’s muscle and right-hand back-up. Frick and Frack. Ancient Varangians were proto- Slavic warriors from the Steps of Russia who acted as palace guard and advance units of the “Kievan Rus” dynasty of Rurik. Old blood ties. Old blood loyalties. Now we just call ’em Varang. Where there’s NordTurVerein – you can bet Varang aren’t far behind. Varang are tough bastards. They’re stone-cold killers. Even the CIA don’t screw with Varang. They make the Mexican drug cartels and Chechens look like boy scouts.

A while back a Varang soldato abducted and killed the Head of US Central Intelligence Agency Beirut Section by slowly stabbing a Fairbairn-Sykes SAS dagger into his eyeballs and scrambling his brains……..our Section Chief died in agony. The CIA had wrongly targeted a woman the soldato was related to. Somebody who worked at the Russian Consulate. Mistakes happen…….

Varang excel at killing. They’re raised that way. Like Spartans. The real deal. Ironically, they’re rabid Orthodox Christians. They each have an Orthodox Crucifix burned onto the top of their left hand.

That brings us – full circle – to Vampires. Yes, Vampires………that head floating in the big carboy filled with cognac over there. Alaric.

To sum up: Vampires aren’t a Tribe. Vampires are a Race. Living side-by-side with humanity since Eve tasted that apple in the Garden of Eden.

Where the Hell did they come from? How did they evolve? Are they related to Jack? Do they have a copper-based circulatory system and not one that’s hemoglobin-iron based like humans? Why is there an organism on Earth whose sole purpose is to hunt and feed on human blood? We don’t have the faintest idea.

Maybe our Vatican friends can enlighten us.


Maybe some questions like – why do Vampires want an “alliance” with the US Central Intelligence Agency?

………What do they bring to the table? What’s in it for the CIA?

………What the Hell do they want from us?