5. Warning from a Vampire Chronicles – L’Orphelin Alaric’s Nemesis

L’Orphelin Alaric’s Continental “Debut” – He Is the Hunted


26 March, 1792


Master & Captain, Issac Budd

First Mate: Renner Budd

I BE ISSAC BUDD, Master & Captain of the pocket Barquentine, PERTH AMBOY LADY of New Jersey Ship’s Registry, duly recorded in Trenton.

Under Oath to God Almighty, I say:

1. I write this entry when my ship be five hours under sail from Elizabethtowne Porte in New Jersey on this day, 26th March, 1792, on course to the Little Egg Harbor in West Jersey to pick up a load of Bog Iron ingots for Nelson Mayberry, Ironmaster. Esquire Mayberry and Sheriff of Elizabethtowne, Amos Anderson, be paying passengers on board my ship this trip.

2. Ours is is a coastal sea course, duly logged in as follows: Elizabethporte, NJ through the Kill Van Kull , past the Atlantic Highlands, down past Sandy Hook, beyond the Red Bank & Navesink Inlet, the Manasquan Inlet, the fulle length of Long Beach Island, to Manahawkin Bay and the Brigantine Light – thence to our destination, the Litttle Egg Harbor. Our return to Elizabethporte, fully loaded with ten tonne of Bog Iron ingots is, God willing, in reverse of the aforesaid.

3. I make this record on advise and good counsel of Sheriff Amos Anderson to scribe for posterity the events of this black day.

4. A day-rigger I hired at the Elizabethporte docks for wages of a dollar by the name of Revik Mizrahi – at the harsh waters near Sandy Hook did suddenly draw his knife and attack Sheriff Amos Anderson whilst I was attending to matters below deck. First Mate Renner Budd, my son, did witness the said vile and most cruel ambush on Sheriff Anderson’s life and did further witness Sheriff Anderson struggle with the Gypsi Mizrahi, who did attack said Sheriff from behind as Anderson’s eyes were affixed elsewhere.

5. Sheriff Anderson suffered a deep gash on his arm from the murderous blade of Mizrahi, but then heroically took hold of the scoundrel and hurled him overboard, into the greatly treacherous waters off Sandy Hook. First Mate Renner Budd raised the alarm and we all hastened topside to witness the foul Mizrahi thrashing about in churning and merciless currents. His efforts to survive were to no avail as these unseasonably warm Atlantic waters were in this locale most shark-infested. We watched the vile sea creatures tear him apart, his blood bubbling up in a crimson froth from the currents below whence he was dragged in pieces. His blighted soul burns in Hell this night for sure. I have personally sewn the alarming flesh wound of Sheriff Anderson with clean stitching. I’ve wraped it soundly in pastes of Coneflower and Black Willow, nostrums the Lenape Indians use to prevent such gaping cuts from running pus.

6. I day-hired Mizrahi as a rigger against my better judgment, knowing he was an ill-tempered Gypsi of black reputation, given to drink and licentiousness. I know not why he attacked Sheriff Anderson but can faithfully attest that he received his due this day. May God have mercy on his damned soul.




March 30, 1792


Swedish Methodist Church of Vineland, New Jersey


Cumberland Tract Sheriff Gunnar Ekholm

Elizabethtowne Sheriff Amos Anderson

“Jarl” Arne Hagglof of Stockholm, Sweden

“Andreman” Gustav Stierneld of Gothenberg, Sweden

“Mutti” Teresa Lewenhaupt, “Botemedel” (Healer) of Vineland, New Jersey

Amos Anderson fought in the Revolutionary War and saw his share of brutality and privation. He tramped through winter snows and ice fields in 1775 as a soldier in a Continental Army battalion sent to attack British General Burgoyne at Fort Ticonderoga in New York. There the Americans ultimately prevailed – and stole precious cannon, shot and powder from the Fort. They damn-near broke their backs transporting the munitions on sleds over the frozen Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts and later mounting the guns on Dorchester Heights in Boston – forcing the British to evacuate the entire City and Port of Boston in 1777.

Anderson served with Ethan Allens’ Green Mountain Boys and scores of other tough Continental Army soldiers during the conflict – but today sees that no manjack he’s ever come across tops Gunnar Ekholm. Anderson has to admit the obvious: this Swede is a force to be reckoned with.

He and Gunnar are about the same height – near six feet tall. But there all physical comparisons end. Gunnar is a rock-hewn, tight skein of muscle wrapped in buckskins and red-bearded like a Norse God. He hefts a “Cuttoe” – a broad hacking knife – and treds as silently as any Indian scout. His eyes and mind are as sharp as his blade and he guards his words like silver coins. Nothing is wasted with Gunnar. He engages in no frivolity, empty words or light conversation. He doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke tobacco. Ekholm is single-minded and mission-tested. He is every inch a warrior.

The Swede was what every enemy fears most: a brick wall that fights back.

Colonel Ekholm carries a gunny sack to the meeting. Inside is a reeking Vampyre head, its face smeared with greenish-blue slime and mouth locked in an evil grimace picture-framing elongated fangs – canine teeth grotesque and otherworldly. He and Anderson are fresh from burning the thing’s headless corpse in a waste pit at the back of his field. Gunnar soaked it in pitch tars for hours. By the time they touched it with a torch it exploded in flames. Nothing is left now. Soon they’ll do the same with what Gunnar is clutching in his hand.

The meeting takes place late afternoon at the Swedish Methodist Church. Minister Holger Wetterstedt welcomes both men warmly in the foyer of the sparse church and escorts them to the front area. At the altar – cleared of religious items and now just a plain table – are three (obviously important) guests: Jarl Arne Hagglof, Gustav Stierneld and “Mutti” Teresa Lewenhaupt.

Gunnar has already explained the nuts and bolts – and basic identities of the participants – of this meeting to Anderson. First – De Sverige Broderskap. Translated, it means “Swedish Brotherhood”. It is an old, exclusive association of wealthy and influential Swedes who assume the duties of protectors, financiers and overall social arbiters of Swedes in Sweden and America. Swedish society is a structured, logical and organized world. Preservation of Swedish culture is the overarching focus of the Broderskap. Swedish education is prioritized. Religion, – a curious mix of the “Old” and “New” – is an ever-present element of day-to-day existence. Young people are vigorously watched, evaluated and paired so they produce healthy, strong offspring. Industry, trade and commerce determines the lives of Swedes and where their lives are to take them. In short, the Swedish word “bestalla” best describes the goal of De Sverige Broderskap: Order. They believe that where there is Order – there is prosperity. Success of the Tribe is in everyone’s interest. Survival of the Tribe is everyone’s responsibility. All learn these rules from their parents. All are expected to comply.

One “Guest” they are about to meet is a “Jarl”.

Jarl means Earle – a royal title of authority just below King. In actuality, “Kings” in Sweden are largely ceremonial – it is the “Jarls” or Earles who control politics and policy throughout the Kingdom. Jarl Arne Hagglof just so happens to be in Vineland – and will preside over the Meeting.

His rank signals the importance the community attaches to this get together. In addition to his being an influential Jarl, Arne Hagglof is knowledgable about the Swedish Brotherhood and all things that impact life in Sweden. His estates are in Stockholm, where he manages overseas assets and investments of the King of Sweden and influential Swedes. Jarl Hagglof dresses after the fashion of wealth – black with a silken white, frilled shirt and broad-rimmed dark hat. Everything about him – from his whig and walking staff to his highly polished shoes – bespeak wealth and good breeding. It is a foregone conclusion that his education is also first rate.

“Andreman” Gustav Stierneld hails from Gothenburg but spends much time in “New Sweden” – Delaware and the “West” Jersey” Cumberland Tract and Vineland. “Andreman” means “Second in Command”. He is a well-connected royal accountant and Notary who oversees the financial affairs in New Sweden of “Mother Country” merchant investors.

Swedish merchant-class investments in the nascent United States are substantial – and any event or circumstance that bodes ill for future profits is a priority to Stierneld. No detail is too slight for his eagle-eyes. Stierneld is a numbers wizard who can smell which way the currents and winds of high finance are moving before others know a storm is upon them. He intuits problems that can derail promising financial opportunities. His inspired investments in the tobacco trade alone has soldified his reputation as a merchant of renown throughout Scandinavia and Holland.

These two men are Sweden’s financial lifeline to their countrymen the new world.

The only one Gunnar knows personally at this conclave – other than Minister Wetterstedt – is “Mutti” Teresa Lewenhaupt, a “Botemedel” or Healer highly regarded throughout their tight-knit community. She is a jocular, rotund and good-natured old woman in a resplendent white bonnet frilled about the edges of her chubby face. Mutti instructs midwives and attends to difficult births, despite her age of sixty two. Mutti is ever-ready with a kind word, a positive song or soothing story from the “Old Times” to ease the daily grind and agonies of her fellow Vinelanders. She dresses in black and is never without her trademark long-neck clay pipe filled with fragrant, smouldering “Indian Hemp” – and just a pinch of tobacco. Her face bears the wrinkles of a lifetime of hard-knocks experience. Mutti is the rock of Vineland – a treasured constant in an otherwise chaotic universe.

Her title “Mutti” is one of reverence, as she is the tribal mother of the community – and the Swedes are, unabashedly, a Tribe. Minister Wetterstedt tends to Vinelander’s souls – but “Mutti” Lewenhaupt tends to their daily torments, from child rearing and bodily afflictions to their the moments of grief, rage and joy. She is community “Botemedel”. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of folk healing, family names, family trees, nostrums and tinctures – many of which she learned from the Lenape tribes with whom they share the Cumberland tract in New Jersey. If there is trouble brewing anywhere in Vineland, Mutti is the first to know. She is the community trip-wire because of her daily contact with just about everyone.

Minister Wetterstedt delivers brief, obligatory introductions. Everyone’s discourse is direct and, as expected, orderly. No voices are raised. There are no histrionics or exaggerations. This is business – but conducted with a solemnity and respect that pays homage to their church surroundings and is a testament to their civil Swedish character.

Once Gunnar Ekholm and Amos Anderson are seated across from the three “Guests”, it begins.

Jarl Arne Hagglof:

“Thank you, Sheriffs, for coming to speak to us. Something perilous is in our midst. We must act as one in our tradition and meet it head-on. Sheriff Ekholm, kindly show Mutti Lewenhaupt what is inside of your gunny sack.”

Sheriff Ekholm carries his sack to the corner of the altar and opens it. A waft of stench envelops the room. Mutti Lewenhaupt leans over – she’s seated at the end of the altar – and briefly removes her clay pipe from her lips. Grotesque teeth, evil and menacing, leer back at her. She spits into the bag as a gesture of disdain and then looks up. Mutti’s sly eyes peer out from under wrinkled, folded eyelids and furrowed brows framed by the white waves of her bonnet, slowly taking stock of all around her. Her face looks serene and strangely beatific. She sits up ramrod straight and utters one word.

Mutti Lewenhaupt: “Waampeer”.

Jarl Arne Hagglof:

Ja…..it is so. We’ve already heard the details of Sheriff Ekholm’s evening visitation. We invite Sheriff Anderson now to explicitly relate what transpired at the Mayberrry Ironworks. Please, Sheriff Anderson; you have the floor……. “

Sheriff Anderson recounts in full detail the events, his observations and suspicions of March 25th in Elizabethtowne at Mayberry’s Ironworks. He spares no factual item despite the gruesomeness of it all. The three special interlocutors at the altar before Ekholm and himself sit impassively still. Their faces betray no emotion or reaction to Anderson’s official recollection of the heinous murder of Jesuit Priest Jean-Francois Moulin. They are not shocked or surprised, offended or sympathetic. It is as if they’ve heard his words before. This fact nags at him – he thinks: how curious.

Jarl Arne Hagglof:

“It is only appropriate that we provide to you some background and context for what has befallen both of you. You must be able to accurately guage the danger you’re facing. You are what we Swedes call “Beskyddare” – protectors of society. You both have our respect. We owe you truth and every advantage we can provide.

First, we confirm to you what you may already suspect: there are forces in our world that are pure Evil and the handwork of Satan. His minions on Earth are the Vampyre race. They do his bidding to lure and seduce mankind into congress with them in return for wealth and privilege.

Vampyres have access to the so-called “Philosopher’s Stone” – a magic catalyst they manipulate to summon gold from base metals. Vampyres have trusted – human – alchemists that keep them financially secure. Vampyre gold reserves are legendary. And with money – comes influence. There is no government or functionary Vampyres can’t turn to their favor. Only those most steadfast and true-of-heart can resist. We know this: only those who are consecrated can fight Vampyres and win.

An Order of Catholic Priests assists Vampyres at every turn. Why? We do not know. Years ago – somehow, somewhere – the Papists entered into an agreement that bound their Jesuit Order in perpetuity to the furtherance of Vampyre interests and survival. Obviously, substantial renumeration is involved – but we suspect that their alliance is at its core much deeper. More shrouded in ancient mysteries and religious arcana………an eldrich, black covenant from the mists of the past.

And…….who is Alaric?

Around the time of your American Independence a merchant vessel under a questionable “Belgian” registry, the HMS Granville, left Bristol, England and later arrived at New York City. On board was an abortionist named Dr. Anders Grootenshilf and his wife, Aidena. With them was a sickly maidservant named Beata Kosinski.

Dr. Grootenshilf had been recently declared persona-non-grata by the Imperial Court of Catherine the Great in Saint Petersberg, Russia, where he had discretely supplied abortion services to ladies in waiting and the daughters of well-born Russian nobles. How he fell out of favor with the Imperial Court is of no consequence. We do know, however, that he’d established contact with a Vampyre coven outside of Saint Petersberg and – after an armed struggle between those Vampyres and our Varangian allies – rendered medical assitance to a terminally injured Vampyre female who apparently fell in battle.

The Varangians – ancient warriors of Kievan Rus with whom we Swedes have an accord – told us that this Vampyre female that Grootenshilf treated was pregnant. The Vampyre female ultimately died – but not before Grootenshilf cut the foetus and amniotic sac from its womb and transplanted it into his maidservant, Beata Kosinski. Grootenshilf used Kosinski’s womb as a chrysalis within which to grow the Vampyre foetus to “term”. Kosinski was a fanatical worshipper of Satan, convinced she was carrying the Antichrist. Grootenshilf sewed her womb and vaginal canal closed and somehow spliced her uterine vein into the Vampyre child’s mouth to feed it. Kosinski died a horrible death aboard the HMS Granville en route to Manhattan. The child, however, lived. It’s name is Alaric.

Grootenshilf was later hung in New York City following a botched abortion he performed on a society woman. By that time, however, baby Alaric had already been placed in the custody of Friedrich and Jacqueline Kneiphauser of Springfieldtowne, New Jersey. Her maiden name was Moulon. He brother was Jesuit Priest Jean-Francois Moulin of the Elizabethtowne Seaman’s Mission. The mother of Jacqueline and Jean-Francois Moulin was a Witch. Their father was a Jesuit Priest who was burned at the stake by the Inquisition for conducting Black Masses. They all worshipped Satan.

Sheriff Anderson – you saw the message: De Swerige Broderskap Ar Pa Jakt Alaric.

You know by now what it means in English: The Swedish Brotherhood is hunting Alaric.

Vampyres know, too, that the Swedish Brotherhood is hunting Alaric – this is why they sent an assassin to kill Sheriff Ekholm……our well-known Vinelander “Krigare” or warrior. This is why they also employed one of their usual lackeys – Gypsy scum – to try and kill you, Sheriff Anderson. They send a message by these actions – back off or else.

Why does De Sverige Broderskap want Alaric so badly?

We have intelligence that the Vampyres face an existential crisis: they cannot reproduce as easily as humans can. In fact, they have certain physical impediments in this regard. Their numbers are shrinking. Some day, they will go extinct. Their ingestion of human blood carries with it infinite risks of disease and infirmity. We know that Shyphillis is rampant in their ranks. The greenish-bluish slime that we see swathing that head in Gunnar’s gunny sack is Vampyre blood. Our physicians tell us that it is copper-based; it is not compatible with human iron-based blood. One consequence of this? They cannot have physical relations with human females and produce offspring.

What if a brutal – but simple – method could be found to gestate Vampyre babies inside human female wombs? What if Vampyres could abduct our daughters at will – and use their bodies to birth Vampyre children easily and in great numbers…….later casting the dead human females away like so much spent garbage?

The cost? Who cares! Human females of which there are thousands – all nubile and bursting with reproductive health, ready to waylayed and condemned to carry Vampyre foetuses sewed inside them until they die from convulsions and pus, delirium and blindness! Vampyres care not for humanity! They exist to drain our life’s blood – why not use our daughters as vessels to birth their spawn of evil children?

This De Sverige Broderskap will stop. They will find Alaric. They will kill Alaric – and any other freak of nature that Vampyres sew inside human female bodies. They will eradicate these abominations Vampyres seek to gestate inside butchered and abused wombs of our children. Once they know humanity will not stand for this apostacy, this blasphemy………Vampyres will relent. The Brotherhood will protect our daughters from this horror at all costs. It is Demonic. Is is the handwork of Satan. The Brotherhood vows to KILL all humans to render aid and succor to Vampyres in this nightmare, KILL all those who enable Vampyres to bring to fruition such foul, cursed offspring!

Ja……This is what we face.

As Minister Wetterstedt can attest: Exodus 22:18 KJV – “Thou shall not suffer a Witch to live”.

De Sverige Broderskap believes seeding Vampyres inside our daughters is a manifestation of Witchcraft – and thus must be punished by death in accordance with Biblical verse.”

Andreman Gustav Stierneld: Sheriff Anderson – with respect, Sir – your blood is not Swedish, is it?”

Sheriff Amos Anderson: “No. My people are from Dorchester, England.”

The three interlocutors at the altar briefly look in each other’s direction. An uncomfortable silence follows.

Andreman Gustav Stierneld:

“While I am not a lawyer, let me assure you, Sir – that our Swedish Community here in Vineland had nothing to do with the unfortunate torture and death of the Jesuit Priest Jean-Francois Moulon in your jurisdiction. What we speak of in this place today are purely abstractions. Hearsay we have gleaned from sources unidentifiable.

It is indeed ironic that the Papist Priest suffered torture that the Vatican itself has employed as part of their infamous Spanish Inquisition – their so-called, auto da fe – to wrest information from oftimes innocent souls. God works in strange ways……….perhaps the Jesuits will see it as…..Justice.

We do not advocate violence. Nor can we be held accountable for the acts of those claiming to be members of De Sverige Broderskap who interrogated Jesuit Priest Jean-Francois Moulon in Elizabethtowne. Other than some broad outlines of background information regarding the mystery of this person, Alaric – sadly – we can be of no further assitance to you.

That having been said, I trust that you have no one in mind to arrest for any crimes in Vineland?

Clearly, what Gunnar Ekholm killed is not human – ergo human statutes respecting penalties for killing another human being do not apply. The Jesuit was soul-less, empty vessel given over to the Dark Lord – bereft of any humanity. One can argue that human laws against killing do not apply to him, either. But this is all philosophy………best left to lawyers and philosophers.

Please take supper with Sheriff Ekholm this night and rest until tomorrow. A horse will be provided to you for your return trip to Little Egg Harbor. From there, a small schooner – The Lagatha – will be waiting to bring you back to Elizabethtowne Port. We will cover all expenses, of course.

Now – may we please speak to Sheriff Gunnar Ekholm privately?

Sheriff Amos Anderson nods his head in thanks to the three persons at the altar, puts his hand on Gunnar’s shoulder and says a few words before leaving the church. He has been dismissed.

Sheriff Amos Anderson: “I’ll light a pipe and wait for you outside, Gunnar.”

The Conclave continues – but now in the Swedish language. Mutti Lewenhaupt takes the floor and reveals their purpose in speaking to the two Sheriffs – but to Gunnar Ekholm in particular.

“Mutti” Lewenhaupt:

“Sheriff Ekhold – Vampyres probably have no confirmation that their attempt on your life didn’t succeed…..

This mystery serves our purpose.

De Sverige Broderskap can use your unique talents help them find Alaric – and eradicate him from our blessed Earth. We will pay all expenses. “Andreman” Stierneld and Jarl Arne Hagglof sail on first tide the day after tomorrow from New Castle, Delaware to Stockholm – and from thence will trek to our holiest place in Sweden: Uppsala.

KNOW THIS, GUNNAR! Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teaches us how to love mankind – BUT it is The Allfather, Odin, who teaches us how to fight our enemies! In the days before time itself, the Gods divided responsibilities among themselves to give mankind a fighting chance to survive. They preserve – and are not jealous of – their respective authorities. They perform their roles gladly – knowing that many teachers and guardians are better than few, mindful of the daunting adversities human beings face. Mankind has free will and chooses his own path. Our Gods provide us with the tools with which to do so.

I beg you……..go with Jarl Hagglof and Andreman Stierneld………partake of the blessings and the Old Ways at Uppsala. Consecrate your Scandinavian blood to the sacred task before you. Let The Allfather, Odin, set fires of rage in your bosom and gird your heart and loins to battle this heinous adversary, these Vampyres of Hell! We ask NOT that you foresake our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! He teaches the Love you bear for your Tribe and all mankind! We ask that you embrace the Old Ways to defeat an enemy.

Embrace The Allfather, Odin – he will be your sword in this terrible struggle……a struggle that our devine Jesus must – we are told by our Seers at Upsalla- be kept free of. Our Seers – the ‘hofgothi” have made clear that “Jesus, the God of Light” will defer to Odin in epochal struggles of human warfare and survival. Battle is Odin’s realm. Jesus’s realm is Love. Love and War are the two – polar opposite – forces that propel mankind forward. The Gods know this. They have provided for us accordingly, as beneficent Guardians. This struggle has nothing to do with Love. Evil is upon us. So we must turn to The Allfather, Odin.

Be our “Krigare” – our Warrior.

I have already spoke with your friend, Jens Svangaard. He will assume your official duties as Sheriff of Cumberland Tract for the County of Camden during your leave. We will offer no explanations to anyone, other than plead ignorance. Let the mystery of your absence mislead the evils ones into thinking their murderous plot against you has suceeded.

Go to Upsalla. Your blood is Swedish – but your soul must be Consecrated. I give you now a gold chain and pendant to wear from this day forward – it is a Mjolnir – Thor’s Hammer. It will remind you always of who you are.

May The Allfather, Odin, guide you and keep you, Gunnar Ekholm.”